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Table of Contents





CHAP. I. Of Astronomy in general.

CHAP. II. A brief Description of the Solar System .

CHAP. III. The COPERNICAN SYSTEM demonstrated to be true .

CHAP. IV. The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen from different parts of the Earth.

CHAP. V. The Phenomena of the Heavens as seen from different Parts of the Solar System.

CHAP. VI. The Ptolemean System refuted. The Motions and Phases of Mercury and Venus explained.

CHAP. VII. The physical Causes of the Motions of the Planets. The Excentricities of their Orbits. The Times in which the Action of Gravity would bring them to the Sun. Archimedes ’s ideal Problem for moving the Earth. The World not eternal.

CHAP. VIII. Of Light. It’s proportional quantities on the different Planets. It’s Refractions in Water and Air. The Atmosphere; it’s weight and properties. The Horizontal Moon.

CHAP. IX. The Method of finding the Distances of the Sun, Moon, and Planets.

CHAP. X. The Circles of the Globe described. The different lengths of days and nights, and the vicissitudes of seasons, explained. The explanation of the Phenomena of Saturn’s Ring concluded. (See § and .)

CHAP. XI. The Method of finding the Longitude by the Eclipses of Jupiter’s Satellites: The amazing Velocity of Light demonstrated by these Eclipses.

CHAP. XII. Of Solar and Sidereal Time.

CHAP. XIII. Of the Equation of Time.

CHAP. XIV. Of the Precession of the Equinoxes.

CHAP. XV. The Moon’s surface mountainous: Her Phases described: Her path, and the paths of Jupiter’s Moons delineated: The proportions of the Diameters of their Orbits, and those of Saturn’s Moons, to each other; and to the Diameter of the Sun.

CHAP. XVI. The Phenomena of the Harvest-Moon explained by a common Globe: The years in which the Harvest-Moons are least and most beneficial from 1751, to 1861. The long duration of Moon-light at the Poles in winter.

CHAP. XVII. Of the ebbing and flowing of the Sea.

CHAP. XVIII. Of Eclipses: Their Number and Periods. A large Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Eclipses.

CHAP. XIX. The Calculation of New and Full Moons and Eclipses. The geometrical Construction of Solar and Lunar Eclipses. The examination of antient Eclipses.

To calculate the time of New and Full Moon.

EXAMPLE I. To find the time of New Moon in April 1764, N. S.

EXAMPLE II. To find the time of Full Moon in May 1761, N. S.

EXAMPLE I. To find the time of New Moon in July 1581, O. S.

To find the time of New or Full Moon in any given year and month before the Christian Æra.

EXAMPLE I. To find the time of New Moon at London and Athens in March, the year before Christ 424.

EXAMPLE II. To find the time of Full Moon in October, the year before Christ 4030 .

EXAMPLE III. To find the time of Full Moon at Babylon in March, the year before Christ 721 .

EXAMPLE. For the time of New Moon in April 1764.

To find the Moons Horizontal Parallax, or the Angle of the Earth’s semi-diameter as seen from the Moon.

To find the Sun’s true Place, and his distance from the nearest Solstice.


EXAMPLE. To find the Sun’s true Place April 30th, A. D. 1757, at 18 minutes 40 seconds past 10 in the morning .

EXAMPLE. To find the Suns true Place May the 28th at 4 hours 3 min. 42 sec. in the afternoon, the year before Christ 585, which was a Leap year .

To find the Sun’s Declination.

To find the Angle of the Moon’s visible Path with the Ecliptic.

To find the Moon’s Latitude.


To find the Moon’s true hourly Motion from the Sun.

To find the Semi-diameters of the Sun and Moon as seen from the Earth at the above-mentioned time.

To find the Semi-diameter of the Penumbra.

EXAMPLE I. To find the distance of the Sun and Moon from the Nodes, at the time of Full Moon in March, the year before Christ 721, O. S.

