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Table of Contents

American Archives.

Answer of Cornwallis to Clinton. London, 1783.

Bancroft (George.) History of the United States. London, N.D.

Burt (Captain.) Letters from the North of Scotland, London. 1815.

Burton (J.H.) Darien Papers, Bannatyne Club. 1849

Burton (J.H.) History of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1853.

Celtic Monthly, Inverness, 1876–1888.

Georgia Historical Society Collections.

Graham (James J.) Memoirs General Graham, Edinburgh, 1862.

Hotten (J.C.) List of Emigrants to America, New York, 1874.

Johnson (C.) History Washington County, New York, Philadelphia, 1878.

Keltie (J.S.). History of the Highland Clans, Edinburgh, 1882.

Lecky (W.E.H.) History of England. London, 1892.

Lossing (B.J.) Field-Book of the American Revolution. New York, 1855.

Macaulay (T.B.) History of England, Boston, N.D.

McDonald (H.) Letter-Book, New York Historical Society, 1892.

Macdonell (J.A.) Sketches of Glengarry, Montreal. 1893.

McLeod (D.) Brief Review of the Settlement of Upper Canada, Cleveland, 1841.

Martin (M.) Description Western Isles, Glasgow, 1884.

National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, Philadelphia, 1852.

New York Documentary and Colonial History.

North Carolina Colonial Record.

Paterson (J.) History Pictou County. Nova Scotia, Montreal. 1893.

Proceedings Scotch-Irish American Congress. 1889–1896.

Rogers (H.) Hadden's Journal and Orderly Book, Albany, 1884.

Scott (Sir W.) Lady of the Lake, New York, N.D.

Scott (Sir W.) Tales of a Grandfather, Boston, 1852.

Smith (William) History of New York, New York, 1814.

Smith (W.H.) St. Clair Papers, Cincinnati, 1882.

Sparks (Jared) Writings of Washington, Boston. 1837.

Stephens (W.B.) History of Georgia, New York. 1859.

St. Clair (Arthur.) Narrative, Philadelphia, 1812.

Stewart (David.) Sketches of the Highlanders, Edinburgh, 1822.

Stone (W.L.) Life of Joseph Brant, New York. 1838.

Stone (W.L.) Orderly Book of Sir John Johnson, Albany, 1882.

Tarleton (Lieut. Col.) Campaigns of, 1780–1781. London, 1787.

Washington and his Generals, Philadelphia, 1848.

An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America

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