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The first body of Highlanders to arrive in the New World was as much military as civil. Their lines were cast in evil waters, and disaster awaited them. They formed a very essential part of a colony that engaged in what has been termed the Darien Scheme, which originated in 1695, and so mismanaged as to involve thousands in ruin, many of whom had enjoyed comparative opulence. Although this project did not materially affect the Highlands of Scotland, yet as Highland money entered the enterprise, and as quite a body of Highlanders perished in the attempted colonization of the isthmus of Panama, more than a passing notice is here demanded.

Scottish people have ever been noted for their caution, frugality, and prudence, and not prone to engage in any speculation unless based on the soundest business principles. Although thus characterized, yet this people engaged in the most disastrous speculation on record; established by act of the Scottish parliament, and begun by unprecedented excitement. The leading cause which impelled the people headlong into this catastrophe was the ruination of the foreign trade of Scotland by the English Navigation Act of 1660, which provided that all trade with the English colonies should be conducted in English ships alone. Any scheme plausibly presented was likely to catch those anxious to regain their commercial interests, as well as those who would be actuated to increase their own interests. The Massacre of Glencoe had no little share in the matter. This massacre, which occurred February 13, 1692, is the foulest blot in the annals of crime. It was deliberately planned by Sir John Dalrymple and others, ordered by king William, and executed by Captain Robert Campbell of Glenlyon, in the most treacherous, brutal, atrocious, and bloodthirsty manner imaginable, and perpetrated without the shadow of a reasonable excuse—infancy and old age, male and female alike perished. The bare recital of it is awful; and the barbarity of the American savage pales before it. In every quarter, even at court, the account of the massacre was received with horror and indignation. The odium of the nation rose to a great pitch, and demanded that an inquiry be made into this atrocious affair. The appointment of a commission was not wrung from the unwilling king until April 29, 1695. The commission, as a whole, acted with great fairness, although they put the best possible construction on the king's order, and threw the whole blame on Secretary Dalrymple. The king was too intimately connected with the crime to make an example of any one, although through public sentiment he was forced to dismiss Secretary Dalrymple. Not one of those actually engaged in the perpetration of the crime were dismissed from the army, or punished for the butchery, otherwise than by the general hatred of the age in which they lived, and the universal execration of posterity. The tide of feeling set in against king William, and before it had time to ebb the Darien Scheme was projected. The friends of William seized the opportunity to persuade him that some freedom and facilities of trade should be granted the Scotch, and that would divert public attention from the Glencoe massacre. Secretary Dalrymple also was not slow to give it the support of his eloquence and interest, in hopes to regain thereby a part of his lost popularity.

