Читать книгу Illusion Human - Heinz Kaletsch - Страница 8


Table of Contents

Preface to Illusion Human by Evelyn Ohly

Preface to Illusion Human by Nepomuk J. Meier


Chapter 1: The scientific worldview yesterday and today

Chapter 2: Invisible forces and fields

Chapter 3: The subtle body and vital energy

Chapter 4: Our brain – a holographic data carrier?

Chapter 5: Is our ego reality and reality an illusion?

Chapter 6: Interworld – a construct of here and now and hereafter?

Chapter 7: Our world – a training camp for our souls

Chapter 8: Comprehension of time – meaning and benefit for mankind

Chapter 9: Illusion of time – created to experience

Chapter 10: Everything is energy and there is no nothing

Chapter 11: Dark matter, the search for the subtle body?

Chapter 12: Quantum physics and quantum entanglement

Chapter 13: Non-local communication – God’s language?

Chapter 14: Consciousness – what it is and what it does

Chapter 15: Spirit and consciousness

Chapter 16: We have to talk about it – a definition of terms

Chapter 17: Darwinism on the test bench

Chapter 18: What is God and do we have a soul?

Chapter 19: Consciousness, spirit and matter

Chapter 20: The spirit uses matter

Chapter 21: Our brain – an interface between here and hereafter

Chapter 22: How does chocolate taste?

Chapter 23: Savants, »those who know«

Chapter 24: Divining information and intuition

Chapter 25: Purchasing information, channeling, remote viewing and telepathy

Chapter 26: Is there a free will?

Chapter 27: When the self of the ego awakes – recreate yourself!

Chapter 28: Do we live separated from God?

Chapter 29: Are we all ONE?

Chapter 30: Analogy to the mission to Mars, or a God for technicians

30.1 Analogy God/Human – NASA/mission to Mars

30.2 Scenario 1: NASA/mission to Mars

30.3 Analogy: Definition of terms

30.4 Scenario 2: God/Human

Chapter 31: Mysteries of our time and a journey to India

31.1 The perfect point in time

31.2 My palm leaf reading

31.3 How do you explain a palm leaf reading?

Chapter 32: Lucid dreaming

Chapter 33: Near-death Experiences

33.1 Impressive near-death experiences

33.2 After-death experiences

33.3 Terminal clarity of the mind

Chapter 34: Is there life before life?

Chapter 35: Reincarnation or returning from the spiritual to the material world

Chapter 36: Human illusion of life and death

Chapter 37: Are there any more dimensions and is there life?

Chapter 38: Is there good and evil?

Chapter 39: The pineal gland – a portal between here and afterlife

39.1: The secret of Bufo Alvarius

Chapter 40: Different methods of meditation and real masters

Chapter 41: Binaural frequency stimulation

Chapter 42: Astral journeys

Chapter 43: Seeing without eyes

Chapter 44: Orbs – beings or dust?

Chapter 45: Healing is possible

Chapter 46: Affirmations

Chapter 47: Ready for the spiritual transformation?

Chapter 48: End

Information about the author


List of literature

List of Illustrations

Further Reading

Illusion Human

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