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When we told our friend Naushard we’d gone vegan, he exclaimed that he’d found a flaw in our plan. He discovered that the motivation was climate change. And so, with a devilish look in his eye, he told us jokingly (or not jokingly) that for every steak we didn’t eat, he was going to eat two steaks!

Great banter. Naushard is a funny guy. But let’s delve into his threat for a moment. Not only did he not buy into our logic about cutting out meat having a positive impact. He didn’t think that our not eating meat was going to make any difference at all. But he was also threatening to ensure that our change didn’t make any tangible difference anyway, by upping his meat intake to counter our meat decrease. Funny. And kind of evil.

The last time we saw Naushard, we were shocked to hear that he had given up meat. ‘I don’t eat steak anymore. I’m still eating fish, but no more steaks.’

To hear him backtrack was a genuine shock. He is the last person you would expect to go back on his word. He would prefer to keep the joke going at the expense of the truth if it made it funnier. And here he was admitting that he had not only broken his promise, but had done a total about-turn and joined us in the beef-free camp!

We see this all the time. We love it and it’s one of the best things about our job. Talk to any vegan, and they’ll have a story like this one. And it goes to show that you really do make a difference to those around you. We all affect everyone we come into contact with. What we are saying is that the system will never change if you don’t change first. Often, too, we’ve found it’s the ones who mock you the most who join you in the end – just like Henry used to laugh at Ian when he first went vegan!

Every big change in history has been started by a small collection of individuals, striving for a better world.

Whether it’s the creation of the United Nations as a peacekeeping organisation after World War 2,[66] the abolition of slavery or the global, ongoing move away from tobacco. These movements towards a better world were spearheaded by individuals changing their own views and actions, which in turn affected the views of others.

BOSH! How to Live Vegan

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