The originator of the Darien Scheme was William Paterson, founder of the Bank of England, a man of comprehensive views and great sagacity, born in Scotland, a missionary in the Indies, and a buccaneer among the West India islands. During his roving course of life he had visited the isthmus of Panama—then called Darien—and brought away only pleasant recollections of that narrow strip of land that unites North and South America. On his return to Europe his first plan was the national establishment of the Bank of England. For a brief period he was admitted as a director in that institution, but it befell to Paterson that others possessed of wealth and influence, interposed and took advantage of his ideas, and then excluded him from the concern. Paterson next turned his thoughts to the plan of settling a colony in America, and handling the trade of the Indies and the South Seas. The trade of Europe with the remote parts of Asia had been carried on by rounding the Cape of Good Hope. Paterson believed that the shorter, cheaper, and more expeditious route was by the isthmus of Panama, and, as he believed, that section of the country had not been occupied by any of the nations of Europe; and as it was specially adapted for his enterprise it should be colonized. He averred that the havens were capacious and secure; the sea swarmed with turtle; the country so mountainous, that though within nine degrees of the equator, the climate was temperate; and yet roads could be easily constructed along which a string of mules, or a wheeled carriage might in the course of a single day pass from sea to sea. Fruits and a profusion of valuable herbs grew spontaneously, on account of the rich black soil, which had a depth of seven feet; and the exuberant fertility of the soil had not tainted the purity of the atmosphere. As a place of residence alone, the isthmus was a paradise; and a colony there could not fail to prosper even if its wealth depended entirely on agriculture. This, however, would be only a secondary matter, for within a few years the entire trade between India and Europe would be drawn to that spot. The merchant was no longer to expose his goods to the capricious gales of the Antarctic Seas, for the easier, safer, cheaper route must be navigated, which was shortly destined to double the amount of trade. Whoever possessed that door which opened both to the Atlantic and Pacific, as the shortest and least expensive route would give law to both hemispheres, and by peaceful arts would establish an empire as splendid as that of Cyrus or Alexander. If Scotland would occupy Darien she would become the one great free port, the one great warehouse for the wealth that the soil of Darien would produce, and the greater wealth which would be poured through Darien, India, China, Siam, Ceylon, and the Moluccas; besides taking her place in the front rank among nations. On all the vast riches that would be poured into Scotland a toll should be paid which would add to her capital; and a fabulous prosperity would be shared by every Scotchman from the peer to the cadie. Along the desolate shores of the Forth Clyde villas and pleasure grounds would spring up; and Edinburgh would vie with London and Paris. These glowing prospects at first were only partially disclosed to the public, and the name of Darien was unpronounced save only to a few of Paterson's most confidential friends. A mystery pervaded the enterprise, and only enough was given out to excite boundless hopes and desires. He succeeded admirably in working up a sentiment and desire on the part of the people to become stockholders in the organization. The hour for action had arrived; so on June 26, 1695, the Scottish parliament granted a statute from the Crown, for creating a corporate body or stock company, by name of the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies, with power to plant colonies and build forts in places not possessed by other European nations, the consent of the inhabitants of the places they settled being obtained. The amount of capital was not fixed by charter, but it was stipulated that at least one-half the stock must be held by Scotchmen resident in Scotland, and that no stock originally so held should ever be transferred to any but Scotchmen resident in Scotland. An entire monopoly of the trade with Asia, Africa, and America was granted for a term of thirty-one years, and all goods imported by the company during twenty-one years, should be admitted duty free, except sugar and tobacco, unless grown on the company's plantations. Every member and servant of the company were privileged against arrest and imprisonment, and if placed in durance, the company was authorized to invoke both the civil and military power. The Great Seal was affixed to the Act; the books were opened; the shares were fixed at £100 sterling each; and every man from the Pentland Firth to the Galway Firth who could command the amount was impatient to put down his name. The whole kingdom apparently had gone mad. The number of shareholders were about fourteen hundred. The books were opened February 26, 1696, and the very first subscriber was Anne, dutchess of Hamilton. On that day there was subscribed £50,400. By the end of March the greater part of the amount had been subscribed. On March 5th, a separate book was opened in Glasgow and on it was entered £56,325. The books were closed August 3rd of the same year, and on the last day of subscriptions there was entered £14,125, reaching the total of £400,000, the amount apportioned to Scotland. The cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, in their corporate capacity, each took £3,000 and Perth £2,000. Of the subscriptions there were eight of £3,000 each; eight of £2,000 each; two of £1,500, and one each of £1,200 and £1,125; ninety-seven of £1,000 each; but the great majority consisted of £100 or £200 each. The whole amount actually paid up was £220,000. This may not seem to be a large amount for such a country as Scotland, but as already noted, the country had been ruined by the English Act of 1660. There were five or six shires which did not altogether contain as many guineas and crowns as were tossed about every day by the shovels of a single goldsmith in Lombard street. Even the nobles had but very little money, for a large part of their rents was taken in kind; and the pecuniary remuneration of the clergy was such as to move the pity of the most needy, of the present; yet some of these had invested their all in hopes that their children might be benefited when the golden harvest should come. Deputies in England received subscriptions to the amount of £300,000; and the Dutch and Hamburgers subscribed £200,000.

