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From fine gold and diamond treasures fabricated by world-renowned commercial manufacturers to a simple seashell strung on a cord by a child, humans have always sought ways to ornament themselves with jewelry. Jewelry serves many purposes—it can adorn, commemorate, denote, signal, and decorate, and also simultaneously display wealth, status, and the personal taste and style of the wearer. Unlike commercially designed and manufactured jewelry, however, artisan or studio jewelry is often a one-of-a-kind, handcrafted creation made by an independent artist/craftsman in his or her own private workshop or studio. The attractiveness of handmade jewelry lies not only in the individual expression of the artisan who made it, but also in the process of creating the work in and of itself. Handmade jewelry can bring joy to both the maker and the wearer.

A wide variety of unique metal jewelry can be made using a minimal number of hand tools by anyone willing to practice the fundamentals of the jewelry-making craft. With about a dozen tools, a variety of materials, and the will to master a few essential techniques, you too can open the door to a wide world of metal jewelry making and create your own wearable works of art.

Metal Jewelry Workshop

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