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‘My daughter Denise walked away with a broken hand from a hundred-mile-an-hour-impact road accident in December last year.

For days before her accident, her 5-year-old daughter Victoria was obsessed with drawing butterflies and even asked her granddad to draw some.

A week before her accident Denise had seen a Red Admiral butterfly in her daughter’s bedroom. She put it out of the window. On the day of her accident she collected her jeans from the washing line and was about to iron them when a Red Admiral flew out of them.

After the accident, her husband Tim picked up her belongings from the police compound—she opened her shopping bag and found Victoria’s drawing of a butterfly inside it. Denise had not realized the drawing was in her bag until that moment.

Talking it over with her husband after the accident, Victoria, who was listening, said, “Mummy, there wasn’t one butterfly, there were a hundred.” Victoria put her hands together as if in prayer and said that one butterfly flew out and said, “We must pray for her and save her,” and they all lifted her up.’

This beautiful story just touched my heart. Could it possibly be true? Why would it not be?

One of the more common ways our guardian angels show themselves is by leaving gifts of ‘angel feathers’. Do the feathers actually come from the wings of an angel? Who knows, but humankind has believed for many thousands of years that angels have wings and the angels know this! Those perfect little curled white feathers are the most common. Feathers are light and easy for angels to manifest for us—what a perfect sign—so maybe that is why they are among the commonest angel signs.

Barbara was finding life a little stressful. Was her feather a message from her angels? She did wonder!

A Little Angel Love: Spread Happiness and Inspiration, with Help from the Angels

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