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Table of Contents


Chapter II. The Principle And Idea Of Orthodoxy Stated And. Examined.

§ 1. The Principle of Orthodoxy defined.

§ 2. Logical Genesis of the Principle of Orthodoxy.

§ 3. Orthodoxy assumed to be the Belief of the Majority.

§ 4. Heterodoxy thus becomes sinful.

§ 5. The Doctrine of Essentials and Non-essentials leads. to Rome.

§ 6. Fallacy in this Orthodox Argument.

§ 7. The three Tendencies in the Church.

§ 8. The Party of Works.

§ 9. The Party of Emotion in Christianity.

§ 10. The Faith Party in Religion.

§ 11. Truth in the Orthodox Idea.

§ 12. Error in the Orthodox Principle.

§ 13. Faith, Knowledge, Belief, Opinion.

Chapter III. The Orthodox Idea Of Natural And Revealed Religion;. Or, Naturalism And Supernaturalism.

§ 1. Meaning of Natural and Supernatural.

§ 2. The Creation Supernatural.

§ 3. The Question stated.

§ 4. Argument of the Supernaturalist from successive Geologic. Creations.

§ 5. Supernatural Argument from Human Freedom.

§ 6. Supernatural Events not necessarily Violations of. Law.

§ 7. Life and History contain Supernatural Events.

§ 8. The Error of Orthodox Supernaturalism.

§ 9. No Conflict between Naturalism and Supernaturalism.

§ 10. Further Errors of Orthodox Supernaturalism—Gulf. between Christianity and all other Religions.

§ 11. Christianity considered unnatural, as well as supernatural. by being made hostile to the Nature of Man.

Chapter IV. Truths And Errors As Regards Miracles.

§ 1. The Subject stated. Four Questions concerning Miracles.

§ 2. The Definition of a Miracle.

§ 3. The different Explanations of the Miracles of the Bible.

§ 4. Criticism on these Different Views of Miracles.

§ 5. Miracles no Proof of Christianity.

§ 6. But Orthodoxy is right in maintaining their Reality as. Historic Facts.

§ 7. Analogy with other Similar Events recorded in History.

§ 8. Miracle of the Resurrection. Sceptical Objections.

§ 9. Final Result of this Examination.

Chapter V. Orthodox Idea Of The Inspiration And Authority Of. The Bible.

§ 1. Subject of this Chapter. Three Views concerning the. Bible.

§ 2. The Difficulty. Antiquity of the World, and Age of. Mankind.

§ 3. Basis of the Orthodox Theory of Inspiration.

§ 4. Inspiration in general, or Natural Inspiration.

§ 5. Christian or Supernatural Inspiration.

§ 6. Inspiration of the Scriptures, especially of the New. Testament Scriptures.

§ 7. Authority of the Scriptures.

§ 8. The Christian Prepossession.

§ 9. Conclusion.

Chapter VI. Orthodox Idea Of Sin, As Depravity And As Guilt.

§ 1. The Question stated.

§ 2. The four Moments or Characters of Evil. The Fall,. Natural Depravity, Total Depravity, Inability.

§ 3. Orthodox and Liberal View of Man, as morally diseased. or otherwise.

§ 4. Sin as Disease.

§ 5. Doctrine of the Fall in Adam, and Natural Depravity.. Their Truth and Error.

§ 6. Examination of Romans, 5:12-21.

§ 7. Orthodox View of Total Depravity and Inability.

§ 8. Proof Texts.

§ 9. Truth in the Doctrine of Total Depravity.

§ 10. Ability and Inability.

§ 11. Orthodox Doctrine of Inability.

§ 12. Some further Features of Orthodox Theology concerning. Human Sinfulness.

Chapter VII. Conversion And Regeneration.

§ 1. Orthodoxy recognizes only two Conditions in which Man. can be found.

§ 2. Crisis and Development.

§ 3. Nature of the Change.

§ 4. Its Reality and Importance.

§ 5. Is it the Work of God, or of the Man himself? Orthodox. Difficulty.

§ 6. Solved by the Distinction between Conversion and Regeneration.

§ 7. Men may be divided, religiously, into three Classes, not. two.

§ 8. Difference between Conversion and Regeneration.

§ 9. Unsatisfactory Attitude of the Orthodox Church.

§ 10. The Essential Thing for Man is to repent and be. converted; that is, to make it his Purpose to obey God in all. Things.

§ 11. Regeneration is God's Work in the Soul. Examination. of the Classical Passage, or conversation of Jesus with. Nicodemus.

§ 12. Evidences of Regeneration.

Chapter VIII. The Orthodox Idea Of The Son Of God.

§ 1. Orthodox Doctrine stated.

§ 2. This Doctrine gradually developed.

§ 3. Unitarian Objections.

§ 4. Substantial Truth in this Doctrine.

§ 5. Formal Error of the Orthodox Statement.

§ 6. Errors of Arianism and Naturalism.

Chapter IX. Justification By Faith.

§ 1. This Doctrine of Paul not obsolete.

§ 2. Its Meaning and Importance.

§ 3. Need of Justification for the Conscience.

§ 4. Reaction of Sin on the Soul.

§ 5. Different Methods of obtaining Forgiveness.

§ 6. Method in Christianity.

§ 7. Result.

§ 8. Its History in the Church.

§ 9. Orthodox Errors, at the present Time, in Regard to Justification. by Faith.

§ 10. Errors of Liberal Christians.

Chapter X. Orthodox Idea Of The Atonement.

§ 1. Confusion in the Orthodox Statement.

