Читать книгу Mediterranean Tycoons - Jacqueline Baird - Страница 41



FLAT on her back on the bed, the skirt of her dress bunched up around her hips, Lisa drew a shuddering breath and gazed up at Alex, looming over her. She glanced frantically round the room and wondered how on earth she had got there. A few minutes ago she had been in the hall. Her stunned gaze returned to Alex. His night-black eyes traced the long length of her bare legs to settle at the juncture of her thighs. ‘Alex,’ she gasped breathlessly, taken aback by the fierce sexual hunger in his burning gaze.

‘Yes, Lisa,’ he rasped harshly, casting aside the towel, magnificently uninhibited by his aroused state. Her heart began to pound, and, to her shame, her traitorous body responded instantly to his aggressive male virility. He leant over, his fingers fumbling with the buttons down the front of her dress. The belt frustrated him and he simply tore the front of her lace bra, freeing her breasts to his avid gaze, then he reached down, kneading the creamy softness of them with his hands. She could not disguise her need, and when one hand reached for her briefs, she instinctively raised her pelvis to help him whisk the scrap of lace from her body.

‘I want you,’ Alex admitted fiercely, coming down on the bed and curving strong hands around her hips. Nudging her legs apart, he eased his strong thighs into the feminine cradle of her hips, his awesome body trembling against her.

Lisa, reeling from the speed of his seduction, still might have made some effort to protest. But his firm lips fell upon her mouth and he kissed her with such ferocious need all thought of denying him was wiped from her mind.

‘I have to have you; I can’t wait,’ Alex declared in a deep growl, his dark head dropping to press his mouth to the slender curve of her throat, mouthing dark husky words in Greek against her tender skin with an eroticism that made her heart shake. He trailed one hand up over her thigh, expert fingers seeking the fold of tender flesh that masked her femininity. Lisa trembled, a fierce primeval heat racing like wild fire through her veins, consuming her mind and body.

‘You want me. You are so ready,’ Alex grated with satisfaction. His long fingers discovered the hot moist core of her, teasing and tormenting her ultra-sensitive flesh until she became a slave to the agonising pleasure his touch evoked.

‘So sweet, so hot…You’ve been aching for this all week,’ Alex murmured huskily, lowering his mouth to tease and lick her nipples with delicacy until they were hot, hard peaks. ‘I know I have,’ he mouthed against her silky skin.

Lisa twisted and squirmed against him, consumed by a desire so fierce it was almost painful. She clutched at his broad shoulder, her misty blue gaze clashing with his as he raised his head. She stared up into his handsome face and his dark eyes burned black with the effort he was making to control his passion, a question in their glittering depths.

‘Yes, yes!’ She pleaded for his possession, and relief from the primeval passion that consumed her. His mouth descended on hers, parting her lips with a hungry sensuality she more than matched. She cried out when he moved, his strong hands lifting her hips, and she felt him glide, hard and urgent, into the velvet heat of her body. Her whole being centred on Alex. She clung to his broad shoulders, her long legs wrapping around his waist as he forced himself deeper and deeper with each stroke. Her body met each thrust, the raw power of his possession filling her with spiralling desire, until the familiar fierce wild pleasure swamped her, and her whole body convulsed in frantic release. Alex reared back, the tanned skin pulled taut across his high cheekbones, his black eyes unfocused, as Lisa’s inner muscles contracted around him, and with one final thrust his great body followed hers into a shattering climax.

She felt his full weight relax on her, but she did not care, languorous in the aftermath of total physical satiation. She stroked her hands softly up his broad back with feline delight. He was hers. The thought registered, and with it reality. He was not hers, never had been. His reasons for marrying her were varied, but love was not part of the equation. She dropped her hands to the bed, suddenly chilled.

Alex rolled off her, breathing hard, then as his breathing steadied he turned towards her, his head propped on one elbow, and contemplated her rosy face with a lazy smile playing around his sensuous mouth.

