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ALEX manoeuvred his red Ferrari between two massive stone pillars crowned by Lions, past open gates, and gunned the car up a long winding drive.

‘Are you sure this is the right house?’ Lisa queried irritably. She had overslept this morning, mainly because it had been five in the morning before she had got to sleep. Alex had awakened her with a cup of coffee, looking disgustingly fit in blue jeans and a blue knit polo shirt, ready to go. She had forgotten all about their house-hunting and, glancing at him now, in the close confines of the sports car, she wished he had done the same. But no such luck. Alex pursued everything with a ruthless determination that was impossible to ignore.

Within half an hour of waking up Lisa had washed and dressed in white pleated trousers with a white and blue cropped top to match. She’d grabbed a piece of toast and had only taken one bite before Alex had marched into the kitchen. ‘Mrs Blaydon, I have ordered a new bed for the master bedroom. Someone will ring and tell you what time it is arriving. Be here.’ And, grasping Lisa’s free hand, he had hurried her out of the apartment and into the car.

Alex’s voice broke into her troubled thoughts. ‘Of course I am sure. I am a brilliant navigator.’ His dark eyes flicked her a smiling glance.

The car had breasted the top of a hill, and fifty yards on was the most impressive Georgian mansion Lisa had ever seen.

Alex stopped the car at the foot of stone steps that led to the entrance door, and turned to Lisa. ‘You, my darling, should have eaten some breakfast, it might have improved your disposition,’ he opined mockingly.

‘And whose fault was that?’ she prompted. ‘You dragged me out of the apartment like you were taking a dog for a walk.’

Alex burst out laughing, his white teeth flashing ‘You’re certainly no dog!’ His gleaming gaze slid over her mutinous face with genuine amusement, dropping to the proud thrust of her breasts against the soft cotton of her top, the slight glimpse of tanned midriff, and came back to her face. ‘Though you have been acting like a dog in the manger for the past couple of days.’ His dark eyes studied her intently for a long moment. ‘I presume it is simply the effect of your period?’ he asked quietly.

Lisa felt his intimate glance like a caress, and she trembled inside, but it was what he was not saying that worried her. A cynical angry Alex she could handle, but a questioning, analytical Alex was far too dangerous. She was trying to discover what deviousness he was up to, not the other way around. So she responded carefully, ‘Yes, probably.’ She managed a rueful smile. ‘Sorry.’ She had to get her act together and try to behave normally around him.

He leaned forward, his lips hovering within inches of hers. ‘You’re forgiven.’ And he kissed her softly. The warmth of his breath brushed her cheek as he straightened up. She inhaled his clean, masculine scent and knew she would remember it to her dying day. Whatever happened between them.

‘Come on, Lisa,’ Alex commanded as he climbed out of the car. ‘I want your opinion on Stoneborough Manor.’

Lisa slid out of the low seat and followed Alex to the stone steps, squinting her eyes slightly to look up at the house. At the same time she smoothed her pants down over her hips, then tugged at her cotton top. ‘It’s a bit big.’

‘The house, maybe. But that top is a bit small.’ Alex grunted, eyeing the band of bare flesh between her top and pants, and the tantalising indent of her belly button.

‘It’s perfect for summer. You must be getting old,’ she quipped with a grin. ‘And you have to admit, it is a glorious summer day.’ Weather-wise, at least, she thought privately. In every other respect she wished she was anywhere else than looking over prospective houses with Alex. Jed had tried to convince her to give her marriage a chance, but she was not so sure…

She had not changed her mind an hour later, after wandering around the magnificent Georgian mansion. It was the ideal family home. The interior had been tastefully restored and decorated quite recently. A large elegant hall, with a polished hardwood floor and a magnificent staircase as its centre point, made an immediate impression. The study and five reception rooms were equally as impressive, from the formal dining room to the drawing room, library, and the cosier sitting room at the rear, that opened out into a marvellous conservatory.