§ 2. Great Importance attributed to this Doctrine.

§ 3. Stress laid on the Death of Jesus in the Scripture.

§ 4. Difficulty in interpreting these Scripture Passages.

§ 5. Theological Theories based on the Figurative Language. of the New Testament.

§ 6. The three principal Views of the Atonement—warlike,. legal, and governmental.

§ 7. Impression made by Christ's Death on the Minds of. his Disciples. First Theory on the Subject in the Epistle to. the Hebrews.

§ 8. Value of Suffering as a Means of Education.

§ 9. The Human Conscience suggests the Need of some. Satisfaction in order to our Forgiveness.

§ 10. How the Death of Jesus brings Men to God.

§ 11. This Law of Vicarious Suffering universal.

§ 12. This Law illustrated from History—in the Death of. Socrates, Joan of Arc, Savonarola, and Abraham Lincoln.

§ 13. Dr. Bushnell's View of the Atonement.

§ 14. Results of this Discussion.

Chapter XI. Calling, Election, And Reprobation.

§ 1. Orthodox Doctrine.

§ 2. Scripture Basis for this Doctrine.

§ 3. Relation of the Divine Decree to Human Freedom.

§ 4. History of the Doctrine of Election and Predestination.

§ 5. Election is to Work and Opportunity here, not to Heaven. hereafter. How Jacob was elected, and how the Jews were a. Chosen People.

§ 6. How other Nations were elected and called.

§ 7. How different Denominations are elected.

§ 8. How Individuals are elected.

§ 9. How Jesus was elected to be the Christ.

§ 10. Other Illustrations of Individual Calling and Election.

Chapter XII. Immortality And The Resurrection.

§ 1. Orthodox Doctrine.

§ 2. The Doctrine of Immortality as taught by Reason, the. Instinctive Consciousness, and Scripture.

§ 3. The Three Principal Views of Death—the Pagan,. Jewish, and Christian.

§ 4. Eternal Life, as taught in the New Testament, not. endless Future Existence, but present Spiritual Life.

§ 5. Resurrection, and its real Meaning, as a Rising up, and. not a Rising again.

§ 6. Resurrection of the Body, as taught in the New Testament,. not a Rising again of the same Body, but the Ascent into. a higher Body.

Chapter XIII. Christ's Coming, Usually Called The “ Second Coming, ” And Christ The Judge Of The World.

§ 1. The Coming of Christ is not wholly future, not wholly. outward, not local, nor material.

§ 2. No Second Coming of Christ is mentioned in Scripture.

§ 3. Were the Apostles mistaken in expecting a speedy Coming. of Christ?

§ 4. Examination of the Account of Christ's Coming given. by Jesus in Matthew (chapters 24-26) .

§ 5. Coming of Christ in Human History at different. Times.

§ 6. Relation of the Parable of the Virgins, and of the. Talents, to Christ's Coming.

§ 7. Relation of the Account of the Judgment by the Messiah,. in Matt. ch. 25, to his Coming.

§ 8. How Christ is, and how he is not, to judge the World.

§ 9. When Christ's Judgment takes Place.

§ 10. Paul's View of the Judgment by Christ.

§ 11. Final Result.

Chapter XIV. Eternal Punishment, Annihilation, Universal Restoration.

§ 1. Different Views concerning the Condition of the Impenitent. hereafter.

§ 2. The Doctrine of Everlasting Punishment, as held by. the Orthodox at the Present Time.

§ 3. Apparent Contradictions, both in Scripture and Reason,. in Regard to this Doctrine.

§ 4. Everlasting Punishment limits the Sovereignty of God.

§ 5. Everlasting Punishment contradicts the Fatherly Love. of God.

§ 6. Attempts to modify and soften the Doctrine of Everlasting. Punishment.

§ 7. The meaning of Eternal Punishment in Scripture.

§ 8. How Judgment by Christ is connected with Punishment.

§ 9. The Doctrine of Annihilation.

§ 10. The Doctrine of Universal Restoration.

Chapter XV. The Christian Church.

§ 1. The Question stated.

§ 2. Orthodox Doctrine of the Church—Roman Catholic. and High Church.

§ 3. The Protestant Orthodox Idea of the Church.

§ 4. Christ's Idea of a Church, or the Kingdom of Heaven.

§ 5. Church of the Leaven, or the Invisible Church.

§ 6. The Church of the Mustard-seed.

§ 7. Primitive and Apostolic Church, or Church as it was.

§ 8. The Actual Church, or the Church as it is.

§ 9. The Church Ideal, or Church as it ought to be.

§ 10. The Church Possible, or Church as it can be.

Chapter XVI. The Trinity.

§ 1. Definition of the Church Doctrine.

§ 2. History of the Doctrine.

§ 3. Errors in the Church Doctrine of the Trinity.

§ 4. The Trinity of Manifestations founded in the Truth of. Things.

§ 5. It is in Harmony with Scripture.

§ 6. Practical value of the Trinity, when rightly understood.

Appendix. Critical Notices.

§ 1. On the Defence of Nescience in Theology, by Herbert Spencer. and Henry L. Mansel.

§ 2. On the Defence of Verbal Inspiration by Gaussen.

§ 3. Defence of the Doctrine that Sin is a Nature, by Professor. Shedd.

§ 4. Defence of Everlasting Punishment, by Dr. Nehemiah. Adams and Dr. J. P. Thompson.

§ 5. Defence of the Trinity, by Frederick D. Huntington, D. D.

Orthodoxy: Its Truths And Errors

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