‘Now that is what I call a homecoming,’ he drawled. ‘In every sense of the word.’

Immediately on the defensive, Lisa avoided his amused gaze and tugged at the bodice of her hopelessly crushed dress. ‘You could have waited until I was undressed,’ she said, smarting at the inelegant picture she must present and heaving a sigh of relief when she finally got the offending garment down over her hips.

‘Such modesty.’ He chuckled. ‘But totally unnecessary.’ And, skimming one hand down over her stomach, he followed the line of her hip and thigh, smoothing the fabric until he reached the hem. ‘Here, let me help you.’ On the pretext of straightening the top of her dress, his teasing fingers sneaked across her breast.

Lisa swallowed hard and hastily sat up. Flinging her legs over the side of the bed, she stood up. ‘I need a shower,’ she muttered, and dashed for the bathroom, Alex’s husky laughter ringing in her ears.

Lisa dragged the remains of her clothes off and stepped into the shower stall. ‘Damn you, Alex,’ she mouthed as she turned on the shower tap and lifted her head to the powerful spray. Alex was back, and she could not believe how easily she had fallen into his arms. Where was the cool, sophisticated image she had decided to adopt? The cutting questions she had for him regarding her company? Gone the same way as her dress, she thought bitterly, crushed to bits by her inability to resist the potent sexuality of her husband. Sighing, Lisa closed her eyes and, shaking her head, allowed the water to soothe her turbulent emotions.

‘Need any help?’

Lisa’s eyes flew open and she spun round on the wet tiles. Only Alex’s long tanned arm curling around her waist stopped her from slipping to the floor. ‘No, I can manage,’ she spluttered.

‘But it is much more fun my way,’ Alex pronounced. With the water cascading down over both of them, his eyes were dark, slumberous as they slowly traced over her slim curves. ‘You are so perfect,’ he whispered throatily, his hand lifting to cup the underside of one breast, his thumb delicately scraping over the pert tip. ‘So responsive.’

The slow ache deep within her began to spread, rekindling a flame of desire so potent she had to bite her lip to stifle the groan that threatened to sound her surrender once again. It wasn’t fair. No man should have this much power over her. Throwing back her head, her blue eyes clashed with brown. ‘I want…’ to talk, she had been going to say, but at that instant his other hand curved around her waist and, lifting her up, he swung her out of the shower.

She clasped his wide shoulders, his tanned skin wet and smooth as satin beneath her fingers. She trembled when her naked body brushed in intimate contact against his as he gently set her on her feet. She swallowed hard, shamed by her body’s swift response. She lifted angry eyes to his impossibly handsome face, humiliated by the strength of her passion for the man.

‘I know exactly what you want.’ Alex slanted a brilliant smile of masculine satisfaction over her warm cheeks. ‘The same thing I do,’ he declared throatily, flicking a glance over the proud thrust of her breasts and back to her face.

It was the smile that did it. Shame was submerged by sheer, ungovernable rage and she told him the truth as she saw it. ‘You have taken me for a fool long enough, Alex,’ she breathed.

‘I’ve taken you many times, but never as a fool.’ Alex surveyed her with the disturbing light of amusement in his eyes.

Without even thinking about it, Lisa swung her hand and tried to hit him. Instead, shocked by the speed of his reaction, she found her wrist caught and her naked body pressed hard against him. ‘No.’ Alex controlled her easily with his superior strength. ‘This has gone far enough. I explained about Margot, she is no longer an issue, but something else has been eating you since last Friday. I made allowances because of your condition, but you no longer have that excuse.’ His black brows drew together in a frown. ‘I want the truth. What supposed sin have I committed in your mixed-up female mind?’

His tall, muscular frame towered over her. She stared up into his black questioning eyes, her own wild with fury. ‘I know you own Xela Properties.’ Lisa planted her free hand on his chest to put space between them. This time she was not going to be seduced by his body, she vowed, adding scathingly, ‘Need I say more?’

