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Chapter 2


Tepees constructed by workers who’d arrived at dawn dotted the open prairie. Cook fires smoked, and a group of nearly naked kids ran among the female extras who all wore rawhide dresses. Clothed in similar attire with her hair braided in long plaits and makeup darkening her skin, Eden hung out near her wild horses on the far edge of the action where she wouldn’t accidently wind up in the footage too soon.

A massacre was scheduled for noon. Once edited, the scene would depict a renegade band of soldiers riding in to slaughter women and children. The female lead would sprint away from the carnage to fling herself up onto the back of one of the Appaloosas. Kara Fox was perfect for the part of Kimani, a Shoshone maiden. With her high cheekbones and long black hair, the actress was stunningly beautiful. Too bad she was afraid of horses.

Eden rolled her eyes. How could anyone be frightened of such sensitive, beautiful creatures?

A sigh escaped as she kicked at a clump of grass. She still wasn’t sure why she’d agreed to act as a double for the scenes Kara was supposed to appear in on horseback. A combination of the actress’s tearful pleading and the dollar amount on the contract she’d signed definitely had something to do with it. Also, Blake Benedict’s hypnotic gaze as he’d pitched the idea had been hard to resist. But the deciding factor was her horses. If she was the one riding them, she’d be able to better control the situation. Their welfare mattered more than her aversion to being the center of attention.

“Quiet!” The director’s voice carried over the conversations that immediately broke off at his shouted command. “We’ll shoot Kara running toward the horses a couple of times just to be sure we have something we can use. Once that’s done, I want Eden to sprint in, swing up onto the big Appaloosa and ride away. I know those horses will be agitated by then, so try to get it right the first time. Afterward, we’ll go back and shoot the massacre. Comprendes, people? Places.”

Eden controlled an urge to flip off the jerk. Get it right the first time. She’d show him. Her gaze collided with Blake Benedict’s amused blue eyes as a smile tilted his firm lips. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear the man had read her mind. Since he wasn’t in this morning’s scene, he stood out of the way near the far end of the pasture to watch. Her grandpa had joined him, and when Benedict bent to listen to something the older man said, his smile broadened.


Eden dragged her attention back to Kara as the woman ran toward the horses. Terror flashed in her brown eyes as she glanced over her shoulder and put on more speed. The rawhide dress slapped against her legs as she drew closer, and the horses pranced nervously away.

“Cut! Someone calm down those animals. Kara, don’t get quite so close next time. We’ll cut Eden in before that point.”

Assuming she was the “someone” the director referred to, Eden eased into the small herd and spoke in a low voice. “Easy does it.” She laid a hand on the warm flank of the nearest mare. “Shhh, no need to be afraid. This will all be over soon.”


With a sigh and final stroke for the Pinto, she hurried out of camera view as Kara took her place on the edge of the tepee village.


Eden noted the exact path the woman ran along with the rhythm of her gait. She’d damn well get it right the first time since she wanted nothing more than to get her horses away from the filming. Sooner rather than later.

“Cut! Perfect. All right, Eden, get into position. Do you know what you’re doing?”

As she approached her mark, she glanced over at Stafford and nodded. “I’ll manage my part. You make sure no one screws up on your end since I don’t want to do it twice.”

The director’s brows shot up. “Who’s running this show, anyway?”

She kept her mouth shut and took her place as the cameras focused on her from behind.


Legs pumping, Eden flew across the yellow prairie grass toward the horses, the soft moccasins on her feet barely touching the ground. She stayed on course, even when the agitated animals skittered and shied away. As she passed the mark where Kara had stopped, she cut to the left and ran up to the stallion she’d named Apollo, grabbed a handful of his mane and swung up onto his back. Clamping her thighs tight, she held on when he reared and came down in a full gallop. The rest of the herd ran with them.

With nothing to use to control the horse but her legs, she applied pressure and spoke in a calming voice as she threaded her fingers through his mane. “That’s it, boy. I’m not going to hurt you. Whoa. Whoa. Slow down, now.” Leaning forward, she stayed low as they thundered across the prairie, then guided Apollo in through the open pasture gate. “Whoa, baby. Whoa.”

