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UDC 62—83

Sayitov Shukhrat Samidinovich

4th year student of the Department of «Electronics and Instrumentation» of the Faculty of Computer Design Systems of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Abdurakhmonov Sultonali Mukaramovich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of «Electronics and Instrumentation» of the Faculty of Computer Design Systems of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute

Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

Annotation. The demonstration of an active increase in the use of electric drive devices at a wide variety of capacities indicates the need for further study and possible design for both large and small capacities. For such a review and hypothetical analysis, a real work has been created analyzing all outgoing aspects.

Keywords: electric drive, modern active development, research of electromagnetism, polarity of electric drives, power characteristics.

Аннотация. Демонстрация активного увеличения актов использования электроприводных устройств на самых различных мощностях говорит о необходимости дальнейшего их изучения и возможного проектирования как для больших, так и для малых мощностей. Для подобного обзора и гипотетического анализа создана настоящая работа, анализирующая все исходящие аспекты.

Ключевые слова: электропривод, современное активное развитие, исследование электромагнетизма, полярность электрических приводов, мощностные характеристики.

Before starting the study, it is necessary to pay attention to the very definition of an electric drive, which is abbreviated as electric drives or EP, which is a controlled electromechanical system designed to convert the electrical power entering the created system into mechanical action. Or by using the same physical phenomena back to from mechanical power to electrical power in order to fully control this process.

However, such a definition is more correlated with modern electric drives, which are not only one device, but are also a whole set of many electric machines, apparatuses and control systems. In practical use and actual machines, the main consuming element in 60% of cases is the main consumer of incoming energy and almost always the main source of mechanical energy.

Fig. 1. Photo of a modern electric drive

If we turn to the documentary definitions of this type of devices, according to GOST R 50369—92, an electric drive is an electromechanical system consisting of electric power converters, electromechanical and mechanical converters, control and information devices, as well as devices interfacing with external electrical, mechanical, control and information systems. Each of them aims to set in motion the used organs of the working machine and thus control this movement in order to implement the entire technological process being carried out.

Here it is also worth paying attention to some division, namely the fact that from the legal definition, according to GOST, the executive body is not part of the device itself, however, in other authoritative sources, textbooks, monographs and others, the active part is part of the electric drive. At first, this division may seem really absurd, but in fact, all this is due to the fact that when designing an electric drive, it is necessary to take into account the mechanical load on the motor shaft, which in turn is determined by the executive body, that is, in this case, 2 devices are obtained.

Fig. 2. Cluster of demonstration types of electric drives

In this case, the executive body and the electric motor itself act as two separate devices according to GOST logic, but each of them is always selected for each other’s parameters, which is why, according to the logic of various authoritative scientific sources, they are considered as a single device. But along with this, it is worth taking into account the element connecting these two elements, namely, an electromechanical drive with its own efficiency, gear ratio and pulsations, taking into account which it is necessary to calculate the properties of the entire formed connecting system.

Used literature

1. Anuchin, A. S. Control systems of electric drives / A. S. Anuchin. – Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2015. – 373 p.

2. Bekishev, R. F. Electric drive: Textbook for academic bachelor’s degree / R. F. Bekishev, Yu. N. Dementiev. – Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016. – 301 p.

3. Burkov, A. F. Fundamentals of theory and operation of marine electric drives: Textbook / A. F. Burkov. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2018. – 340 p.

4. Burkov, A. F. Ship electric drives: Textbook / A. F. Burkov. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2019. – 372 p.

5. Vasiliev, B. G. Electric drive. Electric drive power engineering: Textbook / B. G. Vasiliev. – M.: Solon-press, 2015. – 268 p.

6. Vasiliev, B. Y. Electric drive. Electric drive power engineering / B. Y. Vasiliev. Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2015. – 268 p.

7. Epifanov, A. P. Electric drive in agriculture: Textbook / A. P. Epifanov, A. G. Gushchinsky, L. M. Malaychuk. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2016. – 224 p.

8. Kurbanov, S. A. Fundamentals of electric drive: Textbook / S. A. Kurbanov, D. S. Magomedova. – St. Petersburg: Lan P, 2016. – 192 p.

9. Moskalenko, V. V. Automated control systems of electric drive / V. V. Moskalenko. Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2016. – 208 p.

10. Moskalenko, V. V. Automated control systems of electric drive: Uch. / V. V. Moskalenko. – M.: Infra-M, 2018. – 576 p.

11. Nemenko, A.V. Mechanical components of electric drive of machines: calculation and design: Textbook / A.V. Nemenko. – M.: University textbook, 2017. – 80 c.

12. Nemenko, A.V. Mechanical components of the electric drive of machines: calculation and design: Textbook / A.V. Nemenko. – M.: University textbook, 2017. – 253 p.

13. Nikitenko, G. V. Pulsator of a milking machine with a linear electric drive: Monograph / G. V. Nikitenko, I. V. Kapustin, V. A. Grinchenko. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2017. – 196 p.