Six bedrooms, all with ensuite bathrooms took up the first floor. The attic had been converted into an apartment for staff. The master suite was a triumph in interior design. The huge bedroom was dominated by an elegant but massive four-poster bed. A door on one side of the room led to a small sitting room. On the other side, there were his and her bathrooms, and a dressing room. Whoever owned the house had spared no expense; that much was obvious to Lisa’s admiring gaze as she walked across the deep-pile carpet and stood at the tall window, staring out at the view. It was breathtaking, like a secret valley, she thought fancifully.

Suddenly Alex’s arms slipped around her waist, and the shock of his touch made her jump. She was keenly aware of his casual embrace, of his hands locked across her bare midriff, of his long legs pressing against her thighs, the way their bodies fitted together so naturally. His dark head bent forward, his cheek brushed against her hair, and she could not prevent the trembling in her limbs.

‘What do you think?’ he prompted softly.

‘I think it must cost a fortune. And even more to furnish,’ Lisa said jerkily, intensely aware of his powerful body enfolding her and reminding her they were alone in the house. Alex evoked a mixture of hate and love inside her in equal measures, but in the intimacy of a bedroom designed for lovers it was the latter that was threatening her self-control.

Alex’s hands tightened on the side of her waist and he spun her round. ‘Never mind the price; and as it happens the furniture is included—a lot of it was made for the house.’ Cool dark eyes scanned her wary face. ‘Do you like it?’

The thought crossed Lisa’s mind that he seemed to know a lot about the place. Personally she loved the house. It was perfect, from the magnificent swimming pool and hot tub at the rear of the building, to the more practical kitchen and utilities, and the five acres of beautifully sculptured garden that surrounded the house, with a paddock beyond. But she was not about to admit as much to Alex. Two days ago she would have flung her arms around his neck and begged him to buy it. Not now…

Her blue eyes guarded, she held his gaze. The betrayal of trust in a relationship, she realised sadly, was probably the worst crime, and she formed her answer accordingly. ‘Yes, it is a nice house, but it is the first one we have viewed. I don’t think we should rush into anything. It is rather a long way from my work, plus it’s rather isolated.’

‘Hardly isolated,’ Alex drawled sarcastically, his hands dropping from her waist, much to her relief. ‘Oxford is a mere fifteen minutes away, and it is barely an hour to Stratford-upon-Avon. I would have said it was in a great position, being almost mid-way between London and Lawson’s. But—’ he gave a slight shrug of his broad shoulders ‘—if it does not appeal to you, so be it.’

‘I just feel we should wait,’ she insisted, glancing cautiously from beneath lowered lashes, wondering how he would take her less than enthusiastic response.

‘In that case, shall we go?’ he slanted mockingly.

‘Yes,’ Lisa agreed, and preceded him down the stairs and out of the house. She glanced over the building as he locked the huge doors. It would make some lucky family a wonderful home.

During the drive back to London Alex revealed that he had to go to New York on Monday, for a few days, and asked her if she wished to accompany him. Lisa swallowed back a sigh of relief as she refused, with the genuine excuse that she had to go to the office on Monday to begin interviewing prospective candidates for Mary’s job.

On their return to the apartment, Mrs Blaydon met them with the information that the new bed had been delivered, and she had left a meal prepared in the kitchen.

Alex glanced at Lisa, a devilish gleam in his eyes. ‘Thank you, Mrs B. You can leave now. Lisa and I want to check out the new bed.’

Lisa blushed to the roots of her hair. ‘What did you have to say that for?’ she demanded as the housekeeper left in a rush. ‘You embarrassed the poor woman.’

‘Mrs B was not the one who was embarrassed,’ Alex came back in amusement as he studied her scarlet cheeks.

‘Oh you’re impossible!’ she burst out. She had spent all day in his company and she felt as if she had been walking on eggshells. ‘And I am not sharing the new bed. I want my own room,’ she demanded furiously.

Brilliant dark eyes rested on her defiant face. ‘No way, Lisa. This foolishness has gone on long enough. Now, get into the kitchen and see what Mrs B has left for dinner. I am starving.’

