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Table of Contents

Rio from the Corcovado (page 21) Frontispiece
Looking down into the Lower City, Bahia 12
The Corcovado from Rio 20
The Harbor of Santos 24
The Docks of Buenos Aires 30
Avenida 25 de Mayo, Buenos Aires 34
The Uspallata Pass 50
Our Coach leaving the Hotel at La Quiaca 82
The Angosta de Tupiza 86
Fantastic Pinnacles in the Valleys North of Tupiza 90
A Quichua Family going to plough 94
The Valley through which we had come 98
Our First Glimpse of a Snow-clad Bolivian Mountain 112
View of the Cerro from the Roof of the Mint 120
The Cerro of Potosí from the Spanish Reservoirs 124
An Ancient Quichua Ore Crusher 124
The Market-Place of Potosí 128
Greener and more Populous Valleys 132
The Picturesque Old Church of Bartolo 134
A Pasture for Sheep and Alpacas 138
A Quichua Woman weaving at Quebrada Honda 138
The Great River Pilcomayo 142
Our Hotel in Sucre 142
An Abandoned Tambo 150
Our First View of the Great Table-land of Bolivia 150
A Friendly Llama Baby 160
My Mule on the Last Day’s Ride 160
The Prefectura and Plaza of Oruro 166
A Quaint Old Balcony in Oruro 170
A Corner in Oruro 170
Battlefield of Maipo near Santiago 186
Mollendo 212
The Cathedral of Arequipa and Mt. Chachani 216
An Old Doorway in Arequipa 216
Chachani and Misti 216
Monolithic Image at Tiahuanaco 228
The Market-Place of La Paz 232
A Remarkable Stairway at Tiahuanaco 232
Balsas near Guaqui on Lake Titicaca 240
An Old Church near the Bolivia Railway 240
Great Platforms of Stone weighing Many Tons 250
Part of the Great Monolithic Doorway 250
Llamas of Cuzco 258
Cuzco from Sacsahuaman 258
Sacsahuaman 266
The Plaza, Cuzco, with Cathedral and Jesuit Church 266
A Section of the Lower Terrace, Sacsahuaman 274
An Inca Vase from Cuzco 278
Articles of Dress and a Decorated Mule Halter from Cuzco 278
The Gobernador of Curahuasi and his Family 288
A Chasm down which plunged a Small Cataract 298
The Wonderful Cañon of the Apurimac 298
Sunrise at Choqquequirau 302
The Frail Little Bridge over the Apurimac 302
A Story and a Half High, built of Stones laid in Clay 308
The Party Wall rises to the Peak 308
The Interior of the Buildings near the Outer Precipice 312
The Upper Six Steps of the Giant Stairway 312
Skulls, etc., from Choqquequirau 316
Interior of a Building at Choqquequirau 316
Our Cavalcade on the Bridge of Pachachaca 324
Some of the Sheep had very Long Curly Horns 334
The Club at Chincheros 338
The Large Plaza of Ayacucho 342
The Bridge over the River Pampas 342
Ayacucho 346
The Courtyard of the Hotel 346
A Picturesque Corner in Ayacucho 350
Crossing the Pongora River on the Shaky Suspension Bridge 350
The Battlefield of Ayacucho 354
The Battlefield as it appeared to the Spaniards 354
The Bridge over the Huarpa 362
Urumyosi 366
The Hut near Paucara 366
The Toll-Bridge of Tablachaca 368
Sunday Morning in Huancayo 372
The Author’s Route across South America 3
Southern Peru 81
Southern Bolivia 281
Choqquequirau and Vicinity 307
Lower Plaza Choqquequirau 310
Upper Plaza Choqquequirau 314
Cuzco and Neighboring Fortresses 318
Across South America

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