14. Nikulin, O. V. Development and research of a frequency-controlled synchronous electric drive of a drilling pump / O. V. Nikulin. – M.: Rusains, 2015. – 160 p.

15. Onishchenko, G. B. Theory of electric drive: Textbook / G. B. Onishchenko. – M.: Infra-M, 2018. – 384 p.

16. Frolov, Yu. M. Adjustable asynchronous electric drive: Textbook / Yu. M. Frolov, V. P. Shelyakin. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2018. – 464 p.

17. Yani, A.V. Adjustable asynchronous electric drive: Textbook / A.V. Yani. – SPb.: Lan, 2016. – 464 p.


UDC 351.811.122

Ruzibaev Navruz Inomovich

System Engineer of JSC «Ferghana Azot»
JSC «Ferghana Azot», Ferghana, Uzbekistan
Abdurakhmonov Sultonali Mukaramovich
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Computer Design Systems of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute

Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

Annotation. The modern development of the general infrastructure of real cities and megacities leads to an increase in the number of vehicles, due to which the general probability of allowing certain harm to the population as a result of the human factor increases. Consequently, such a question is becoming more and more relevant every day, every hour and every minute, and of course, could not remain out of sight of the city administration, scientists and security representatives during road traffic phenomena, as a result of which a technology was developed, announced as revolutionary, called «Smart Pedestrian» and allegedly having no analogues in itself. However, unfortunately, already today a large number of very different aspects are being identified that are necessary for consideration.

Keywords: road transport phenomena, «Smart pedestrian», safety, modern developments, infrastructure, logistics of the road transport system.

Аннотация. Современное развитие общей инфраструктуры настоящих городов и мегаполисов ведёт к увеличению количества транспортных средств, за счёт чего возрастает и общая вероятность допущения в следствие человеческого фактора определённого вреда населению. Следовательно, подобный вопрос становится всё более актуальным с каждым днём, с каждым часов и каждой минутой и конечно, не могло остаться вне поля зрения администрации городов, учёных и представителей безопасности во время дорожно-транспортных явлений, в результате чего и была разработана технология, объявленная как революционная, под названием «Умный пешеход» и якобы не имеющий в себе аналогов. Однако, к большому сожалению, уже сегодня выявляется большое количество самых различных аспектов, необходимые для рассмотрения.

Ключевые слова: дорожно-транспортные явления, «Умный пешеход», безопасность, современная разработки, инфраструктура, логистика дорожно-транспортной системы.

Analyzing such a technology as «Smart Pedestrian» (Fig. 1), it is worth paying attention to the fact that it was created in its ideological component in order to actively indicate the presence of a zebra and a pedestrian crossing in a variety of weather conditions, during snowfall, rain, downpour, strong winds and other cases when the surface the land with a zebra is not visible to road users. The solution to this problem was a «Smart pedestrian» in the face of two powerful spotlights that cast a projected image on the surface of the road, as well as displaying special inscriptions about the presence of a pedestrian.

Fig. 1. Illustration of the «Smart Pedestrian»

It is noteworthy that some models can be turned off and turned on immediately after the pedestrian exits and immediately warn the driver about it. Another positive side of almost all varieties of this technology is that they are visible at a great distance of 150 meters – at a distance where a driver traveling at speeds up to 60 km / h will fully have time to brake even if there is not the best braking system or if a slight malfunction is detected during this act of driving.

However, it is worth paying attention to the negative aspects that have opened up after the application of this technology in practice. The most striking disadvantage was the fact that due to the use of such technology, as a result of which the number of road accidents should have decreased, on the contrary, they increased sharply. The reason for this was some aspects, namely the fact that during the exit to the «Smart Pedestrian», the pedestrian himself is also under the spotlight, which makes him almost invisible, even at a short distance, creating the illusion of an empty road for all drivers, as a result of which drivers simply do not have time to slow down before the moment until the distance becomes critical.

In addition, not the least among these reasons is the extremely high cost of this kind of equipment, many times exceeding the value of the cost of all other versions and models that comparatively perform the same functions. However, another of the disadvantages of this model can be attributed to the problem of blinding pedestrians quite often, the use of a «Smart Pedestrian» in time, which is why you have to bend over and dodge this bright light, which in turn makes the pedestrian even more defenseless.

After all, if the driver is subject to the illusion, then there would be a chance for the pedestrian to somehow dodge, and now, due to the effect of pedestrian immobility, this chance drops to almost zero. Another bad side of such technology is that during the movement of a pedestrian, a car and the use of this technology in general, the light of incident radiation changes quite often and quickly – from white to yellow and back, which happens very quickly compared to the speed of a pedestrian. Because of this, it becomes the cause of an epileptic seizure in individuals suffering from this ailment.

All sciences. №6, 2023. International Scientific Journal

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