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Boxes.—If you mean to collect eggs, the first thing you need is a box; and the most useful box I ever had was a tin cigarette-box (100 size) divided into compartments with strips of cardboard. Each division was lined with cotton wool, and the lid covered with the same, so that all one had to do was to open the lid, slip the egg into an empty space, and shut it again, to have one’s egg safely packed. Larger eggs than the box was meant for could easily be accommodated by pulling out a division and making two spaces into one. This is better than carrying a lot of little pill-boxes, as you are very liable to pull out one that has an egg in it already, and you don’t want to stay at the top of a tree in a high wind any longer than you can help. I remember I was in that very predicament when the idea first came to me. If you have to pack eggs in a box without divisions, the only safe way is to roll up each one in a strip of cotton-wool; otherwise you are very likely to find when you get home that they have all collected into one corner, and it is sure to be the best that is broken.

Stick.—The next necessity is a stick. Of course everyone knows the value of a hooked stick in climbing a tree, but if you take my advice you will borrow that when you need it, and for your own use carry a long light hazel or something of the sort. The thick end will help you along the road, and the thin end does for poking about among nettles, beating bushes, etc., and will find you lots of nests that are just out of reach of the ordinary walking stick. It should be long and thin, but stiff, so that if you can get hold of one that was cut last year it will serve the purpose better than a green one.

Mirror.—Another very useful thing is a small mirror, like those periscopes made to fix on the point of a bayonet, which you can rig up to go on the end of your stick, so that you can see into nests up above in a hedge or tree without climbing right to them. Not only is it a prickly business at times, but you may make the bird desert, or leave traces which will give away the nest to the next comer; so that it is worth while to make sure that a nest has eggs before you disturb it.

Scoop.—The next thing you need is a small wire scoop for getting eggs out of holes. This is easily made, the scoop part out of the finest wire you can get, and the shank of stouter iron wire, thick enough to stay in any shape into which you may bend it. It need not be much more than a foot long, as you can easily bend it on to a stick if you want to reach further. It takes up no room in your pocket when folded up, and you should never go out without it.

Field-glass and Camera.—A good field-glass is very useful indeed, and if you have a camera that will focus down to 3 feet or so, you will naturally take that along, too.

Note-book.—You may think a note-book is nothing but a nuisance, but believe me if you come across a bird or a nest that you don’t know, you will do far better to write down anything you notice about it on the spot than to trust to your memory. If you only notice that the bird has a speckled throat, or a bar on the wing, or something of that sort, the index at the end of the book will give you a pretty good idea what it is.

Birds Nesting and Egg Collecting

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