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Since the first edition of Walking in the Dordogne was published in 2004, the area has become even more popular with British visitors, many of whom have made it their second home. In addition, tourist offices have become increasingly aware that walking is a popular activity, and have made a considerable effort to create more walking trails, and to waymark them clearly. Despite this, the crowds rapidly fall away once you start walking, and you are soon alone.

As revisers, we have had great pleasure in preparing this new edition and, in so doing, re-discovering this beautiful part of France. In the past two years all the walks have been re-done by ourselves or by a few helpers, some of whom have themselves made the Dordogne their home.

When we started to do these walks again, we discovered that some of our previous routes had considerably changed, whereas others had been re-routed in the opposite direction – not a problem for route finding, but it meant that the walk itself had to be written up from scratch. In addition, we have added four completely new walks, including a flat, easy walk along the Dordogne at Bergerac, in order to give a feel for the importance of the river that has given its name to this department.

The general introduction has been completely revised and the walks re-structured into four sections, each with its own introduction. Each walk is accompanied by a new sketch map which overlays a recorded GPS track and key features on a colourful Cicerone base map. In addition, the many new photos will illustrate to readers the variety and beauty of this part of France, loved by so many English.

Alan Norton and Pamela Harris

A house on the outskirts of Limeuil (Walk 15)

Walking in the Dordogne

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