Flinching from his blunt statement, and furious at his ordering her into the kitchen, she wanted to slap him. Instead she marched off and set about warming the chicken, mushroom and herb casserole the housekeeper had left.

The meal was a silent affair; Lisa had not the heart to talk, and, picking up on her mood, Alex ate in brooding silence too. When she occasionally caught his eye, she quickly looked away.

Lisa felt the swirling currents of tension building, and finally she could stand it no longer. Pushing back her chair, she stood up. ‘I have some work to do on my computer. If you will excuse me.’ She spoke to somewhere over his left shoulder.

‘So polite, Lisa,’ Alex observed indolently, leaning back in his chair and studying her with half-closed eyes. ‘Why now, I wonder? When we know each other so intimately.’

As if compelled, she glanced at his reclining form, and the tempo of her heartbeat increased. She met his narrowed gaze with reluctance, her eyes lingering on his high cheekbones and dropping to settle briefly on his mouth, which was a mistake. It wasn’t fair; she only had to look at him and the tug of sexual awareness was instant.

‘Yes, well, I tend to be that way,’ she finally answered. More than anything she wanted to lash out at him, and demand to know why he was plotting against her with Nigel. But she didn’t dare. Not yet. If what she suspected was true, she needed to form a plan to defeat him. The fact that she ached for him with every pore she was just going to have to learn to live with.

‘I know exactly what you are,’ Alex said softly, rising to his feet and moving around the table to stop in front of her. His hand reached forward and captured her chin, tilting it slightly so that he could examine her delicate features. ‘You’re a very passionate young woman who has suddenly realised the enormity of marriage after playing at it for a few weeks.’ His smile was stunningly sensual and she almost groaned. ‘And perhaps you are running a little scared. That I can understand. So, go to your computer agape mou.’ The endearment rolled off his tongue.

Lisa felt the effect to her toes, and his fingers on her chin tightened momentarily. She stared dumbly up at him, noting the glint of what looked almost like tenderness behind his grin. Her shoulders tensed against the potent spell of the fierce sexual chemistry he exuded without even trying. He reached out to brush a stray tendril of hair from her brow. She shivered, and his hard lips thinned. ‘Suddenly I frighten you, Lisa, and I don’t know why. Care to tell me?’ he queried silkily.

Lisa took a deep, steadying breath. ‘You’re imagining things, Alex.’

‘If you say so.’ His expression did not change, but she could sense his anger. ‘I have work to do myself,’ he said casually, but something hardened the depths of his eyes. ‘However, do not make the mistake of thinking you can avoid our bedroom tonight. You have no excuse.’

There was no mistaking the silent warning in his gaze, and it took all Lisa’s considerable control to reply lightly, ‘As if I would, Alex.’ and she even managed a chuckle. She was discovering she had quite a talent for acting, smiling on the outside when inside she wanted to rage at her arrogant husband.

‘Good girl.’ And before she knew what was happening his dark head swooped down and his mouth caught hers. Warmth coursed through her veins, and helplessly she opened her mouth to accept his kiss. When he finally raised his head she stared mutely up at him.

‘See you later, in our bed.’ Alex said, his chiselled mouth curving in a confident grin at her all-too-obvious surrender to his kiss.

As it happened, Lisa did not see him again that night. At midnight she crawled into bed, and the effect of the last forty-eight hours finally caught up with her. She went out like a light, and when she woke up in the morning the only hint that Alex had shared the bed was the indentation of his head on the empty pillow beside her.

Sunday was a repeat of Saturday; the only difference was that the house they viewed was on the outskirts of Banbury. Luckily for Lisa, this time she did not have to pretend uninterest in the property, because she hated it on sight. A huge, very new redbrick mansion, from the outside it reminded Lisa of a supermarket. It did have one saving grace: it was so horrific, Lisa found herself laughing with Alex over the various rooms. Consequently she managed to get through the evening without the tension that had marred the past two days. They watched a video of the latest blockbuster film, and when Lisa went to bed Alex simply said he would join her in a while; he had a few calls to make.