EXAMPLE II To find the Suns distance from the Node at the Time of New Moon in March, the year before Christ 424, O. S.

Table I. The mean time of New Moon in March, the mean Anomaly of the Sun and Moon, the Sun’s mean Distance from the Ascending Node; with the mean Longitude of the Sun and Node from the beginning of the Sign Aries, at the times of all the New Moons in March for 100 years, Old Style .

Table II. The mean New Moons, &c. in March to the New Style .

Table III. The mean time of Full Moon in March, the mean Anomaly of the Sun and Moon, the Sun’s mean Distance from the Ascending Node; with the mean Longitude of the Sun and Node from the beginning of the Sign Aries, at the time of all the Full Moons in March for 100 years, Old Style .

Table IV. The mean Full Moons, &c. in March to the New Style .

Tab. V. The first mean Conjunction of the Sun and Moon after a compleat Century, beginning with March, for 5000 years 10 days 7 hours 56 minutes (in which time there are just 61843 mean Lunations) with the mean Anomaly of the Sun and Moon, the Sun’s mean distance from the Ascending Node, and the mean Long. of the Sun and Node from the beginning of the sign Aries, at the times of all those mean Conjunctions .

Table VI. The mean Anomaly of the Sun and Moon, the Sun’s mean distance from the Ascending Node, with the mean Longitude of the Sun and Node from the beginning of the Sign Aries, for 13 mean Lunations.

Table VII. The number of Days, reckoned from the beginning of March, answering to the Days of all the mean New and Full Moons .

Table VIII. The Moon’s annual Equation.

Table IX. Equation of the Moon’s mean Anomaly.

Table X. The Moon’s elliptic Equation.

Table XI. The Sun’s Equation at the time of New and Full Moon.

Table XII. Equation of the Sun’s mean Place.

Table XIII. Equation of the Moon’s Nodes.

Tab. XIV. The Moon’s latitude in Eclipses.

Table XV. The Moons Horizontal Parallax; the Semidiameters and true Horary motions of the Sun and Moon.

Table XVI. The Sun’s mean Motion and Anomaly.

Sun’s mean Motion and Anomaly.

Table XVII. The Sun’s Declination in every Degree of the Ecliptic.

Table XVIII. Lunations from 1 to 100000.

CHAP. XX. Of the fixed Stars.

The antient Constellations.

The New Southern Constellations.

Hevelius ’s Constellations made out of the unformed Stars.

CHAP. XXI. Of the Division of Time. A perpetual Table of New Moons. The Times of the Birth and Death of Christ . A Table of remarkable Æras or Events.

Required the mean time of New Moon in June, A.D. 1909, N.S.

A Table shewing the times of all the mean Changes of the Moon, to the nearest Hour, through four Lunar Periods, or 76 years. M signifies morning , A afternoon .

Tab. I. Shewing the Golden Number (which is the same both in the Old and New Style) from the Christian Æra to A.D. 4000.

Tab. II. Shewing the Number of Direction, for finding Easter Sunday by the Golden Number and Dominical Letter.

Tab. III. Shewing the Dominical Letters, Old Style, for 4200 Years before the Christian Æra.

Tab. IV. Shewing the Dominical Letters, Old Style, for 4200 Years after the Christian Æra.

Tab. V. The Dominical Letter, New Style, for 4000 Years after the Christian Æra.

Tab. VI. Shewing the Days of the Months for both Styles by the Dominical Letters.

CHAP. XXII. A Description of the Astronomical Machinery serving to explain and illustrate the foregoing part of this Treatise.

PROBLEM I. To find the Amplitudes, Meridian Altitudes, and times of Rising, Culminating, and Setting, of the Sun, Moon, and Planets.

PROBLEM II. To find the Altitude and Azimuth of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, at any time of their being above the Horizon.

PROBLEM III. The Sun’s Altitude being given at any time either before or after Noon, to find the Hour of the Day, and the Variation of the Compass, in any known Latitude.



Astronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles

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