Those Highland chiefs who had been considered as turbulent, and are so conspicuous in the history of the day have no place in this record of a species of enterprise quite distinct from theirs. The houses of Argyle, Athol, and Montrose appear in the list, as families who, besides their Highland chiefships, had other stakes and interests in the country; but almost the only person with a Highland patronymic was John MacPharlane of that ilk, a retired scholar who followed antiquarian pursuits in the libraries beneath the Parliament House. The Keltic prefix of "Mac" is most frequently attached to merchants in Inverness, who subscribed their hundred.

It is probable that a list of Highlanders who subscribed stock may be of interest in this connection. Only such names as are purely Highland are here subjoined with amounts given, and also in the order as they appear on the books:[13]

26 February, 1696:
John Drummond of Newtoun £600
Adam Gordon of Dalphollie 500
Master James Campbell, brother-german to the Earle of Argyle 500
John McPharlane of that ilk 200
Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstown 400
Sir Colin Campbell of Ardkinlass 500
Mr. Gilbert Campbell, son to Colin Campbell of Soutar house 400
27 February, 1696:
John Robertson, merchant in Edinburgh 300
Matthew St. Clair, Doctor of Medicine 500
Daniel Mackay, Writer in Edinburgh 200
Mr. Francis Grant of Cullen, Advocate 100
Duncan Forbes of Culloden 200
Arthur Forbes, younger of Echt 200
George Southerland, merchant in Edinburgh 200
Kenneth McKenzie of Cromartie 500
Major John Forbes 200
28 February, 1696:
William Robertsone of Gladney 1,000
Mungo Graeme of Gorthie 500
Duncan Campbell of Monzie 500
James Mackenzie, son to the Viscount of Tarbat 1,000
2 March, 1696:
Jerome Robertson, periwig maker, burgess of Edinburgh 100
3 March 1696:
David Robertsone, Vintner in Edinburgh 200
William Drummond, brother to Thomas Drummond of Logie Almond 500
4 March, 1696:
Sir Humphrey Colquhoun of Luss 400
5 March, 1696:
James Robertson, tylor in Canonget 100
Sir Thomas Murray of Glendoick 1,000
6 March, 1696:
Alexander Murray, son to John Murray of Touchadam, and deputed by him 300
7 March 1696:
John Gordon, Captain in Lord Stranraer's Regiment 100
Samuell McLelland, merchant in Edinburgh 500
11 March 1696:
Aeneas McLeod, Town-Clerk of Edinburgh, in name and behalfe of George Viscount of Tarbat, and as having commission from him £1000
17 March, 1696:
John Menzies, Advocate 200
William Menzies, merchant in Edinburgh 1000
19 March, 1696:
James Drummond, Writer in Edinburgh, deputed by Mr. John Graham of Aberuthven 100
Gilbert Campbell, merchant in Edinburgh, son to Colline Campbell of Soutar Houses 200
Gilbert Campbell, merchant in Edinburgh, son to Colline Campbell of Soutar Houses 100
Daniel McKay, Writer in Edinburgh, deputed by Captain Hugh McKay, younger of Borley 300
Patrick Campbell, Writer in Edinburgh, deputed by Captain Leonard Robertsone of Straloch 100
20 March, 1696:
Alexander Murray, son to George Murray of Touchadam deputed by him 200
Sir Colin Campbell of Aberuchill, one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice 500
Andrew Robertson, chyrurgeon in Edinburgh, deputed by George Robertstone, younger, merchant in Glasgow 100
Andrew Robertson, chyrurgeon in Edinburgh 100
James Gregorie, student 100
George Earle of Southerland 1000
21 March, 1696:
John McFarlane, Writer to the Signet 200
23 March, 1696:
John Forbes, brother-german to Samuell Forbes of Fovrain, deputed by the said Samuell Forbes 1000
John Forbes, brother-german to Samuell Forbes of Fovrain 50
James Gregory, Professor of Mathematiques in the Colledge of Edinburgh 200
24 March 1696:
Patrick Murray of Livingstoun 600
Ronald Campbell, Writer to his Majesty's Signet, as having deputation from Alexander Gordoun, son to Alexander Gordoun, minister at Inverary 100
William Graham, merchant in Edinburgh 200
David Drummond, Advocate, deputed by Thomas Graeme of Balgowan 600
David Drummond, Advocate, deputed by John Drummond of Culqupalzie 600
25 March, 1696:
John Murray of Deuchar 800
Sir Robert Sinclair of Stevenstoun 400
John Sinclair of Stevenstoun 400
26 March, 1696:
Helen Drummond, spouse to Colonel James Ferguson as commissionate by him 200
James Murray of Sundhope 100
John Drummond of Newtoun 400
John Drummond of Newtoun, for John Stewart of Dalguis, conform to deputation 100
March 27:
Alexander Johnstoune of Elshieshells 400
