Читать книгу A Modern History of the Somali - I. M. Lewis - Страница 12


The Colonial Partition of Somaliland

14 Exchange of letters dated 8 February and 19 March, 1889, between the Sultan of Obbia, ‘Ali Yusuf, and the Italian Consul V. Filonardi assigning the Sultan an annuity of 1200 dollars in return for his acceptance of Italian protection.

15 Troops embarking at Mogadishu in 1925 for the operations against the Sultans of Obbia and Alula which finally incorporated these northern Italian protectorates in the colony of Somalia.

16 The ruins of Sayyid Muhammad ‘Abdille Hassan’s headquarters in Taleh, in the north-east of Somalia, as they appeared in 1950, thirty years after the aerial bombardment by the British and the collapse of the Dervish movement.

17 The Duke of Abruzzi, who founded the Societa Agricola Italo-Somala which rationalized plantation farming in the colony and revolutionized its economy. The Duke, a direct heir to the Spanish throne, died in 1933 and is buried in the plantation centre named after him (Villagio Duca degli Abruzzi) on the Shebelle River.

A Modern History of the Somali

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