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There is no need to look for heroes with developing cloaks on the roofs of high-rise buildings, because they are among us and who better than us not to ask them a couple of questions and tell them about them? These are brave doctors, brave firefighters, proud rescuers and just those who make our life even better…


There are no hopeless doctors, there are only hopeless patients.

Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna)

Alieva Ranohon Mukaramovna was born on September 6, 1938 in the city of Margilan, in the family of cinematographer, creator of the first cinema in the history of Uzbekistan Aliev Mukaram Rakhmonalievich, about whom it was told in one of the past dedications. Since childhood, Ranohon Mukaramovna loved to help people, tried to help everyone, which is why she chose this valiant profession of a nurse. In 1959, she successfully graduated from school, and then in 1962 she graduated from the medical school of the city of Margilan, becoming an operating nurse. For the first 15 years she worked in the surgical department of the Margilan City Hospital. Nurses have always occupied a special position in the social group of medical workers, embodying the ideals of mercy, compassion, and assistance to everyone in need. A nurse should have increasingly complex medical, pedagogical, psychological, technical knowledge and skills, which Ranokhon Mukaramovna certainly possessed.

She often participated in the most diverse and extremely complex operations of that time, at a time when medicine was not yet developed, there were glass syringes, old autoclaves and there was not enough medical experience gained over time over the entire XX century. Among the complex operations, it is possible to note the operation on the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal system. It is mentioned that when a famous doctor from Fergana came to the surgical department to perform a complex operation among all the assistants, the chief doctor of the hospital proposed the candidacy of Ranokhon Mukaramovna, then he was surprised at the small growth of the nurse, for whom a miniature ladder was specially placed and it was thanks to her help that the patient with severe complications survived.

Thinking and creativity. №1, 2023. International Informational Literary and Popular Magazine

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