Lisa closed the bathroom door behind her and crossed to the bed. She pulled back the covers, and climbed into bed, tugging down the bottom of her crisp white cotton nightshift, and closed her eyes. She felt the light brush of warm lips against her own and sighed; she was in that hazy period before sleep, and lazily she opened her eyes. A naked Alex was bending over the bed.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked stupidly.

‘Hush, Lisa,’ he murmured, lifting the coverlet and sliding in beside her. She edged back along the bed, but a long arm reached out and curled around her waist. ‘I simply want to hold you.’ Drawing her against his hard body, he covered her face with countless little kisses.

Her startled gaze met a pair of amused brown eyes. ‘But…’

‘Hush, I know,’ He whispered with mocking humour, continuing to press kisses to her cheek, the curve of her ear. His fingers brushed the pulse at the base of her throat and she sighed. Her lips parted and finally his mouth claimed hers.

The trouble was he knew her too well. She was helpless to resist the tenderness of his embrace, the curling of his tongue against hers, the delicious pleasure as his hand trailed down to cup the underside of her breast. He had a magic touch, Lisa thought dreamily.

A second later he lifted his head, ‘What on earth are you wearing?’ he demanded with a chuckle.

With the dim glow of the bedside light illuminating the room, Lisa stared up into his shadowed face. She had succumbed to him so easily she was ashamed. His dark eyes smiled down into her own, deep and lazily humorous, and his hand lifted to trace the soft contours of her breasts again, over the soft cotton of her nightshift. She felt a needle-sharp quiver of delight pierce her body, and she burst out, ‘Get off,’ and brushed his hand away. ‘This is a genuine Victorian antique I bought in Bath.’

His roar of laughter would have wakened the dead.

‘You can laugh, but it was very expensive. I had to search…’

‘Shh.’ He brushed his thumb over her lips. ‘I’m sure it is lovely.’ She could hear the lingering trace of laughter in his voice. ‘And I know you’re not well. But later, when you know me better and you are not quite so shy, I will teach you ways to make love that know no boundaries, ways you’ve never dreamed of.’

His deeply evocative words made the heat flood through her body, even as she reminded herself he did not love her, it was only sex on his part.

‘But not now,’ Alex husked, noting the flush of embarrassment on her lovely face. Replacing his hand with his mouth, he nipped at her lips, and she opened her mouth in ready acceptance of his tender, possessive kiss. ‘I simply want to kiss you goodnight,’ he whispered against her lips. ‘We have had our first argument as man and wife.’ His lips trailed to her throat and he laved the pulse that beat frantically in her neck. ‘It should not have happened.’ He raised his head and brushed her lips briefly with his own. ‘And we will never argue again.’

It was so Alex! So arrogant. We will never argue again. He said it as if it was a done deal, Lisa thought, a wry smile curving her mouth.

Alex’s dark eyes narrowed on her face. ‘What is so amusing?’

‘You… “We will never argue again.” Some hope,’ she jeered.

‘You don’t agree? But there is no reason to fight. To build a good marriage one must learn to compromise.’

‘You sound like you are quoting from a marriage guidance book. Some people like to fight.’ Alex being one of them, she privately thought.

‘Rubbish. It’s a ridiculous waste of energy.’

‘Alex, are you arguing with me?’ Lisa asked sweetly, and her smile broadened at the look of exasperation on his handsome face.

‘You’re a witch. Close your eyes and go to sleep before I change my mind and ravish you.’ And with one hard kiss on her laughing mouth, he rolled over on to his back and hauled her into his side. With his free hand he switched off the bedside light.

In the darkness, curved into Alex’s large body, the warmth and comfort of him enfolding her, Lisa closed her eyes, and within minutes was fast asleep.

It was déjà vu, she thought lazily, the brush of warm lips against her own. But the voice shouting, ‘Wake up, woman,’ was not. Her eyes flew open and rested on Alex. He was standing by the bed, shaved and dressed in an immaculate grey silk suit with a white shirt and conservative grey and blue striped tie, apparently ready to leave.