‘So?’ One dark brow arched sardonically. ‘What’s new about that?’ He demanded, releasing her in a cool, almost careless manner. Catching a towelling robe from the back of the door, he slipped it on before handing her a matching one. ‘What is your point?’ he queried, his firm mouth quirking in amusement. ‘Presuming you have one, that is.’

Lisa almost choked on his patronising words. She felt like screaming in frustration. Instead, she pulled on the plain white robe and fastened the belt firmly around her waist. He thought it was a joke. She probably was a joke to him—the naive innocent, to be used when and how he wished. Lisa curled her fingers tightly into her palms, fighting to control the rage boiling inside her. But she needed all her wits about her to confront Alex, because he had the uncanny ability to turn off his emotions with the flick of a switch.

‘Well, I’m waiting. I suppose waiting in bed would be out of the question?’ he said, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

She swept her wet hair back from her face. ‘You’ve got that right,’ she snarled, and with a defiant toss of her head she glared at him. What the hell? she thought. He might as well have the whole truth; he couldn’t hurt her more than he already had. ‘I know you were behind the offer to buy Lawson’s long before we ever met.’

‘An oversight on my part. If I had known, the first and only time I visited the site, that the owner’s daughter was such a beauty, I would have insisted on meeting you,’ he informed her with a sexy grin.

She couldn’t believe the audacity of the man; he still thought it was funny. He really was a heartless beast and the anger drained out of her. ‘Don’t pretend, Alex. You know exactly what I mean. I do not appreciate being married for the property I own,’ she said bitterly.

The amusement vanished from his eyes; his mouth hardened in a thin, ominous line. ‘If that is what you really think, then perhaps it is time we talked.’ Turning, he walked back into the bedroom.

Lisa had no choice but to follow him. He had stopped in the middle of the floor and now moved around to face her. She glanced at him, a tall, dark giant of a man with cool, remote eyes, and then quickly looked away. She saw the rumpled bed, her mouth twisting in disgust at the evidence of her own weakness where Alex was concerned. What was the point of talking? Alex hadn’t denied marrying her in an attempt to gain control of the company. There was nothing more to say…

She half turned, but long tanned fingers closed over her shoulders and wheeled her back to face him.

‘You can’t throw out an accusation like that and walk away, Lisa.’ His dark eyes raked over her hostile face. ‘When I married you, the company you owned was the last thing on my mind.’ His deep husky drawl feathered along her taut nerves as smooth as silk. ‘And, if you remember, the first day I took you out I told you I was the owner of Solomos International and asked you if it would be a problem. You said no.’

‘But you never told me you were Xela Properties.’ Lisa snorted. ‘A very sneaky omission on your part.’

‘I naturally supposed you knew. It is all there on our web site, and with your love of computers I find it amazing you’re now telling me you never bothered to check it out. Any businessman worth his salt, when presented with a buy-out, would naturally investigate the company making the offer,’ he said with cool reasoning.

Lisa stared up at him, appalled. What he said was true, but at the time her mother had just been diagnosed as terminally ill. The offer had been refused and banished from their minds. But he was right, damn him! Yet she was still convinced that if he had really wanted her to know he would have come straight out and told her. ‘Very plausible, but I don’t believe you,’ she countered with a disdainful shake of her head. ‘I know everything.’

‘Not everything.’ His sensual mouth twisted in the shadow of a smile. ‘You are so young, so impulsive, Lisa, but life is rarely black and white, as I have told you before.’ His long fingers kneaded her shoulders.

But Lisa wasn’t fooled. He used his powerful masculine sensuality as a weapon to control her. Call me an idiot, why don’t you? she thought furiously, incensed anew by his superior, patronising air.

‘Please spare me your platitudes. I know you have already bought thirty five per cent of the company. But understand this: I will do my damnedest to make sure that that is all you get.’ Lisa let fly with all the pent-up fury of the last week. ‘You disgust me. You are the most devious, despicable man I have ever had the misfortune to meet, and my sincerest wish is that I never have to set eyes on you again.’ And with one great effort she pushed him away.

