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Thank you from my heart to:

My clients and community. Thank you for believing that I had something to offer and for your trust, confidence, and support. I am grateful and blessed to have you.

Sunrise River Press, most especially to Molly Koecher for discovering me in More magazine and for overseeing this book with such care. I am grateful.

More magazine Editor-in-Chief Lesley Jane Seymour, for highlighting my work as a Reinvention Story in her magazine.

My guest contributors: Dr. Mark Hyman, Sarma Melngailis, Natalia Rose, Dr. Alejandro Junger, Jenny Nelson, Elizabeth Petty, and Amy Waldman. Most especially to Dr. Frank Lipman, for writing the foreword, and to Jennifer Mielke.

Joshua Rosenthal and the team at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition for leading the way and changing my life.

Sheila Buff, for your nutritional wisdom and incredible editing talent.

Jennifer Elsner, for your impeccable sense of design, beauty, and style for my overall brand; for creating my website; and for your influence, design direction, and styling. To Chelsea Fullerton, for your talented and inspiring photography. Your great eye, infectious laugh, and lovely persona made it all fun, casual, and easy.

To the photo shoot team: Thank you to the Ellwood Thompson stores for allowing us a beautiful and healthy location. More location thank-yous to Bill Sorrell and Rob Smith, Michelle Martello, and Jennifer Elsner and David Shields for allowing us access to your homes. To Lauren Thorsen for her production skills, and to Jennifer Saunders and Mary Dandridge, the two styling angels.

Robin Colucci, for coaxing this book out of me, with so much gratitude.

Pamela Henning, for being a wonderful, supportive friend from the very beginning.

Bill Couzens, for founding Less Cancer, being a great friend, and making me laugh.

Karin Witzig Rozell, Leni Onkka, Erika Lyremark, Nisha Moodley, Tara Sophia Mohr, Danielle LaPorte, and Marie Forleo, for your wisdom and inspirational coaching.

Janice Formicella, for your research, support, and everything else.

My girlfriends—you know who you are. Thank you for listening and cheering me on. I love you ladies and could not have written this book without your help; dragging me out of the house, encouraging me to keep going, and making me laugh.

My mastermind and entrepreneur colleagues, we’re in this together, and I’m so happy to be in your circle.

Mom and Dad, I love you and I am grateful to be your daughter, and thank you to my sisters and your families for your support.

My son, Nathanael Ormsby Nikolai Anatoly Thompson. I’m sorry my head was buried in my Mac so much this past year(s). Thank you for being you.

Moses, I will always be yours. Thank you for listening and being there for me.

And to my adopted furry companions, who are by my side each day.

Discover Your Nutritional Style

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