John Forbes, brother-german to Samuell Forbes of Fovrain, conform to one deputation by Captain James Stewart, in Sir John Hill's regiment. Governor of Fort William 100
Thomas Forbes of Watertoun 200
William Ross, merchant in Edinburgh 100
Rachell Johnstoun, relict of Mr. Robert Baylie of Jerviswood 200
March 28:
John Fraser, servitor to Alexander Innes, merchant 100
Mr. John Murray, Senior Advocate 100
John Stewart, Writer in Clerk Gibsone's chamber 100
Mr. Gilbert Campbell, merchant in Edinburgh, son to Colline Campbell of Soutar Houses 200
Mr. Gilbert Campbell, merchant in Edinburgh, son to Colline Campbell of Soutar Houses, (more) 100
James Gordon, Senior, merchant in Aberdeen 250
Thomas Gordon, skipper in Leith 100
Adam Gordon of Dulpholly 500
Colin Campbell of Lochlan 200
Thomas Graeme of Balgowane, by virtue of a deputation from David Graeme of Kilor 200
Patrick Coutts, merchant in Edinburgh, being deputed by Alexander Robertsone, merchant in Dundie 200
David Drummond, of Cultimalindie 600
John Drummond, brother of David Drummond of Cultimalindi 200
30 March, 1696:
James Marquess of Montrose 1000
John Murray, doctor of medicine, for Mr. James Murray, Chirurgeon in Perth, conform to a deputation 200
William Stewart, doctor of medicine at Perth 100
Patrick Campbell, Writer in Edinburgh, being depute by Helen Steuart, relict of Doctor Murray 100
James Drummond, one of the Clerks to the Bills, being deputed by James Meinzies of Shian 100
Robert Stewart, Junior, Advocate 300
Master Donald Robertsone, minister of the Gospel 100
Duncan Campbell of Monzie, by deputation from John Drummond of Culquhalzie 100
John Marquesse of Athole 500
John Haldane of Gleneagles, deputed by James Murray at Orchart Milne 100
Thomas Johnstone, merchant in Edinburgh 100
William Meinzies, merchant in Edinburgh 1000
Alexander Forbes of Tolquhon 500
Robert Murray, merchant in Edinburgh 200
Walter Murray, merchant in Edinburgh 100
Master Arthur Forbes, son of the Laird of Cragivar 100
Robert Fraser, Advocate 100
Barbara Fraser, relict of George Stirling, Chirurgeon apothecary in Edinburgh 200
Alexander Johnston, merchant in Edinburgh 100
Sir Robert Sinclair of Stevenstoun, for Charles Sinclair, Advocate, his son 100
The said Thomas Scott, deputed by Patrick Ogilvie of Balfour 400
The said Thomas Scott, deputed by Thomas Robertson, merchant there (i.e. Dundee) 125
The said Thomas Scott, deputed by David Drummond, merchant in Dundee 100
Mrs. Anne Stewart, daughter to the deceased John Stewart of Kettlestoun 100
31 March, 1696:
Sir Archibald Murray of Blackbarrony 500
William Stewart, clerk to his Majesty's Customs at Leith 100
Christian Grierson, daughter to the deceast John Grierson 100
Jesper Johnstoune of Waristoun 500
Alexander Forbes, goldsmith in Edinburgh 200
Master John Campbell, Writer to the Signet 200
Thomas Campbell, flesher in Edinburgh 200
Archibald Earle of Argyll 1500
James Campbell, brother-german to the Earle of Argyll 200
William Johnston, postmaster of Hadingtoun £100
Sir James Murray of Philiphaugh 500
Andrew Murray, brother to Sundhope 100
William McLean, master of the Revelles 100
John Cameron, son to the deceast Donald Cameron, merchant in Edinburgh 100
David Forbes, Advocate 200
Captain John Forbes of Forbestoune 200
Sir Alexander Monro of Bearcrofts 200
James Gregorie, student of medicine 100
Mungo Campbell of Burnbank 400
John Murray, junior, merchant in Edinburgh 400
Robert Murray, burges in Edinburgh 150
Dougall Campbell of Sadell 100
Ronald Campbell, Writer to his Majesty's Signet 200
Alexander Finlayson, Writer in Edinburgh 100
John Steuart, Writer in Edinburgh 100
William Robertson, one of the sub-clerks of the Session 100
Lady Neil Campbell 200
Mary Murray, Lady Enterkin, elder 200
Sir George Campbell of Cesnock 1000
7 April:
Thomas Robertson of Lochbank 400
Robert Fraser, Advocate, for Hugh Robertson, Provost of Inverness, conform to deputation 100
Robert Fraser, Advocate, for James McLean, baillie of Invernes, conform to deputation 100
Robert Fraser. Advocate, for John McIntosh, baillie of Invernes, conform to deputation 100
Robert Fraser, Advocate, for Alexander McLeane, merchant of Invernes, conform to deputation 150
Robert Fraser, Advocate, for Robert Rose, late baillie of Invernes, conform to deputation 140
Robert Fraser, Advocate, for Alexander Stewart, skipper at Invernes, conform to deputation 150
