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I would be remiss not to recognize those without whom this project would have been impossible. Dr. Mikeal Parsons has been an outstanding mentor, teacher, supervisor, and friend; to him I am especially grateful for opening my eyes to the world of ancient rhetoric and narrative criticism, and for encouraging me to pursue publication of this work. This book would not exist without his help. I am thankful to Dr. Charles Talbert and Dr. David Jeffrey for their willingness to serve on my dissertation committee and for always providing such timely and insightful critique of my work. Of course, any errors in this volume are solely my responsibility.

But it is to my family that I owe the largest debt of gratitude. My wife, Susan, and children, Luke (and now Mary), Evan, and Molly, have exhibited incredible flexibility in allowing their lives to be interrupted and move across the country (and, in some cases, back again!) so that I might pursue the calling to minister to students through theological education. They have demonstrated great patience in allowing me the time I needed for my studies and research, and they have never failed to support and encourage me along the way. I am truly blessed beyond measure by my children and by my wife, who daily models and practices sacrificial love.

The topos of Divine Testimony in Luke-Acts

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