Читать книгу The Little Princess - Hélène Martenet - Страница 9



When Foxy came by again, he saw the Little Princess in tears by the side of the path. He stopped and came up to her.

“I‘m speechless,” the Little Princess said. “I‘m listening to Mother Nature; She speaks to me, She touches me...”

“Hmm,” Foxy said, “and what is She telling you?”

Foxy was a wise fox, but the Little Princess didn‘t know it yet.

“Oh,” the Little Princess answered, “that sometimes events happen that make it seem like the world has stopped in order for people to deal with their health, take care of the people they love and just enjoy being, that we should settle down and listen more often to this Mother Nature who is so wise and kind.”

“Mmm,” Foxy said, “you are sensing the Life that represents Mother Nature. The Life that is at the core of all things, that surrounds you and whispers in your ears...”

The Little Princess

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