Robert Fraser, Advocate, for William Robertson of Inshes, conform to deputation 100
9 April, 1696:
James Drummond, one of the Clerks of the Bills, for Robert Menzies, in Aberfadie, conform to deputation 100
John Drummond of Newtoun, depute by John Menzies of Camock, Advocate 200
Archibald Sinclair, Advocate 100
Patrick Campbell, Writer in Edinburgh £100
John Murray, doctor of medicine, for William Murray of Arbony, by virtue of his deputation 200
Colen Campbell of Bogholt 100
William Gordone, Writer in Edinburgh 100
14 Apryle:
The said Thomas Halliday, Conform to deputation from William Ogilvie in Todshawhill 100
16 Aprill:
Patrick Murray, lawful son to Patrick Murray of Killor 100
Walter Murray, servitor to George Clerk, junior, merchant in Edinburgh, deputed by Robert Murray of Levelands 150
John Campbell, Writer to the Signet, for Alexander Campbell, younger of Calder, conform to deputation 500
Captain James Drummond of Comrie 200
April 21:
James Cuming, merchant in Edinburgh 100
James Campbell of Kinpout 100
James Drummond, Under-Clerk to the Bills, depute by Archibald Meinzies of Myln of Kiltney 100
Robert Blackwood, deputed by John Gordon of Collistoun, doctor of medicine 100
Robert Blackwood, merchant in Edinburgh, deputed by Charles Ogilvy, merchant and late baillie of Montrose 200
James Ramsay, writer in Edinburg, commission at by Duncan Campbell of Duneaves 100
Captain Patrick Murray, of Lord Murray's regiment of foot 100
May 5, 1696.
John Haldane of Gleneagles, conform to deputation from Thomas Grahame in Auchterarder 100
John Drummond of Newtoun, depute by David Graeme of Jordanstoun 100
Samuel McLellan, merchant in Dundee, conform to deputation from William Stewart of Castle Stewart 100
May 14, 1696.
Andrew Robertsone, chirurgeon in Edinburgh, conform to deputation by George Robertsone, Writer in Dunblane 100
May 21, 1696.
John Drummond of Newtoun, for Lodovick Drummond, chamberland to my Lord Drummond 100
May 26, 1696.
Thomas Drummond of Logie Almond £500
June 2, 1696.
Robert Fraser, Advocate, by virtue of a deputation from Robert Cuming of Relugas, merchant of Inverness 100
Robert Fraser, Advocate, in name of William Duff of Dyple, merchant of Inverness 100
Robert Fraser, Advocate, in name of Alexander Duffe of Drumuire, merchant of Inverness 100
June 4, 1696.
John Haldane of Gleneagles, depute by John Graham, son to John Graham, clerk to the chancellary 100
Adam Drummond of Meginch 200
Agnes Campbell, relict of Andrew Anderson, his Majesty's printer 100
July 10.
John Drummond of Newtoun, for Dame Margaret Graham, Lady Kinloch 200
John Drummond of Newtoun 200
James Menzies of Schian 100
Mungo Graeme of Garthie 200
Sir Alexander Cumyng of Culter 200
Mr. George Murray, doctor of physick 200
Patrick Campbell, brother to Monzie 100
August 1.
James Lord Drummond 1000
Friday, 6 March, 1696.
John Drummond of Newtoune 1125
Saturday, 7 March, 1696.
John Graham, younger of 1000
Daniel Campbell, merchant in Glasgow 1000
George Robinsoune, belt-maker in Glasgow 100
John Robinsoune, hammerman in Glasgow 100
John Robertson, junior, merchant in Glasgow 500
Munday, 9 March, 1696.
Mattheu Cuming, junior, merchant in Glasgow 1000
William Buchanan, merchant in Glasgow 100
Marion Davidson, relict of Mr. John Glen, Minister of the Gospel 100
James Johnstoun, merchant in Glasgow 200
Thomas Johnstoun, merchant in Glasgow 200
George Johnston, merchant in Glasgow £200
John Buchanan, merchant in Glasgow 100
John Grahame, younger of Dougaldstoun 1,000
Tuesday, 10 March, 1696.
Neill McVicar, tanner in Glasgow 100
George Buchanan, Maltman in Glasgow 100
Saturday, 21 March, 1696.
Archibald Cambell, merchant in Glasgow 100
Tuesday, 24 March, 1696.
John Robertsone, younger, merchant in Glasgow, for Robert Robertsone, second lawfull sone to Umqll James Robertsone, merchant in Glasgow 100
Tuesday, March 31, 1696.
Mungo Campbell of Nether Place 100
Hugh Campbell, merchant, son to deceast Sir Hugh Campbell of Cesnock 100
Matthew Campbell of Waterhaugh 100
Thursday, Agr the 2d of Aprille.
Mungo Campbell, merchant in Ayr 100
David Fergursone, merchant in Ayr 100
Wednesday the 15th day, 1696.
Captain Charles Forbes, of Sir John Hill's regiment 200
Captain James Menzies, of Sir John Hill's regiment 100
Captain Francis Ferquhar, of Sir John Hill's regiment 100
Thursday, 16 Aprile, 1696.
Captain Charles Forbes, of Sir John Hill's regiment 200
Fryday, 17 Aprile.
Lieutenant Charles Ross, of Sir John Hill's regiment 100

