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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 A Simple BoxplotFigure 3.2 A Boxplot with Axis LabelsFigure 3.3 Multiple BoxplotsFigure 3.4 A Gender ComparisonFigure 3.5 A Gender Comparison (corrected)Figure 3.6 A Gender ComparisonFigure 3.7 A Lattice of BoxplotsFigure 3.8 A Histogram with Default BreaksFigure 3.9 A Histogram with Five Breaks of Equal WidthFigure 3.10 Histogram of Each Subject in Each SemesterFigure 3.11 A Histogram with Breaks of a Specified WidthFigure 3.12 Histogram with PercentagesFIGURE 3.13 A Stem and Leaf DiagramFigure 3.14 A Scatter PlotFigure 3.15 Use of the FunctionFigure 3.16 The Line of Best FitFigure 3.17 The Scatter of the Training DataFigure 3.18 The Line of Best Fit for the Training DataFigure 3.19 Differences Between Observed and Estimated Values in the Testing...Figure 3.20 Plots of Four Data Sets with Same Means and Standard Deviations

2 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 The Birthday ProbabilitiesFigure 4.2 Allocation of 10 JobsFigure 4.3 Jane's Winnings at Each Toss

3 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Mutually Exclusive EventsFigure 5.2 Non Mutually Exclusive EventsFigure 5.3 Complementary Events

4 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Error Probabilities with the Intel ChipFigure 6.2 Compiling Probabilities of C++ and Java ProgramsFigure 6.3 Inquiries to Computer System with Five Communications LinesFigure 6.4 Transmit and Receive Probabilities of a Communication Channel

5 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 A Series SystemFigure 8.2 A Parallel SystemFigure 8.3 Reliability of a Series System with Differing Component Reliability...Figure 8.4 Reliability of a Parallel System with Increasing Number of Componen...Figure 8.5 Reliability of a Series System with Components each with Reliabil...Figure 8.6 Reliability of a Parallel System with ComponentsFigure 8.7 Reliability of Subsystems in Series with Component Reliability of...Figure 8.8 Reliability of Subsystems in Series with Component Reliability of...

6 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Probability Density Function of the Hardware FailuresFigure 9.2 Operand Stack Size of a Java Assembler InterfaceFigure 9.3 Cumulative Distribution Function of Hardware FailuresFigure 9.4 Probability Density FunctionFigure 9.5 Cumulative Distribution FunctionFigure 9.6 Benford's First DigitFigure 9.7 Rolling a DieFigure 9.8 Hardware Failures

7 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Geometric ProbabilitiesFigure 10.2 Geometric pdfsFigure 10.3 Geometric cdfsFigure 10.4 Simulated Number of Tosses to First HeadFigure 10.5 Simulated and Theoretical Geometric Distributions with Figure 10.6 Simulated and Theoretical Geometric Distributions with Figure 10.7 Amy's Winnings in 50 PlaysFigure 10.8 Geometric Distribution: Number of Inspections ( ) to the First Def...

8 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Binomial pdfsFigure 11.2 Binomial cdfsFigure 11.3 Probabilities of Error‐Free Packets Containing Different Numbers o...Figure 11.4 Correct Classification Probabilities with Varying Numbers of Indep...Figure 11.5 The Probability that More than 10 of 21 Independent Classifiers wi...Figure 11.6 Simulated and Theoretical Binomial Distributions with and Figure 11.7 Number of Defectives per Sample of 20 with

9 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Hypergeometric pdfsFigure 12.2 Hypergeometric cdfsFigure 12.3 The Lottery with Differing Total Number SetsFigure 12.4 Hypergeometric and Binomial pdfs with = 10, = 0.1Figure 12.5 Hypergeometric and Binomial pdfs with = 10, = 0.1

10 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Horse Kick Fatalities in the Prussian ArmyFigure 13.2 Binomial pdf Figure 13.3 Binomial pdf Figure 13.4 Binomial pdf Figure 13.5 Poisson pdf Figure 13.6 Poisson pdfsFigure 13.7 Poisson cdfsFigure 13.8 Bug DetectionFigure 13.9 Simulated Web Hits: Poisson Distribution, Figure 13.10 Simulated Web Hits: Poisson Distribution,

11 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Simulated Number of Defectives in Samples of = 10 from Batches o...Figure 14.2 Simulated Number of Defectives in Samples of drawn from Large Ba...Figure 14.3 Simulated Number of Defectives in Samples of drawn from Large Ba...Figure 14.4 Operating Characteristic CurvesFigure 14.5 Ideal Operating Characteristic Curve which Rejects Batches contain...Figure 14.6 Average Outgoing QualityFigure 14.7 Operating Characteristic CurveFigure 14.8 Average Sample Size

12 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Probability Density Function of Current in a CircuitFigure 15.2 : Area Under the CurveFigure 15.3 The pdf and cdf of the Uniform [2, 5] Random VariableFigure 15.4 The Uniform [0,1] pdf and cdfFigure 15.5 Uniform Probabilities: Figure 15.6 Uniform Probabilities: Figure 15.7 Empirical Probability Density Function

13 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Density of the Exponential Distribution with , and Figure 16.2 Area under the Exponential CurveFigure 16.3 Reliability of a workstation with Failure Rate = 0.5Figure 16.4 Simulated and Actual Distributions of Job Submissions to a Server,...Figure 16.5 Simulated Exponential Distribution for Compared with the Simulat...Figure 16.6 Interarrival Times Uniform in [0, 0.5]Figure 16.7 Simulated Uniform Waiting Time after Compared with the Original

14 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 A Single Server QueueFigure 17.2 Queue Length with Traffic Intensity 1Figure 17.3 Queue Pattern with Traffic Intensity = 1Figure 17.4 Queue Pattern when the Traffic Intensity Figure 17.5 Queue Length with and , 4 and Figure 17.6 Queue Length with and Figure 17.7 Queue Pattern with Four Engineers Submitting to One ProcessorFigure 17.8 Queue Length over 10,000 Simulations

15 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 A Bell‐Shaped and Symmetrical CurveFigure 18.2 Two Normal Distributions with Different Means and the Same SpreadFigure 18.3 Two Normal Distributions with the Same Mean and Different SpreadsFigure 18.4 The Cut‐off Point for 95% of the Normal Distribution with and Figure 18.5 The Density of the Standard Normal DistributionFigure 18.6 Normal Approximation to the Binomial Figure 18.7 Binomial and Normal Densities with , for Varying Values of Figure 18.8 The Binomial Probabilities with , for Varying Values of Figure 18.9 The Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution with and V...Figure 18.10 Normal Approximation to the Poisson distribution with Figure 18.11 Normal Approximation to the Poisson Distribution with Varying Val...Figure 18.12 The (10,000, 100) pdf Superimposed on the Poisson Probabilities ...

16 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 A Typical Control ChartFigure 19.2 A Control Chart for Diameters: Day 1–30Figure 19.3 A Control Chart for Diameters: Day 31–60Figure 19.4 A Cusum Chart for Data that are Going Out of ControlFigure 19.5 An “In‐control” Cusum ChartFigure 19.6 A Control Chart for Bad Sectors in Memory SticksFigure 19.7 A Control Chart for Defective Chips in Wafers

17 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 The Markov Bound when , Together with the Tail Probabilities fo...Figure 20.2 The Markov Bound with , Together with the Tail Probabilities, f...

18 6Figure F.1 Proof Without Words

Probability with R

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