‘What time is it?’ she demanded, dragging herself up into a sitting position.

‘Coffee time.’ He indicated with a tilt of his dark head the bedside table, where a large cup of steaming coffee was standing. ‘Also time I left for the airport.’

‘Oh, well, thanks for the coffee. I have to get going myself. I said I would be in Stratford by ten.’ Lisa tried for a light tone. Which was no mean feat, considering for the first time since their marriage, she had just spent the night very comfortably in Alex’s arms without making love.

‘It is not too late for you to change your mind, Lisa, and come with me to New York,’ he offered casually. ‘I could, at a pinch, put off going until tomorrow.’

Lisa looked at him carefully. She could not believe he had said it, and for a second she was tempted, but quickly she squashed the idea. ‘No. No, really. I have far too much work to catch up on.’

‘As you like.’ He leant down and pressed a brief kiss on the top of her head. Lisa looked up in surprise.

‘Try not to miss me too much,’ he commanded, a gleam of mocking amusement glinting in the dark eyes above her own.

The trouble was, Lisa realised with a sinking heart, she would miss him. ‘I won’t have time,’ she returned brightly, ignoring her innermost feelings.

His dark gaze sharpened on her cool face. ‘Hopefully after this week your work will no longer be a problem. It is not that hard to hire a secretary. Or you could consider selling the company.’

Lisa glanced away from his penetrating gaze, the word selling echoing in her head, her worst suspicion confirmed. Her eyes fixed on the folds of the coverlet, an icy chill penetrating her heart. ‘I have no intention of ever selling, and finding a secretary for Mary will be no problem, I can assure you.’

‘I certainly hope so. I have no desire to have a part time wife,’ Alex countered with devastating frankness, and left.

So now she knew. He had suggested she sell the company. Her fingers curved convulsively in the coverlet. How long before he put himself forward as a buyer, or suggested razing the factory to the ground? she wondered on a shaky breath. And what could she do about it when he did?

Turning the key in the drawer which held her mother’s papers, Lisa found what she was looking for. The offer to buy had been made by Xela Properties with no mention of changing the business. She debated ringing them, but decided to display caution. She searched the Internet instead and found Xela Properties, only to discover to her horror that Solomos International was the parent company to it and a host of others. Starting in alphabetical order: Alexsol Cruises, Alomos Financial Services, and, of course, at the end, Xela Properties.

Switching off her computer, Lisa stared at the blank screen. In a way it was her own fault. She could have checked to see if Solomos International had a web page ages ago, but it had never occurred to her to do so. So much for her idea of a white knight helping her. It had been Alex who had tried to buy Lawson’s out a year ago…

The telephone rang, and Mary answered it. She listened for a second, then covered the mouthpiece with her hand. ‘It’s for you, Lisa. Your husband.’

Reluctantly Lisa reached out to take the call. ‘Alex. What are you calling for?’ she asked calmly, when she really felt like shouting every obscenity she could think of at him. He had been planning for over a year to get control of Lawson’s and destroy it!

‘I was not aware I needed a reason to speak to my wife,’ his deep voice echoed down the telephone.

Sarcastic, devious devil, Lisa thought furiously. ‘Yes, well, I am rather busy, so unless it was something important…’ She paused.

‘Not really. I thought you might like to know I have arrived in New York.’

‘Oh, yes, great. But I haven’t time to talk; ring again some time.’ And she clashed down the phone.

Lisa spent the rest of the day interviewing people for a job she was not sure was going to be available if Alex had his way…

Over dinner that evening with Harold, she was surprised when he had asked her quite seriously, ‘You do love Alex, don’t you, Lisa?’ His cherubic face was rather grim.

‘Of course I do.’ She forced a smile. ‘What makes you ask?’

‘Well, your mother expected me to take care of you, and I just wanted to make sure you were happy.’

For an instant Lisa was tempted to confide in him her fears for the company. As long as Harold voted his shares with hers, there would be nothing to worry about. He loved her like a daughter, and he loved the company and his job. But Lisa knew his one weakness was his son, Nigel. If Nigel asked him to sell, he might agree.