It is more than probable that some names should not be inserted above, as the name Graeme, for it may belong to the clan Graham of the Highlands, or else to the debateable land, near Carlisle, which is more likely. We know that where they had made themselves adverse to both sides, they were forced to emigrate in large numbers. Some of them settled near Bangor, in the county of Down, Ireland. How large a per cent, of the subscribers who lived in the lowlands, and born out of the Highlands, would be impossible to determine. Then names of parties, born in the Highlands and of Gaelic blood have undoubtedly been omitted owing to change of name. By the change in spelling of the name, it would indicate that some had left Ulster where their forefathers had settled, and taken up their residence in Scotland. It will also be noticed that the clans bordering the Grampians were most affected by the excitement while others seemingly did not even feel the breeze.

The Darien Scheme at best was but suppositious, for no experiment had been tried in order to forecast a realization of what was expected. There was, it is true, a glitter about it, but there were materials within the reach of all from which correct data might have been obtained. It seems incredible that men of sound judgment should have risked everything, when they only had a vague or general idea of Paterson's plans. It was also a notorious fact that Spain claimed sovereignty over the Isthmus of Panama, and, even if she had not, it was unlikely that she would tolerate such a colony, as was proposed, in the very heart of her transatlantic dominions. Spain owned the Isthmus both by the right of discovery and possession; and the very country which Paterson had described in such radiant colors had been found by the Castilian settlers to be a land of misery and of death; and on account of the poisonous air they had been compelled to remove to the neighboring haven of Panama. All these facts, besides others, might easily have been ascertained by members of the Company.

