Читать книгу Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR - Hans Ulrich Kriens - Страница 30

Altitudes Will be expressed and transmitted in feet Breaking action Friction coefficient


This is a part of the permanent snow plan applicable for the international airports. The mean friction coefficient will be indicated for each third for the runway. The breaking action will be measured continuously by the Skiddometer, the Surface-Friction-Tester or Tapley-Meter. All friction coefficients are measured and will be given on the basis of the following

0,40 and above good Code 5
0,39 – 0,36 medium to good Code 4
0,35 – 0,30 medium Code 3
0,29 – 0,26 medium to poor Code 2
0,25 and below poor Code 1
unreliable unreliable Code 0
Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR

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