‘I miss her.’ Harold sighed wearily.

Looking at his sad face, she hadn’t the heart to trouble him. No! She had to solve the problem herself, and, rising to her feet, she walked around the table and pressed a swift kiss on the top of his head. ‘I know you do, Harold, we both do. But life must go on.’

‘Yes, yes, you’re right.’ he declared emphatically.

Lisa’s eyebrows rose in surprise at the determination in his tone, and what looked like relief on his round face. ‘Well, goodnight,’ she murmured, and went upstairs to her old bedroom. But it was hours before she slept, and when she did she dreamed of Alex.

Tuesday was even worse. Mary reminded her. ‘You’re taking Mr Brown from Beaver Pine to lunch today.’

Lawson Designer Glass sublet two work units, which provided extra income for the business.

Lisa looked up from scanning the references of the girl they were considering employing and smiled. ‘Yes, I know. Keep your fingers crossed he renews his lease.’

Two hours later when Lisa returned to the office, her face was set in a worried frown. ‘What happened to you?’ Mary asked. ‘You look like you lost a pound and found a penny.’

‘I have. Mr Brown was very polite, but he is not renewing his lease. He’s moving to bigger premises on the new industrial estate. He also let slip that Curly Cane is thinking of expanding elsewhere as well. I’m meeting Mr George, the boss, tomorrow for lunch. I can just see it now. Both leases run out at the end of July. Come August, the height of the tourist season, we’ll be the only firm operating; two boarded-up premises will not make a very good impression on our customers.’

‘No,’ Mary murmured. ‘But it shouldn’t be too hard to find other tenants.’

Lisa hoped she was right. Picking up the references she had been reading before lunch, Lisa scanned them one more time. At the interview, Miss Clement had come across as perfect for the job. The woman’s references were excellent, but Lisa was in a dilemma. Last week she had been all for leaving Mary in charge and looking forward to a long and happy life with her husband. Now she didn’t trust her husband and she had an uneasy feeling she might not be able to hang on to the company.

‘Mary, get in touch with Miss Clement.’ She had to think positively, and, standing up, Lisa crossed to Mary’s desk. ‘Offer her the job.’

Then she called Mr Wilkinson, her lawyer. She was going to ask him to put in an offer for the Lee shares. She would find the money from somewhere. Unfortunately he was on holiday until Thursday. Lisa explained to his secretary what she wanted, and the woman promised to inform Mr Wilkinson as soon as he returned. Lisa could do no more.

Thankfully, the next day, her lunch with Mr George went well. He had looked into moving but had decided against it. He took the new lease she offered.

Lisa returned to the office in a much happier mood than the day before, and it improved even further when Mary said Miss Clement had agreed to start on Monday.

By Thursday, Lisa came back from a visit to her bank manager, with a loan agreed and a genuine smile on her face, to find Mary standing by her desk. ‘Good, you’re back. Wilkinson and Morgan just called. Mr Wilkinson said, would you call him back?’

Lisa grinned. Her problems would soon be over. Five minutes later, she carefully placed the telephone receiver on its rest, her face pale beneath her tan. She didn’t see Mary’s concerned look. Her whole vision was centred internally. Mr Wilkinson had called to tell her the Lee estate had sold their thirty-five per cent holding in Lawson’s to Xela Properties. Apparently Mr Wilkinson had tried to get in touch with her to ask if she wanted to make an offer for the Lee shares, but she had been on her honeymoon and he hadn’t been able to contact her. So had Alex been honeymooning, she thought bitterly but that hadn’t stopped him buying them, the sneaky, conniving, lying bastard!

‘Are you okay?’ Mary’s voice cut through her rage.

‘Yes, yes, I’m fine.’ But she wasn’t. She wanted to scream her fury out loud. Instead, when the telephone rang on her desk, she picked it up and yelled, ‘Yes, who is it?’ It was Alex. His timing could not have been worse. ‘What do you want?’ Apart from my company, she felt like adding.

