Читать книгу Blue Sunday - Irma Venter - Страница 15



Thursday, 8 February, 18:07

I phone Ranna as soon as I drive out of the Stables. “Are you still at Sarah’s?”


My stomach is churning from hunger. “Have you eaten yet?”

“We’re busy. Pizza. Do you want a slice?”


“We’ll leave you some.” A door slams shut. “How was the interview?”

“Less bullshit than I expected.”

“That’s good news.”

“Captain Williams sends her regards,” I tease.

“Are you serious?”

“Would I lie to you?”

“What did you say?”

“That we’re married with three dogs and a hamster and that my mother-in-law is one nasty woman.”

“You underestimate yourself. You lie quite well.” Silence. “Are you serious? Is that what you said?”

“No. I said there was a new woman in my life.”

“Did she believe you?”

“Who knows? I’ll be there soon. Ask Sarah to fire up her computer in the meantime.”


“I want her to look for something. Do you think she will?”

“She’ll do anything for you. You know that.”

We say goodbye and I phone Jasmine, NewsNow’s news editor. Jasmine is a large woman with a great fear of small spaces and an obsession with Madonna and the British royal family.

“You got a story for me?” she asks.


“Great! I don’t have anything to lead with on the sites tomorrow, no kak and drama. Even the bloody courts are quiet. What did the cop tell you?”

“Not much. She’s just taken over the case. There are no new clues.”

“Just her?”

“No, there was a sergeant from forensics there too. Looks like Captain Williams has a team, but much smaller than the previous one. And just so you know: I’m not allowed to quote her.”

“Fuck these people. They’re the ones who arranged this interview!”

“At least I found out why. They want help. Willem van Zyl went out that night between nine and one and no one knows where he was.”

“The son? That’s interesting. Write your story. If you hurry, we might get it onto the front page of the print edition too.”

Blue Sunday

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