‘Believe me, Lisa. I would never hurt you,’ Alex said softly.

‘Trying to take over my company is not supposed to hurt?’ She eyed him bitterly. In his own way, Alex probably saw nothing wrong in what he had done. He was a businessman first, last and always.

‘I am not trying to take over anything. I have bought out the other shareholders, that is all,’ he asserted.

‘That is impossible.’ She knew he had bought the Lee shares, but Harold’s? Never! ‘I don’t believe you.’ Her stormy blue eyes clashed with his. ‘You’re lying. Harold would never sell without consulting me.’ She saw a flash of what looked like pity in his dark gaze, and a peculiar sense of foreboding rose up inside her.

‘I’m sorry to disappoint you, Lisa. Andrew Scott, my London manager, completed the deal last Tuesday. But it was for your own good.’

Nothing was more calculated to stiffen Lisa’s backbone than her most hated phrase in the English language: For your own good. Invariably, it meant the exact opposite. ‘And how did you persuade Harold to betray me?’ she asked flatly.

‘I didn’t have to; he loves you. Apparently you convinced him it was time to move on.’

With a rising sense of inevitability, she cleared her throat, determined to go down fighting. ‘Now you’re going to tell me it’s for my own good that Lawson Designer Glass will be razed to the ground to make way for some poxy redevelopment,’ she prompted sarcastically. ‘Well, it won’t work; I still have overall control.’ She was lying, but she was banking on Alex not knowing that.

His firm mouth quirked at the corners. ‘Actually you do not have a majority; the Hospice sold their shares yesterday.’

Shock held her rigid. Her anguished eyes roamed over his arrogant dark head. ‘Oh, God!’ Lisa exclaimed. Alex now owned fifty-three percent of Lawson’s. He had done it. Bought her company from under her. ‘You really are the devil! You used sex to blind me, while robbing me blind.’ How could she have fallen in love with a man so lacking in any moral fibre? A man who had played on her innocence of the male sex to manipulate her into marriage and, cruellest of all, to rob her of her birthright. Easily, she thought sadly. She had recognised the dark power of his personality the moment she had met him. But love had blinded her to the ruthlessness inherent in the man.

‘I seem to recall, not so long ago, your body welcoming mine with an eagerness you could not hide. Far from being the devil, I am your guardian angel,’ Alex offered tautly, his narrowed eyes colliding with hers. ‘I bought the shares so you could keep your company.’

A harsh laugh escaped her. ‘Excuse me, but it was already mine,’ she reminded him bitterly, ignoring his crack about sex.

‘If I had not bought the shares, somebody else would have done.’ Alex shrugged. ‘Solomos International is an incredibly wealthy company, Lisa. We invest in many and varied projects all over the world. Do you really think it matters to me if we have one more site?’ he said, exasperation lacing his tone. ‘In fact, I have decided to cut back on my workload since meeting you.’ He glanced at her lovely proud face, and something very like compassion moved in his dark eyes. ‘I know it’s not your fault you ended up in the position you have, Lisa. Grief can do funny things and make fools of us all. It was an admirable gesture in memory of your mother to donate those shares, but it did put your business in a vulnerable position. You’re an intelligent woman, but you are very young and lack experience. Have you any idea how quickly you would have been out on your ear if any other firm had bought into your company?’ Not waiting for an answer, he added, ‘You were a sitting duck when you made that gift to the hospice.’

‘And you shot me down.’ But it was slowly dawning on her that there was an awful lot of truth in what Alex said. Had she made a terrible mistake?

‘The hell I did,’ he said savagely, reaching out and grabbing her shoulders. ‘I saved it for you.’

‘Oh, so how do you work that out, pray?’ she enquired sarcastically.

Alex’s hands tightened for a moment on her shoulders, and then he released her, the expression on his handsome face bleak. ‘Trust me, Lisa; you don’t need to know.’

