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To the most vertuous Sir, Marke de Bussy Esquier L, of Beruille, I. B. gent. of Caen A tres-vertueux Sr. Marc de Bussy Escuier Sr. de Beruille. Ia. Be. Gent. Cadom. Tou dé most vertueus Sir, Mark de Bussy Escoué,ier L. of Beruille. I. B. gent of Caen.
health. Salut. health.
THe experience hauing in the olde tyme learned vnto me what sorow is for them that be refugiate in a strange countrey, when they can not vnderstand the language of that place in whiche they be exiled: and when they can not make them to be vnderstood by speach to the inhabiters of that contrey, wherein they be retired: I haue bene (therefore) moued to compassion, so that for to drawe out of paine, an infinite number of persons, the whiche our last persecutions haue caused to come in this contrey, I thought good to put into their hands certeine short Dialogues in French, and Englishe in which (for their fuller Instruction) I haue written the English, not onely so as the inhabiters of the countrey do write it: But also, so as it is, and must be pronounced: Whereof they shall be made partakers vnder the fauour of your vertuous godlynesse, to the which I doe dedicate them: beseching you to take them vnder your protection: and to beare also with my rashnesse, whiche haue bene so bolde to presume to present vnto you a worke so rude, and vnfiled: and so you shall geue me occasion, not onely to dedicate vnto you my perpetuall seruice: But also to pray God, for your most happy encrease in all highnesse, and estates, with true, and honorable felicitie. L'Experience m'aiant iadis appris quel ennuy apporte à ceux qui sont reffugiez en païs estranger, quand ilz ne peuuent entendre le language du lieu auquel ilz sont exilez: & quand ilz ne peuuent se faire entendre aux habitans de la contrée en laquelle ilz se sont retirez: i'ay esté (à ceste cause) esmeu à compassion, tellement que pour tirer de peine, vne infinité de personnes, que noz persecutions dernieres ont fait venir en ce païs, I'ay trouué bon de leur mettre en main quelques petis dialogues en Francois, & Anglois, ésquelz (pour leur plus ample instruction) I'ay escrit l'Anglois, non seulement selon que les habitans du païs l'Escriuent: Mais aussi ainsy qu'il est, & doit estre prononcé: Ce dont ilz seront fais participans souz la faueur de vostre vertueuse pieté à laquelle ie les dedie, vous suppliant les prendre en vostre protection. Et quand & quand, de supporter de ma temerité, aiant osé tant presumer que de vous presenter ouurage tant rude, & mal raboté: Et ce faisant, vous me donnerez occasion non seulement de vous dedier mon perpetuel seruice: Mais aussi de prier Dieu pour vostre tres-heureux accroissement en toute grandeur & états auec vraye & honorable felicité. Dé experience hàuyng in dé aùld teìm lèrned ontou my houat soro is for dem dat by refugiat in a strange contré, houen dè can not onderstand dé langage of dat plàs in houitch dè by exeiled: and houen dè can not mêk dem tou by onderstoud by spìtch tou dé inhabiters of dat contré houêrin dê by reteired: ey hàf (dêrfòr) bin mouued tou compassion, so dat for tou dràà out of paìn, en infinit nomber of persons, dé houitch aour làst persecutions hàf càsed tou com in dis contré, ey taùt goud tou pout intou dêr hands certain chart Deialogs in Franch, and Inglich, in houitch (for dêr fuller (instruction) ey hàf rouitin dé Inglish, not ònelé so as dé inhabiters of dé contré dou rouit it: Bout also, so às it is, and must by pronounced: Houêrof dê chàl by mêd partàkers onder dé fàueur of yor vertueus godlynes, tou dé houitch ey dou dedicat dem: Bisitching you tou tàk dem onder yor protection: and tou bêr àlso: ouis mey ràchenes, houitch hàf bin so bauld tou presùm tou present ontou you a ouorke so rùd, and onefiled: And so, you chàl gife my occasion, not ònlé tou dedicat ontou you mey perpetuall seruis: Bout àlso tou prê God, for yor mòst happy incréés in àl heìnes, and estats, ouis trù and honorable felicité.
Familiar Dialogues

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