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’IS mornin’ mamma told me

’At I mus’ be awful dood,

’Tuz I’m startin’ on my schooldays

An’ I promised her I would.

But I’m awful much ’iscouraged

’Tuz I tried so hard to det

All the lessons teacher gave me,

But I tant read yet!

My! it’s awful long till dinner,

An’ I couldn’t hardly wait

Wen I dot done wif my letters

An’ I wrote ’em on my slate,

An’ I’m ’shamed to tell my mamma

’At I dess she’ll have to let

Me go back again tomorrow,

’Tuz I tant read yet.

She’ll be awful disappointed,

’Tuz I’ve been there half a day,

An’ she’ll think I didn’t study

Or it wouldn’t be that way.

But I don’t s’pose I tan help it,

An’ it does no dood to fret,

’Tuz I’ve been to school all mornin’

An’ I tant read yet.

I dess our teacher’s stupid,

’Tuz she didn’t seem to care

W’en I went right up an’ told her

Were she’s sittin’ in her chair,

’At I’m awful much ’iscouraged

An’ my Mamma she would fret

’Tuz I’ve been to school all mornin’

An’ I tant read yet.

An’ ’en she started laughin’,

It’s as true as I’m alive,

An’ ast how old I am, an’ ’en

I told her half past five,

An’ ’en she tame an’ tissed me,

’Tuz my eyes are dettin’ wet,

An’ told me not to worry

’Tuz I tant read yet.

I dess if she had Mother Goose

She’d be ’isturbed herself,

If she ’ud go an’ det it

Down f’m off th’ lib’ry shelf,

An’ ’en w’en it is open,

I dess she’s apt to fret

If she’s been to school all mornin’

An’ she tant read yet!

Boys and Girls

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