Читать книгу The Lady of the Jewel Necklace & The Lady who Shows her Love - Harsha - Страница 8


’, before sandhi there was a vowel a

further help with vowel sandhi

When a final short vowel (a, i or u) has merged into a following vowel, we print ’ at the end of the word, and when a final long vowel (a, i or u) has merged into a following vowel we print ” at the end of the word. The vast majority of these cases will concern a final a or a.


What before sandhi was atra asti is represented as atr’ asti

Finally, three other points concerning the initial letter of the second word:

(1) A word that before sandhi begins with r (vowel), after sandhi begins with r followed by a consonant: yatha” rtu represents pre-sandhi yatha rtu.

(2) When before sandhi the previous word ends in t and the following word begins with s, after sandhi the last letter of the previous word is c and the following word begins with ch: syac chastravit represents pre-sandhi syat sastravit.

(3) Where a word begins with h and the previous word ends with a double consonant, this is our simplified spelling to show the pre-sandhi form: tad hasati is commonly written as tad dhasati, but we write tadd hasati so that the original initial letter is obvious.________

The Lady of the Jewel Necklace & The Lady who Shows her Love

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