Читать книгу Of Things Gone Astray - Janina Matthewson - Страница 34

The Heart.


AND BARNABY JONES LOST HIS heart. He was fifty-seven years old and had kept a good handle on it until that day. He’d never had to question its whereabouts at school or university, even when his friends were finding theirs so hard to keep track of. He’d checked for its presence as he left the house each morning, along with his keys and wallet. There was a brief moment in his mid-thirties when he couldn’t remember where he’d left it, but a quick search revealed not far from its usual place.

Then this day, seven weeks before his 58th birthday, it was gone. After searching his house thoroughly and to no avail, he retraced his steps, eventually coming across the finder of his heart. Unfortunately he would be unable to get it back from her, and before he would have time to think of staying near her, just so as to always be near his heart, she would not have it anymore.

From then, Barnaby’s heart would change hands with dizzying frequency. He would do his best to keep up with it, but it would show itself determined to evade him. Try as he might to get it back, in the end he would have to learn to do without it.

Of Things Gone Astray

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