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Chapter 1
Pain into Gain
One of ‘Those’ Moments


As ‘luck’ would have it, out of those 5,000 people, Tony Robbins chose her to work with one on one. Now picture the scene: the auditorium is huge, with giant screens at the front of the room on either side. There are cameras onstage now, trained on both of us, to capture every nuance of this interaction.

I swallow hard and hope Robbins knows what he's doing.

‘So you're depressed? Why are you depressed? Tell me about it,’ Robbins commands.

Within a few moments she is tearful, rocking back and forth on her chair in the foetal position, and she's starting to become withdrawn and unresponsive.

‘What the hell? How's this going to help?’ I'm thinking.

Then he asks her something that totally surprised me. ‘Have you ever had an explosive orgasm?’

‘Huh?’ she asks, incredulously.

‘I'm just curious. Have you ever had an explosive orgasm?’ he asked again.

‘I can't tell you that!’ she said coyly. The audience laughs.

‘Well you just told 5,000 people about this depressing episode. Why not tell us about this joyful one?’

She's stumped, and looks confused. Robbins calls on help from the audience.

‘Ladies and gentleman, can she tell us about this experience – yes or no?’

Five thousand people respond as one with ‘Yes!’ and clap enthusiastically.

Robbins asks, ‘Can you think about that time now? Go back to that time and see what you saw, hear what you heard and feel what you felt.’

She closes her eyes and begins to associate back to the experience. It starts to resemble the scene from the movie When Harry Met Sally where Sally (played by Meg Ryan) has a full-blown orgasm in a café.

The crowd cheers her on and it starts to build up – and I mean really build up, if you know what I mean. She is flushed in the face and making quite a sound through the microphone she's holding. Now remember, there are cameras onstage looking at us, so the whole audience can see on the big screens what is taking place. You should have seen the look on my face. All I remember thinking was … ‘I haven't seen this before!’

This one seminar changed her life. She was totally stuck but came to realize through this intervention that she had the power to choose her emotions depending on what she focused on and the meaning she gave to what happened to her.

I remember thinking, ‘I'm so grateful, but what a shame we had to travel internationally to resolve this. And why, when I looked for answers, was I told that tablets were the answer?’

And then, as gentle as a whisper at the back of my mind, I thought, ‘Maybe that's why you're here, Andy? Maybe it's meant to be you up there on stage too?’

I was inspired. I wanted to do something similar to Tony Robbins. I wanted to know what he knew and inspire others to make changes in their lives too. But then another thought crept in my mind: ‘Don't be ridiculous, Andy. Who's going to listen to you?’

Have YOU ever had a dream, but it just seemed too big? It seems so far away from your starting point that you give up before you've even started?

I told myself to forget about it and stop dreaming. That is, until another Tony Robbins seminar a few months later.

Passion Into Profit

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