‘But I don’t trust you,’ she said bluntly. ‘Not any more.’

He stared hard at her for long, tense seconds, the line of his jaw taut. She thought she saw a flicker of something like pain in his black eyes, but she must have imagined it, because he turned and walked away, to stand looking out of the window. He came back round to face her. ‘You’d better sit down; you are not going to like this,’ he said curtly, and indicated the small satin-covered sofa that rested against the wall with a wave of his hand.

Her first thought was to refuse, but something in his expression made her hesitate to defy him. With a nervous tug on the belt of her robe, she crossed to the sofa and sat down. She tilted her chin, her eyes cold as they met his. ‘So fire away. But try for the truth this time.’

His dark eyes flared briefly with anger at her slur on his honesty, and then he sighed. ‘A year ago Xela Properties—one of my companies as you so rightly said—was approached by a broker with an investment opportunity. Lawson’s Designer Glass was ripe to be taken over and the site developed more profitably.’ He glanced down at Lisa. ‘But then you know all this.’

‘There was no mention of redevelopment in the offer my mother received,’ Lisa snapped.

Alex simply arched one dark brow sardonically. ‘No one shows all his cards to his opponent.’

Lisa frowned. Her mother had been dying at the time, and that made it somehow worse. She looked back at Alex; was he the sort of man to prey on a dying woman?

He read her mind. ‘No. I did not know.’ He began pacing the floor in front of her. ‘Andy Scott investigated the feasibility of the deal, and approached me for permission to proceed, which, after visiting the site, I gave. The offer was turned down. The whole project was shelved and would have stayed that way.’

‘And that was when you decided to use more devious means, like marrying the owner,’ she cut in, hurting from the way he had tricked her.

‘Don’t be ridiculous, Lisa, I did not even know you then,’ Alex snapped. ‘And I could buy and sell your company a million times over. I certainly did not marry you to persuade you into parting with it.’

Put like that, it did make her fears seem a bit groundless, but it did not alter the fact she had overheard him plotting with Nigel. ‘So you say,’ she mumbled, still not prepared to believe him.

He stared down at her for a moment, his dark eyes cold and angry. Then he renewed his pacing. ‘I walked into the bar of a hotel in Statford-upon-Avon and I saw a beautiful elegant blonde with legs to die for. Then I saw her two companions—older, shorter, fatter and dark—nothing like the girl. I concluded they must be her sugar daddies.’

Lisa gasped in outrage. ‘You’ve got a nerve, especially with your record with women.’ Then she remembered his dismissive glance at the time and realised why.

‘Yes, cynical of me, I know, but true. Then Nigel, your stepbrother, introduced himself to me, claiming Andy Scott as mutual acquaintance. I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you, Lisa,’ he said with unaccustomed gentleness, ‘but Nigel was the commercial property broker who first brought Andy Scott’s attention to Lawson Designer Glass.’

‘How could he?’ Lisa whispered to herself. But, knowing Nigel, she believed it.

Alex heard her. ‘Quite easily, I’m afraid. I know you consider him family. But he couldn’t wait to inform me I was missing out on a great deal. He suggested I raise the offer and it would be second time lucky. He could guarantee delivering Harold Watson’s thirteen per cent—and if I wasn’t interested, he told me, he had another company lined up that was. I wasn’t particularly keen. The Lawson family was still left with fifty-two per cent—not a very viable proposition for Xela Properties.’

‘But if that’s true, if you really did think like that, why did you go behind my back and buy the shares?’ Lisa asked quietly.

He stopped pacing and stood in front of her, a deep tide of colour darkening his handsome face. ‘Because Nigel pointed you out on that night in Stratford as the owner and was quite effusive about your…’ he hesitated. ‘…character, shall we say, and the relationship between you. He suggested a man of my experience should have no trouble talking you round.’ He had the grace to look ashamed for a second. ‘I would like to think my intentions were noble at the time. It was immediately apparent to me that Nigel was a rogue. I could barely remember the deal he was talking about. I had to ring Andy later that night to refresh my memory. But, to be honest, at the time I simply saw a beautiful girl, who was not the freeloader I had first thought, and jumped at the chance of an introduction.’

