Читать книгу I am the COUGAR - Irina Bjørnø - Страница 3

1. Who is the Cougar?


Duality is the basic quality of existence. Day and night are supplementary to each other. Love and hate are the two sides of the same: relations. It is natural. If you do not hate your husband/boyfriend sometimes you have no relations with him. When you have no family you feel unhappy; when you create a family you still feel unhappy sometimes (differently unhappy) – it is the duality of life. But without duality there is no development. I suggest that you start to love life’s conflicts and stay happy!

A positive life without conflicts is an impotent life. Paradise is not complete without hell. Polarity is natural. A woman is yin (from Venus) and a man is yang (from Mars) – it is the fundamental conflict of life – and it is the beauty of existence! Without this fundamental difference life cannot exist and proceed! Children are the result of this life duality.

Lesbian couples cannot create a child, gay couples are in the same position – they lack the fundamental duality, polarisation, and have very little conflicts inside their relationships. Polarisation exists in homosexual relations, also, but not the genetic one; their polarisation is more a play (like a theatre roles). It is not a natural polarisation. It is like the difference between nature and art. Nature is natural and ever changing; art is a fake, it could be a very beautiful fake, but it is always the same. Art is a reflection of the momentary mood of its creator, his self-therapy. Only a few artists can reflect nature as an objective science, as Leonardo, Rafael, Mozart and several others to name a few.

«Cougar» is part of your personality as a destroyer, as a negative motivator, as a magical power of creation a new reality. «Cougar» is your strength against everyday hazards, messes, and madness. It is the protection part of your «little mermaid».

There are three phases of your personal activities during all of your life: they are the creative phase, maintenance phase and destruction phase. Each part of these phases demands your active position. Sometime only the Cougar can fulfil all these challenges. A sweet lady has no power to make the changes happen. The Cougar has.

In order to enjoy your life story you need to allow yourself to try different sides of existence. If you suppress part of yourself you will never understand the beauty to be a whole person, to be beyond your duality, to be happy.

To be whole as a person you need to develop your «Cougar» style and enjoy it.

I am the COUGAR

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