As has already been intimated, the Scots alone were not drawn into this vortex of wild excitement, and are no more to be held responsible for the delusion than some of other nationalities. The English people were seized with the dread of Scottish prosperity resulting from the enterprise, and England's jealousy of trade at once interfered to crush an adventure which seemed so promising. The English East India Company instigated a cry, echoed by the city of London, and taken up by the nation, which induced their parliament, when it met for the first time, after the elections of 1695, to give its unequivocal condemnation to the scheme. One peer declared, "If these Scots are to have their way I shall go and settle in Scotland, and not stay here to be made a beggar." The two Houses of Parliament went up together to Kensington and represented to the king the injustice of requiring England to exert her power in support of an enterprise which, if successful, must be fatal to her commerce and to her finances. William replied in plain terms that he had been illy-treated in Scotland, but that he would try to find a remedy for the evil which had been brought to his attention. At once he dismissed Lord High Commissioner Tweeddale and Secretary Johnston; but the Act which had been passed under their management still continued to be law in Scotland.

The Darien Company might have surmounted the opposition of the English parliament and the East India Company, had not the Dutch East India Company—a body remarkable for its monopolizing character—also joined in the outcry against the Scottish enterprise; incited thereto by the king through Sir Paul Rycaut, the British resident at Hamburg, directing him to transmit to the senate of that commercial city a remonstrance on the part of king William, accusing them of having encouraged the commissioners of the Darien Company; requesting them to desist from doing so; intimating that the plan had not the king's support; and a refusal to withdraw their countenance from the scheme would threaten an interruption to his friendship with the good city of Hamburg. The result of this interference was the almost total withdrawal of the Dutch and English subscriptions, which was accelerated by the threatened impeachment, by the English parliament, of such persons who had subscribed to the Company; and, furthermore, were compelled to renounce their connection with the Company, besides misusing some native-born Scotchmen who had offended the House by subscribing their own money to a company formed in their own country, and according to their own laws.

The managers of the scheme, supported by the general public of Scotland, entered a strong protest against the king's hostile interference of his Hamburg envoy. In his answer the king evaded what he was resolved not to grant, and yet could not in equity refuse. By the double dealing of the monarch the Company lost the active support of the subscribers in Hamburg and Holland.

In spite of the desertion of her English and foreign subscribers the Scots, encouraged in their stubborn resolution, and flattered by hopes that captivated their imaginations, decided to enter the project alone. A stately house in Milne Square, then the most modern and fashionable part of Edinburgh, was purchased and fitted up for an office and warehouse. It was called the Scottish India House. Money poured faster than ever into the coffers of the Company. Operations were actively commenced during the month of May, 1696. Contracts were rapidly let and orders filled—smith and cutlery work at Falkirk; woollen stockings at Aberdeen; gloves and other leather goods at Perth; various metallic works, hats, shoes, tobacco-pipes, serges, linen cloth, bobwigs and periwigs, at Edinburgh; and for home-spun and home-woven woollen checks or tartan, to various parts of the Highlands.

Scottish India House

As the means for building ships in Scotland did not then exist, recourse was had to the dockyards of Amsterdam and Hamburg. At an expense of £50,000 a few inferior ships were purchased, and fitted out as ships of war; for their constitution authorized them to make war both by land and sea. The vessels were finally fitted out at Leith, consisting of the Caledonia, the St. Andrew, the Unicorn, and the Dolphin, each armed with fifty guns and two tenders, the Endeavor and Pink, afterwards sunk at Darien; and among the commodities stored away were axes, iron wedges, knives, smiths', carpenters' and coopers' tools, barrels, guns, pistols, combs, shoes, hats, paper, tobacco-pipes, and, as was supposed, provisions enough to last eight months. The value of the cargo of the St. Andrew was estimated at £4,006. The crew and colonists consisted of twelve hundred picked men, the greater part of whom were veterans who had served in king William's wars, and the remainder of Highlanders and others who had opposed the revolution, and three hundred gentlemen of family, desirous of trying their fortunes.