Flattering though it was to be called beautiful, Lisa wasn’t fooled, and, leaping to her feet, she cried, ‘I was right all along. You and Nigel are in it together!’ Spinning on her heel, she stormed past him.

‘Stop.’ His hand caught her arm and pulled her around. ‘Don’t you dare walk away from me.’ His hard, angry eyes roamed over her face. ‘You are going to hear me out, even if I have to pin you to the bed to do it. So make your choice.’ Suddenly she was very conscious of his large tanned body. His robe hung open to the waist, revealing his broad hairy chest, and when she glanced up at his angry face he met her look with hard, mocking eyes.

‘All right,’ she muttered, and sat down on the sofa. But this time Alex sat down beside her.

He caught her hands in his. ‘To prevent you lashing out,’ he said grimly, ‘I have had enough of your histrionics.’

He continued as if he had never stopped. ‘When you agreed to marry me, your company was the last thing on my mind. But I did tell Andy Scott to keep a wary eye out for any developments, and also to watch Nigel Watson. I did not trust the man. You were shortly to be my wife, and I naturally wanted to protect your interests.’

‘Don’t you mean your own?’ she sneered.

‘No, damn it, I don’t! The third day of our honeymoon I received a fax from Andy Scott. He had some disturbing news. Nigel had approached another property company with the proposed deal, and they were interested enough to put in a bid for the Lee shares. I instructed Andy to string Nigel along with the promise of a finder’s fee, and put in a counter-bid for Lee’s shares, whatever it cost. That only left Harold’s. Then, last Thursday, Andy made the amazing discovery you had given some shares to the hospice. I had no choice but to buy them.’

‘You could have told me straight away,’ Lisa said fiercely. ‘I could have bought the shares myself. But, no, you had to be in control. I am telling you now, I will fight you every inch of the way if you try to close Lawson’s down.’

Alex shook his head, frustrated as well as angry. ‘For heaven sake, Lisa, we were on our honeymoon. I would have to have been the most insensitive man on the planet to have worried you with business at such a time. And I do not want to close Lawson’s down. I might wish it had never existed, the trouble it has caused,’ he opined dryly, ‘but in fact you should be thanking me for saving it.’

‘You don’t want to demolish the place?’ she queried, lifting wary blue eyes to his.

‘I still think in the long term redevelopment is the best way forward, but I am perfectly happy for you to run the business as you like. I bought the majority share simply to protect you. You’re my wife, and if it suits you to work I won’t deprive you of the privilege. I meant to tell you last weekend, after checking the state of affairs with Andy on Thursday. But with the fiascos that night and the rest of the weekend turned into somehow I never got round to it. Perhaps because whenever I look at you I forget everything but this.’ Alex wrapped an arm around her shoulders and his dark head bent towards her.

‘No!’ Lisa put a restraining hand on his bare chest. ‘I am not going to be diverted by sex. Not again,’ she said, quickly appalled at her own weakness. ‘You see, Alex, I know you are lying. I overheard you and Nigel last Thursday in this very apartment. I heard you telling him he could invest in your development.’ She still burned at the memory, and the tone of her voice reflected her feelings. ‘The slimy rat. And you’re no better.’

‘I thought you loved your stepbrother. You told me you did.’ Alex jerked back, his arm falling from her shoulder, his voice hard and accusing.

‘You’ve got to be joking.’ Lisa stared at him in genuine astonishment. ‘I can’t stand the man. I wouldn’t give him the time of day if it weren’t for Harold, and the feeling is mutual. Ever since he made a pass at me when I was sixteen and I made my feelings plain.’