‘Not a very lover-like greeting. I simply wondered if there had been any developments at your end. Have you managed to find a replacement for your PA yet?’

Developments! What a nerve. He knew damn well what had happened. She wanted to confront him with his duplicity, but instead she simply replied, ‘Yes everything is fine.’ Her mind was made up—she would fight him every inch of the way. She might have fallen into his arms like a ripe plum, but no way was she going to allow Lawson Designer Glass to do the same…

‘Good,’ Alex said. ‘I will be back in London tomorrow afternoon. Bert is meeting me at the airport, and I will see you at the apartment.’

‘Right, goodbye.’ She didn’t trust herself to say more, and she replaced the phone with rather more force than was necessary. She glanced at Mary. ‘I’m leaving now and I won’t be in tomorrow.’ She said, and walked out of the office, out of the building, and slid behind the wheel of her red BMW—her one indulgence—drove out of the car park and straight home.

On Friday afternoon, Lisa sat on the train to London, outwardly a beautiful, elegant young woman, but inside a mass of conflicting emotions. To say she felt mad was an understatement; she was blindingly furious! She had E-mailed Jed before she left home. But even his words of wisdom had not calmed the rage in her heart. He had advised to simply confront Alex and demand the truth. To explain to Alex that absolute honesty was a prerequisite for a good marriage. She had laughed out loud at Jed’s message. How come a young man almost the same age as herself had more insight into relationships than the older, arrogant swine she had married?

By the time the train was pulling into the station Lisa had calmed down somewhat. She had done a lot of soul-searching last night, and had analysed her behaviour, and reached a conclusion. She had allowed herself to be completely overwhelmed and overawed by her husband. Probably because it had all happened so quickly, and because Alex was her first and only lover. Or maybe because he was older and she had not considered herself an equal partner in the marriage. Obviously neither had he. He had bought shares in her company without even telling her. But he wasn’t getting away with it…

The train stopped and Lisa stood up. She had dressed carefully in a smart, double-breasted, button-through navy blue linen dress, its wide belt accentuating her narrow waist. She smoothed the skirt of her dress down over her hips and picked up her brief case and laptop before leaving the train. In minutes she was in the back of a black cab and heading for the penthouse. Alex Solomos had a lot of explaining to do. She was going to confront him, something she should have done a week ago.

Lisa fitted the key into the lock and pushed open the door, and walked into the apartment. She didn’t know what time Alex was due back, but it was now four p.m., so he couldn’t be much longer. She walked straight through to the inner hall and disposed of her briefcase and laptop in her so-called study and, turning, walked back out.

‘A bit late, Lisa.’ Alex’s deep voice held a mocking edge, and she spun around as he strolled out of the master bedroom.

‘You’re back.’ Her startled gaze focused on his tall, hard-muscled frame. He had obviously not long stepped out of the shower. Incongruously, on such a masculine man, a pink towel hung low on his hips; another was slung around his neck, and his black hair was ruffled and wet, as if he had just been rubbing it. Her mouth went dry. It had only been a week, but the familiar rush of awareness curled her stomach.

‘Not quite the response I hoped for,’ Alex revealed as he walked towards her.

‘You surprised me,’ Lisa got out. Her blue eyes clashed with his, and what she saw in their darkening depths sent a jolt of sexual excitement quivering along every nerve in her body. She couldn’t move, and she watched mesmerised as he closed the distance between them.

‘I surprise myself,’ he murmured enigmatically, and, raising his hands, he closed them over either side of her head, his long fingers raking through her hair, sending pins flying in every direction.

‘Don’t.’ She tried to shake her head but his dark head dipped and his mouth crushed down on hers, stopping the words in her throat as he ravished her mouth with deep, hungry passion that she was helpless to deny.

A tiny voice of reason told her she must stop him. Lisa reached out to push him away, but it had been so long. When her hands came into contact with his bare chest she felt him shudder, and that was her undoing…

Mediterranean Tycoons

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