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AV Authorized Version of the Bible
Bede, History Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People, ed. Bertram Colgrave and R. A. B. Mynors (Oxford, 1969)
Chaucer References are to The Riverside Chaucer, ed. Larry D. Benson (Boston, 1987; Oxford, 1988)
EETS Early English Text Society (e.s. = extra series)
Guide to Old English Bruce Mitchell and Fred C. Robinson, A Guide to
Old English (6th edn, Oxford, 2001)
Linguistic Atlas A. McIntosh, M. L. Samuels and M. Benskin, A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English (Aberdeen, 1986)
ME Middle English
MED Middle English Dictionary
OE Old English
OED Oxford English Dictionary
ON Old Norse
PL Patrologia Latina, ed. J.‐P. Migne
Trevisa, Properties On the Properties of Things. Ɉohn Trevisa’s Translation of Bartholomæus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (Oxford, 1975)
Vulgate References are to the Douai translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible (see 12/92n.)
Whiting B. J. Whiting and H. W. Whiting, Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases from English Writings Mainly Before 1500 (Cambridge, Mass., 1968)

Abbreviations of grammatical terms are listed in the Headnote to the Glossary.

A Book of Middle English

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