Alex sucked in a deep breath, his black eyes glittering with some fierce emotion. ‘I wish I had known that last week; I would have flattened the bastard.’ He shook his dark head in a gesture of utter disgust with himself, and, grasping her hands in his hands, he asked, ‘Why did you not tell me last Thursday what you had overheard? Am I such an ogre you could not talk to me?’

She shrugged wearily. ‘What difference does it make? I heard enough to know my husband and stepbrother were plotting behind my back.’

‘Exactly what did you hear, Lisa? I need to know.’ His voice was flat, devoid of any emotion, only the tightening of his hands on hers told her he was nowhere near as calm as he appeared.

She stared unwaveringly for a moment into his taut face. Her teeth worried at her bottom lip. She remembered every word, they were carved on her brain but she wasn’t sure she wanted to tell him.

‘Tell me, Lisa,’ he prompted curtly.

‘All right.’ And with complete honesty she told him. ‘I heard Nigel say that after three weeks with the ice amazon he didn’t blame you spending a night on your own. Then he asked you if the delectable Margot knew you were in town.’

‘It was Nigel who told Margot I was in town. She confessed as much before she left,’ Alex said flatly, and Lisa winced. She had misjudged him badly. ‘But I did not want to disillusion you about Nigel.’ He laced his fingers with hers, as if to give her some of his strength. ‘Go on.’

‘There was a comment about a computer nerd.’ It was Alex’s turn to wince. ‘Then he asked for your confirmation that the sale of Lawson’s would go through. You teased him about getting my shares for nothing. And finally you said Nigel would get what he wanted.’

‘What I actually said, Lisa, was that he would get his… And I did not mean it in a friendly way. But I was labouring under the impression you loved him like a brother, so I had to put up with him, while making sure he did not harm you. I was stringing him along that night because, thinking ahead, I realised if anything happened to Harold, Nigel would end up with a share in your business. There was no way I wanted Nigel to have anything to do with you, so I had to keep him sweet until I had done a deal with Harold.’

‘You still could have told me. I never thought Harold would ever sell without consulting me first. Until you came along.’ She glared at him, but her heart wasn’t in it. What Alex said made sense.

‘Blood is thicker than water, Lisa. Harold is always going to be weak where his son is concerned, and I realised it that night when I spoke to Nigel. Suffice to say, after Nigel left the apartment I had a long talk to Harold.’

‘Yes, you said so at the time.’ Lisa knew that was true. Was it possible Alex was telling the truth and he really was not the villain she had painted him?

‘I believe I did. Just before you seduced me.’ He stopped, an arrested expression on his handsome face. ‘Now I understand,’ he declared, a sensual, reminiscent smile lighting his brown eyes. ‘Your sudden aggression in bed last week was more fury than a fever of passion?’ he queried softly, lifting their joined hands to his mouth and kissing her fingers.

‘Never mind that.’ She wasn’t going there for anything! ‘What did you say to Harold to get him to sell his shares?’

‘I promised to pay off Nigel’s debts.’

‘What!’ Lisa exclaimed. ‘Are you mad?’ She pulled her hands free and eyed her husband with stunned disbelief.

‘I am now,’ Alex said with wry amusement. ‘When I learn he laid a hand on you. But it is too late. It is done. Harold loves his son, and would do anything for him, though he is not entirely blind to Nigel’s faults. Harold and I agreed that the money I paid him for his shares would go into a trust to give Nigel an income from the interest. But Nigel can’t get his hands on the capital.’

‘And you did this for me?’ Lisa said, feeling her way through what felt like a minefield. ‘You bought the Lee shares first, to protect the company from a hostile bid set up by Nigel?’

Alex gave her a considering look. ‘No,’ he said and, rising to his feet, he stared fixedly down at her.

‘No? But—’ She raised confused blue eyes to his, and suddenly she felt the strong grip of Alex’s hands on her arms, pulling her up against his body.

