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Greccio, central Italy, early 13th Century (stick with me)
Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone: son of a wealthy cloth merchant, former soldier, inveterate traveller, and a rebel with a vision. His faith has been with him a long time, inspiring him to give up his worldly goods and live as Jesus lived: a peasant. His drive to make Christianity more approachable, to take it away from the excesses and complexities of the bosses in Rome, has pushed him even further. His goal? To reclaim the most important moment in the history of his religion – the Nativity. For di Bernardone, the Nativity is not just something to be debated by straight-faced scholars in the hallways of the Vatican: it is a joyful, living, breathing event. An event for everyone.
And so, in a humble cave in the hilly Greccio countryside, di Bernardone plans to recreate the famous Nativity story for all to see. Featuring a real baby in a manger and actual animals asleep on the hay, the Nativity narrative will become tangible. And with this scene as a backdrop, Giovanni can preach his radical message to the candle-bearing crowds that have come up from the town. There, in front of their eyes, he will turn the biblical words of Matthew and Luke into reality.
But how to express this celebration? Monotonous hymns versed in Latin – a language few real people use – hardly seems right. Where would the fun be in that? But if he could translate those passionate, spiritual words into an everyday language, and then set them to a joyous tune (perhaps something in the choraula tradition that the pagans so loved to dance to)? Well, then the simple pleasures of Christianity could be made so much more down-to-earth and comprehensible. Everyone could have a good old sing-along.
So that’s exactly what di Bernardone did.
And by successfully dragging Christianity down from its ivory tower and giving it back to the masses, this man, who would soon be known as St Francis of Assisi, helped lay the foundations of the modern Christmas. He was a truly groundbreaking music star.
Fast-forward 800 years and the bad acting and forgotten lines of primary school Nativity plays are, in their own special way, and without even realising, paying homage to di Bernardone’s demonstration. As, of course, are Christmas singles.
So, whilst we might remember St Francis as a safe, traditional icon of a quieter age, in reality this was a guy who blew people’s minds with his new festive ideas.
We could sure do with another St Francis right now.