Acupressure: Simple Steps to Health: Discover your Body’s Powerpoints For Health and Relaxation

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Jacqueline Young. Acupressure: Simple Steps to Health: Discover your Body’s Powerpoints For Health and Relaxation
Table of Contents
part one. Introduction
Acupressure for Health
The Acupoints
Performing Acupressure on Others
Consulting a Specialist
How to Use this Book
Motivation and Confidence
part two. Acupressure Health Workout
1. Acupressure Health Workout
The Workout. 1. Lung 7: The Respiratory System
2. Large Intestine 4: The Head, Face and Skin
3. Large Intestine 11: The Arms, Skin and Digestion
4. Stomach 36: The Digestive System
5. Spleen 6: The Digestive System and Gynaecological Organs
6. Heart 7. Circulation and Heart Function
7. Small Intestine 3: The Head, Neck and Spine
8. Urinary Bladder 11: Bones
9. Urinary Bladder 40: Lower Body and Joint Mobility
10. Urinary Bladder 60: Back, Legs and Feet and Urinary System
11. Kidney 1: Vitality and Blood Pressure
12. Kidney 3: Urinary System, Adrenals and Gynaecological Organs
13. Pericardium 6: Circulation and Cardiac Function
14. Triple Heater 5: Circulation and Balance
15. Gall Bladder 34: Muscular System
16. Liver 3: Nervous and Immune Systems
17. Governor Vessel 26: Brain and Mental Function
18. Conception Vessel 6: Abdominal Tonic
19. Conception Vessel 17: Upper Body Tonic
20. Ear Massage: Lymph and Hormonal Systems
part three. Acupressure Health
2. The Head
The Face and Skin
Facial Workout
Facial Workout Acupoints
1. Governor Vessel 20
2. Governor Vessel 23
3. Stomach 8
4. Gall Bladder 14
5. Forehead Point (Extra Point)
6. Urinary Bladder 2
7. Eyebrow Point (Extra Point)
8. Triple Heater 23
9. Gall Bladder 1
10. Stomach 1
11. Triple Heater 21
12. Small Intestine 19
13. Gall Bladder 2
14. Stomach 3
15. Large Intestine 20
16. Governor Vessel 26
17. Stomach 4
18. Stomach 6
19. Conception Vessel 24
20. Gall Bladder 20
Additional Point: Large Intestine 4
Head and Facial Skin Problems
Governor Vessel 20
Urinary Bladder 2
Gall Bladder 1
Gall Bladder 20
Large Intestine 4
Urinary Bladder 60
Gall Bladder 14
Governor Vessel 23
Forehead Point (Extra Point)
Stomach 36
Gall Bladder 1
Temple Point
Gall Bladder 8
Triple Heater 5
Gall Bladder 41
Forehead Point (Extra Point)
Stomach 3
Small Intestine 18
Gall Bladder 20
Spleen 10
Stomach 36
The Hair
Governor Vessel 20
Gall Bladder 8
Gall Bladder 20
Triple Heater 5
Kidney 3
Hair Problems
The Eyes
Governor Vessel 20
Urinary Bladder 2
Gall Bladder 1
Liver 3
Gall Bladder 37
Eye Problems
Gall Bladder 20
Gall Bladder 1
Gall Bladder 14
Gall Bladder 15
The Ears
Triple Heater 21
Small Intestine 19
Gall Bladder 2
Kidney 3
Ear Problems
Urinary Bladder 23
The Nose
Governor Vessel 20
Large Intestine 20
Large Intestine 4
Nasal Problems
Urinary Bladder 2
Urinary bladder 10
Stomach 3
Then Mouth
Large Intestine 4
Stomach 4
Stomach 36
Mouth Problem
Urinary Bladder 10
Stomach 6
Stomach 7
Large Intestine 11
Gall Bladder 20
Conception Vessel 22
Lung 5
Urinary Bladder 23
3. the Joints
Health Joints
Urinary Bladder 11
Urinary Bladder 40
Gall Bladder 39
Gall Bladder 34
Acupoints to Strengthen or Treat Specific Joints
Stomach 6
Gall Bladder 20
Gall Bladder 21
Large Intestine 11
Triple Heater 5
Triple Heater 5
Pericardium 6
Large Intestine 4
Triple heater 4
Gall Bladder 21
Large Intestine 11
Urinary Bladder 18
Urinary Bladder 20
Urinary Bladder 23
Urinary Bladder 25
Urinary Bladder 40
Urinary bladder 60
Gall Bladder 30
Knee Acupoints
Urinary Bladder 40
Kidney 3
Gall Bladder 40
Kidney 1
Gall Bladder 40
Urinary Bladder 60
4. The Respiratory System
Healthy Lungs and Respiratory Function
Lung 7
Conception Vessel 17
Respiratory Problems
Governor Vessel 14
Gall Bladder 20
Large intestine 4
Conception Vessel 22
Urinary Bladder 13
Lung 5
Asthma Relief Acupoint
Stomach 40
Ear Adrenal Acupoint
Lung 6
5. The Heart and Circulation
A Healthy Heart
Heart 7
Pericardium 6
Stomach 36
Heart and Circulation Problems
Conception Vessel 17
Urinary Bladder 15
Urinary Bladder 43
Heart 3
Pericardium 4
Large Intestine 10
Gall Bladder 40
Kidney 3
Conception Vessel 4
Governor Vessel 20
Kidney 1
Spleen 6
Spleen 10
Governor Vessel 20