It was on July 26, 1698, that the vessels weighed anchor and put out to sea. A wild insanity seized the entire population of Edinburgh as they came to witness the embarkation. Guards were kept busy holding back the eager crowd who pressed forward, and, stretching out their arms to their departing countrymen, clamored to be taken on board. Stowaways, when ordered on shore, madly clung to rope and mast, pleading in vain to be allowed to serve without pay on board the ships. Women sobbed and gasped for breath; men stood uncovered, and with downcast head and choked utterance invoked the blessing of the Beneficent Being. The banner of St. Andrew was hoisted at the admiral's mast; and as a light wind caught the sails, the roar of the vast multitude was heard far down the waters of the frith.

The actual destination of the fleet was still a profound secret, save to a few. The supreme direction of the expedition was entrusted to a council of seven, to whom was entrusted all power, both civil and military. The voyage was long and the adventurers suffered much; the rations proved to be scanty, and of poor quality; and the fleet, afte passing the Orkneys and Ireland, touched at Madeira, where those who had fine clothes were glad to exchange them for provisions and wines. Having crossed the Atlantic, they first landed on an uninhabited islet lying between Porto Rico and St. Thomas, which they took possession of in the name of their country, and hoisted the white cross of St. Andrew. Being warned off for trespassing on the territory of the king of Denmark, and having procured the services of an old buccaneer, under whose pilotage they departed, on November 1st they anchored close to the Isthmus of Panama, having lost fifteen of their number during the voyage. On the 4th they landed at Acla; founded there a settlement to which they gave the name of New St. Andrews; marked out the site for another town and called it New Edinburgh. The weather was genial and climate pleasant at the time of their arrival; the vegetation was luxuriant and promising; the natives were kind; and everything presaged a bright future for the fortune-seekers. They cut a canal through the neck of land that divided one side of the harbor from the ocean, and there constructed a fort, whereon they mounted fifty cannon. On a mountain, at the opposite side of the harbor, they built a watchhouse, where the extensive view prevented all danger of a surprise. Lands were purchased from the Indians, and messages of friendship were sent to the governors of the several Spanish provinces. As the amount of funds appropriated for the sustenance of the colony had been largely embezzled by those having the matter in charge, the people were soon out of provisions. Fishing and the chase were now the only sources, and as these were precarious, the colonists were soon on the verge of starvation. As the summer drew near the atmosphere became stifling, and the exhalations from the steaming soil, added to other causes, wrought death among the settlers. The mortality rose gradually to ten a day. Both the clergymen who accompanied the expedition were dead; one of them, Rev. Thomas James, died at sea before the colonists landed, and soon after the arrival Rev. Adam Scot succumbed. Paterson buried his wife in that soil, which, as he had assured his too credulous countrymen, exhaled health and vigor. Men passed to the hospital, and from thence to the grave, and the survivors were only kept alive through the friendly offices of the Indians. Affairs continued daily to grow worse. The Spaniards on the isthmus looked with complacency on the distress of the Scotchmen. No relief, and no tidings coming from Scotland, the survivors on June 22, 1699, less than eight months after their arrival, resolved to abandon the settlement. They re-embarked in three vessels, a weak and hopeless company, to sail whithersoever Providence might direct. Paterson, the first to embark at Leith, was the last to re-embark at Darien. He begged hard to be left behind with twenty or more companions to keep up a show of possession, and to await the next arrival from Scotland. His importunities were disregarded, and, utterly helpless, he was carried on board the St. Andrew, and soon after the vessels stood out to sea. The voyage was horrible. It might be compared to the horrors of a slave ship.

An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America

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