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PRAISE FOR Men on Strike

Men on Strike is an important contribution to understanding the sexual disequilibrium feminism left in its wake.”

—James Taranto, The Wall Street Journal

“The patriarchy of feminist lore is in full retreat. Three decades of media male-bashing, father-averse family courts, and feminized classrooms have led millions of male hegemons to drop out—from education, marriage, fatherhood, and even the workplace. In this riveting and eye-opening book, Helen Smith explains how it all happened, why it is harmful, and what can be done to turn things around.”

—Christina Hoff Sommers, resident scholar of the American Enterprise Institute and author of The War Against Boys

Men on Strike’s compassion for men both psychologically and socially ranks Dr. Helen Smith as perhaps the most courageous female psychologist writing about men today. If you are a man wishing to open your heart to the possibility of being seen by a woman, Helen Smith proves it is possible.”

—Warren Farrell, PhD, author of The Myth of Male Power and Why Men Are the Way They Are

“Part of what makes Men on Strike powerful is that Smith writes as both psychologist and journalist. As the former, she brings a wealth of knowledge gained through years of helping men and listening to their deepest struggles and fears. As the latter, she demonstrates that this subject isn’t simply about feelings—the myriad problems and injustices men face have a political, legal, and material basis.”

—Glenn Sacks, MA, men’s issues columnist

“One of the reasons I wanted to talk to you is because so few people today have the courage in the current cultural and political climate to stand up for men.”

—Rush Limbaugh, The Limbaugh Letter, July 2013

“It’s an important book. Read it. You may disagree with her ideas, but it’s hard to disagree with the trends Dr. Smith exposes. And ultimately, you cannot argue with men who aren’t there.”

—Shawn T. Smith, PsyD, licensed psychologist and author of The Woman’s Guide to How Men Think: Love, Commitment, and the Male Mind

“. . . her stance is sure to incite lively debate.”

Publishers Weekly

“Smith draws heavily from the actual experiences of men, using their stories and comments to illustrate the disaffection, anger, and sorrow that many feel. The anecdotes she provides—the voices of the men themselves—are powerful. . . . Smith lets us listen, and walks the reader through the ways that men’s rights have been constricted. . . . Instead of blaming men and ridiculing the lifestyle of those who have ‘failed to launch,’ Smith explores the idea that men may be making a purposeful, even rational, choice in rejecting a society that already has rejected them. . . . Also setting Smith’s book apart from other treatments of the plight of men is her advice on how they can, as individuals and as a gender group, work to restore a more balanced society.”

—Carrie Lukas, “The Siege of Men,” National Review, July 15, 2013

“However—and it can be painful to admit this—some of her premises are true. . . . Men and boys do struggle in school. They are often less able to express emotional frustration fluently. And we may owe them more support than we’re currently giving them.”

—Sarah Begley, “How We Fail Our Boys,” Daily Beast, September 13, 2013

Men on Strike

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