Kidney 3
6. Digestion
Healthy Digestion
Stomach 25
Stomach 36
Digestive Problems
Large Intestine 11
Large Intestine 4
Urinary Bladder 25
Stomach 25
Stomach 34
Stomach 34
Urinary Bladder 21
Spleen 8
Conception Vessel 12
Ear Adrenal Acupoints
Pericardium 6
Spleen 4
Conception Vessel 12
7. The Urinary System
Urinary Health
Urinary Bladder 23
Urinary Bladder 28
Kidney 3
Conception Vessel 3
Urinary Problems
Spleen 6
Liver 1
Spleen 6
Gall Bladder 39
Stomach 28
Spleen 9
Spleen 6
Governor Vessel 26
Stomach 28
Gall Bladder 25
8. The Gynaecological Organs
Gynaecological Health
Conception Vessel 3
Conception Vessel 4
Spleen 6
Gynaecological Problems
Largo Intestine 4
Spleen 8
Spleen 10
Conception Vessel 6
Urinary Bladder 23
Stomach 36
Large Intestine 4
Spleens 10
Urinary Bladder 23
Urinary Bladder 32
Forehead Point (Extra Point)
Large Intestine 4
Triple Heater 5
Kidney 1
Governor Vessel 20
Kidney 1
Conception Vessel 6
Gall Bladder 26
Governor Vessel 4
9. Sexual Health
Sexual Health and Vitality
Conception Vessel 4
Conception Vessel 6
Governor Vessel 4
Urinary Bladder 23
Stomach 36
Sexual Problems
Governor Vessel 20
Kidney 3
Heart 7
Kidney 3
Urinary Bladder 52
Kidney 3
Spleen 6
10. The Whole Body
Large Intestine 4
Conception Vessel 12
Urinary Bladder 18
Spleen 10
Urinary Bladder 40
Urinary Bladder 57
Spleen 9
Large Intestine 4
Urinary Bladder 40
Urinary Bladder 60
Stomach 36
Kidney 1
Governor Vessel 14
Small Intestine 9
Gall Bladder 30
Stomach 34
Small Intestine 3
Urinary Bladder 62
Spleen 21
Large Intestine 4
Triple Heater 5
Liver 3
Stomach 36
Governor Vessel 20
Governor Vessel 4
Urinary Bladder 23
Large Intestine 4
Stomach 36
Conception Vessel 6
Liver 3
11. Mental Health. Mental and Emotional Health
Governor Vessel 20
Large Intestine 4
Heart 7
Pericardium 6
Conception Vessel 6
Conception Vessel 12
Conception Vessel 17
stomach 36
Urinary Bladder 10
Urinary Bladder 23
Kidney 6
Urinary Bladder 18
Liver 3
Governor Vessel 26
Urinary Bladder 10
Conception Vessel 12
Liver 3
Gall Bladder 12
Spleen 6
Kidney 3
Pericardium 8
Lung 11
12. Pregnancy and Childbirth
Healthy Pregnancy
Governor Vessel 23
Urinary Bladder 23
Conception Vessel 6
Stomach 36
Kidney 3
Pericardium 6
Stomach 36
Liver 3
Urinary Bladder 23
Kidney 3
Stomach 16
Healthy Labour and Birth
Large Intestine 4
Spleen 6
Kidney 3
Urinary Bladder 67
Post-Partum Care
Conception Vessel 6
Urinary Bladder 23
Stomach 36
Stomach 16
Stomach 18
Small Intestine 1
part four. Acupressure First Aid
13. Acupressure First Aid
Asthma Relief Acupoint
Lung 7
Large Intestine 4
Stomach 40
Conception Vessel 22
Lung 9
Conception Vessel 17
Appendix Acupoint
Stomach 37
Kidney 24
Large Intestine 15
Liver 3
Urinary Bladder 65
Kidney 1
Governor Vessel 26
Pericardium 7
Large Intestine 4
Emergency Acupoint for Poisoning
Large Intestine 4
Liver 3
Urinary Bladder 65
Governor Vessel 26
Kidney 1
Urinary Bladder 60
Large Intestine 5
Urinary Bladder 65
Lung 11
Pericardium 6
List of Acupoints
Further Reading
Acupuncture and the Meridians
Chelation Therapy
Eye Exercises
Food Intolerance
Massage and Shiatsu
Mental Affirmation and Positive Thinking
Natural Pregnancy
Nutritional Medicine
Qi Gong and Meridian Exercises
Yoga and Meditation
Useful Addresses
Complementary Medicine Organisations
Acupressure/Shiatsu Practitioners
Allergy and Environmental Medicine Specialists
Homoeopathic Pharmacies
Natural Pregnancy
Nutritional Therapy
Practical Reiki A step-by-step guide
Reflexology for Women
Big Book of Ch’i An exploration of energy, form and spirit
Searchable Terms
About the Author
Also by the Author
About the Publisher
Отрывок из книги
For my mother and stepfather, Joosje and Don Angel – for all their loving support.
Each part of the body is covered in order from the head to the toes. Ailments are listed alphabetically in the index at the back of the book. Keep a regular diary to note your progress with acupressure.
Start practising acupressure today! Don’t let doubt or lack of confidence distract you. As your desire to maintain regular practice and your confidence increase, so will the effectiveness of the technique. It is your participation, as much as the technique itself, that makes acupressure a success.