‘I bought the shares for you, and only you. I don’t give a damn about Lawson’s, except as it affects you. You’re my wife, my partner, and if you had shown a little more trust in me, talked to me, you could have spared us both a lot of unpleasantness,’ Alex declared, with a disturbing intensity in his voice that left Lisa in no doubt he was telling the truth.

‘I’m sorry, but it’s not that easy to trust a husband when you think he’s plotting behind your back, and then you’re confronted in the apartment you share by an almost naked ex-mistress all in the same night,’ Lisa retorted dryly. She believed his explanation; she had to. Alex was the majority stockholder now, whether she liked it or not, and did that matter if he was prepared to let her run the company as she wished? More than that, she loved him, and eventually she might persuade her cynical husband to fall in love with her.

‘Okay, so there were mistakes on both sides,’ Alex conceded. ‘Mine being I should not have brought you back to this apartment in the first place. I know you don’t like it.’

Lisa had to smile. ‘Oh I don’t know.’ Placing a hand in the open vee of his robe, she felt his hot satin skin beneath her fingers. ‘I seem to remember our wedding night was not that bad.’ Rising up on her toes, she pressed her lips to his; his arms tightened around her and he took over the kiss with a passionate thoroughness that had her melting in his arms.

Suddenly Alex pulled back, his hands falling from her waist. ‘No, Lisa, I am not going to give you the chance again to accuse me of manipulating you with sex.’

‘I wasn’t going to,’ she teased, suddenly feeling lighthearted.

‘Good, then get dressed. We are leaving. We have to learn to communicate better and here is not the place to do it. Too many bad memories,’ Alex insisted.

‘I’ll send you an E-mail from my laptop. Is that communication enough for you? Though I do remember overhearing you tell Nigel something about your lap.’

Alex stiffened, and she watched with laughter in her eyes as his brow furrowed and he tried to remember, then he disconcerted her completely by roaring with laughter. Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her to the bed.

‘You’re right. Who needs to talk when we have this?’ And, with a wolfish smile, he dropped her on the bed. Falling down beside her, he deftly eased her out of her robe, shed his own, and drew her in to the hard heat of him. Lisa trembled violently, and wondered how she had ever been dumb enough to even consider forgoing such pleasure.

A long time later she lay with her head resting on his broad chest.

‘Are you okay?’ Alex queried softly. She felt the vibration of his words against the wall of his chest.

‘I’m speechless,’ she sighed.

‘I’m surprised,’ Alex murmured. ‘You are usually such a verbal lover.’

‘Yes, well, for once I am struck dumb.’ But she knew what he was getting at.

Before she would have cried out in the throes of passion and declared her love in gushing terms. Not any more… She had accepted his reason for buying the shares in her company the same way she had accepted the fact that Alex did not believe in love. She told herself she didn’t care, that the pleasure she found in his arms was enough…

‘Good.’ He rolled her on to her back and, propping his head on one elbow, he grinned down at her. ‘How about a long weekend in Kos? Or perhaps you would prefer house-hunting again?’ he ended less than enthusiastically.

Lisa pretended to consider. ‘Well, a house is important…’ She saw the flash of disappointment in his dark eyes. It was time to take a chance, and her lips parted in a purely feminine smile. ‘But I doubt we’d find anything better than the first one we saw last week. So Kos it is.’

‘You little witch.’ Alex surveyed her with a disturbing light of understanding in his dark. ‘You wanted the house, but you had so little trust in me you could not admit it, hmm.’

‘Something like that,’ she agreed.

‘Hardly flattering, but understandable, I suppose.’ Slipping off the bed, Alex picked up his robe and put it on. ‘I have a few calls to make, so why not get up and get packed?’ He glanced down at where she lay on the bed, her blonde hair spread in a tangled mass over the pillow, her body relaxed in the aftermath of passion, and his firm lips curved back over his brilliant white teeth in a blatantly sexy grin. ‘And hurry, wife, or I might just change my mind!’

Mediterranean Tycoons

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