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THE Adams’s children, they just romp and play

And fall out of trees in the carelessest way,

And might break their legs from the way that they fall,

But they get up laughing and not hurt at all,

’Cause boys’ bones are soft, so their grandfather said;

And John Quincy Adams, he stands on his head

And drinks from a dipper, and all over town

The boys will tell you how he drinks upside down.

The Adams’s children, they make enough noise

In the yard where they live for three times as much boys,

And sometimes they laugh and you hear it as clear

As can be up to Tinker’s and way over here;

And they’ve got a dog which is almost the same

As the rest of the boys and will play every game,

And bark all the time, and he makes so much noise

He’s just like the rest of the Adams’s boys.

The Adams’s children, they go out to ride

On a pony of theirs, with them all three astride,

And the boy up in front makes him kick up and then

The boy way behind, he gets thrown off again; And the Adams’s pony, he looks just as though He’s trying to laugh when the others laugh so; It looks like a laugh, but he can’t make a noise Like the dog or the rest of the Adams’s boys.

The Adams’s children, they go out to play

And sometimes their mother don’t see them all day,

But she never frets, ’cause the world is too small,

So she said, for three boys to get lost in it all.

And sometimes she listens outdoors and she hears

The laughing and barking way over to Geer’s,

Which is most half a mile, and she smiles, because then

She knows they’ll be home when they’re hungry again.

The Adams’s children, they get on as though

They were three great chums and not brothers, you know;

And folks like to hear them, when they’re going past,

With the big one ahead and the little one last.

They’ve always got playmates of their very own,

And don’t have to do chores or to study alone,

And everything seems to be three times the fun

For the Adams’s children as though there’s just one!


Boys and Girls

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