Читать книгу The Kremlin School of Negotiation - Igor Ryzov - Страница 6



What prevents us from achieving our goals? The answer, of course, will depend on the situation. Whenever a person has a goal they want to accomplish, they will first (if they are mildly practical, at least) consider what obstacles they will have to overcome. And often they’ll find that the list of potential obstacles could quite easily go on forever.

So what prevents negotiators – even very experienced ones – from achieving their goals? Inflexibility, unwillingness to compromise, personal ambitions . . . yes, that list could also go on for a while.

In my workshops, I am often asked similar questions. When I answer, I always give thought to the specific circumstances at hand. However, over the years I have come to realise that it would make sense to provide some more general answers, too. This is how the idea for this book was born, although it should be said, it isn’t only about providing answers. With this book, I wanted to create a teaching aid to guide you through one of the most complex disciplines of any business course – a negotiation manual, if you like. In it, I have included exercises that will not only help you to discover a variety of effective negotiation methods, but, more importantly, to put them into practice straight away. This book will become your very own negotiation tool, a personal arsenal of ‘combat’ techniques.

When I say ‘you’, I mainly have in mind those who have already discovered negotiation as both a science and a true art. This book will be of use to anyone who wants to prepare for negotiations in advance, considering all of the possible steps and alternative scenarios that might arise. These are no empty words: in my own studies – which include time spent at the Camp Negotiation Institute in the USA – I have always tried to put the most valuable lessons into practice. Every thought set down on these pages has passed through my own personal prism of perception, experience and awareness. Barring the odd historical or diplomatic reference, all of the examples in this book come from my own experience. The recommendations and advice have been honed over time, and their advantages thoroughly analysed. So who has been doing this analysis, and when?

Well, reader, at the risk of sounding arrogant, the answer is: me. A man with over seventeen years’ experience in sales and purchasing. A man who has spent almost half of his sixteen-hour working day leading tough – often at first glance hopeless – business negotiations.

Let me establish one point up front: despite the book’s title, these negotiation techniques in no way encourage rudeness or excessive pressure. Quite the opposite, as it happens.

Modern life often pits us against a wide range of characters – from ‘yobs’ to ‘louts’, ‘ball-breakers’ to ‘princes’ – with whom, like it or not, we still have to do business. These people’s negotiating styles can, if not completely discourage and confuse, make it hard for us to get the results we need.

In this book, I will also present to you the special techniques for tough negotiations employed, among others, by the Russian secret services. Here, you will learn some basic strategies that will allow you to put yourself in the driving seat and maintain command in complex negotiations. In addition, you will also get the chance to perfect and put into practice skills that will help you to steer tough negotiations. These skills must be honed, so this book comes complete with extensive exercises. Negotiation is, first and foremost, about practice. Good luck!


important information / key points
examples and situations
definitions and rules
examples from history and diplomacy
questions for the reader
The Kremlin School of Negotiation

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