The horse kicked and reared. Eden launched off his back and landed hard. Pain jolted upward through her back as she tucked and rolled. Nearby, boots pounded the ground. With an effort, she drew in a shaky breath and gathered her wits.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” After a few more breaths, she opened her eyes and struggled to sit up.

A strong arm wrapped around her back, and for a moment, she let herself lean against the welcome support. Finally, she glanced up into eyes the same color as the sky above them.

Blake squeezed her shoulders. “You scared the crap out of me.”

“Certainly not the first time I’ve landed on my ass, but getting bucked off is never fun.”

He smiled. “Way to take one for the team. Are you sure you should move?”

Eden grimaced then pressed down on his hard thigh to rise to her feet. Heat shot through her as muscle flexed beneath her palm. “I’d know by now if something was broken.”

Standing, he kept an arm around her back to steady her. “If you say so.”

“Eden, honey, are you all right?” Her grandpa limped closer, leaning on his cane.

She forced a smile. “I’m fine, Gramps. Just tell me I don’t have to do that again.”

“Didn’t you hear the crew cheering?” He let out a hoot and grinned. “You were spectacular.”

“Definitely impressive.” Blake let his arm fall to his side as Eden stepped away. “You’re going to make me look bad in my scenes on horseback.”

She brushed dirt off the buckskin dress then glanced up at him. “Don’t you have a stunt double?”

“I do, but I prefer to act in all my own scenes whenever possible.” He grimaced. “Max would probably like to see me crash and burn, just so he could get a little more time in front of the camera.”

“If you attempt to ride one of these beauties,”—she waved toward two of the Pintos eyeing them from a safe distance—“my money says you’ll land on your ass in under ten seconds.”

“Do I get a saddle?”

She narrowed her eyes against the bright sunlight. His stance had taken on a cocky edge, but she’d still back any of her horses against a city boy. “Sure.”

“You’re on.” He reached out to grip her hand in a firm shake. “I may not be as good as you are, but I’m not a novice when it comes to horses.”

Her fingers tingled, and she pressed her hand to her chest as soon as he released it. “We’ll see about that. What’s the wager?”

The blue of his eyes deepened. “If I win, on my first free day you give me a tour of your spread…on horseback. If you win, I’ll muck out the stalls in the barn.”

She covered her mouth to hide a wide grin, picturing his casual perfection covered in manure. “Can I post a picture on social media?”

“You bet.”

Her grandpa chuckled. “I think you’ve been had, Eden. Blake told me he grew up around horses.”

She shrugged. “My guess is you’ve gone soft in Hollywood. The next time I’m working with Apollo, I’ll give you a shout, and you can show me your stuff.”

“Which one’s Apollo?”

“The stallion I rode. Seems only fair.”

His eyes sparkled. “I’m up for the challenge.”

“But right now, I have work to do just as soon as I change out of this costume and back into my jeans.”

Blake frowned. “Maybe you should check in with John before you disappear.”

“The director?” At his nod, she shrugged. “If the camera crew didn’t get the footage he needs, it’s not my problem. I did my job. See you later, Grandpa.”

“Bye, Eden.”

Turning, she headed toward the barn. Behind her, Blake spoke in a low voice. Not low enough since her hearing was excellent.

“Is she always that…uh, straightforward?”

“You bet. Our Eden doesn’t mince words or suffer fools.”

She grinned at her grandpa’s response. Mr. Hollywood Hottie probably wasn’t used to being questioned. She couldn’t wait to see him shoveling horse shit. As she neared the barn, a large gray gelding galloped up, and their ranch foreman swung down from his back to walk beside her.

“Nice outfit. What, no feather in your hair?”

Eden rolled her eyes. “Funny, Zane. Did you catch my performance?”

“From a distance. I saw you bail off Apollo.” His brown eyes held concern as he surveyed her slowly. “Looked like it hurt.”

“I’ll have a few new bruises.” She paused at the side door. “Did you need something?”

“Huh? Oh, no. I have some paperwork to do. I left Roman and Jack looking for stragglers out near the foothills. We’re moving the herd further north tomorrow.” He scowled. “The production company is trampling all the grass in the area where they’re filming. By the time they finish, the cattle won’t be able to graze there for months.”

Eden met his irritated gaze. “Then moving them is probably smart. Is that where Cookie and Cracker disappeared to?”

“Yeah, I took the dogs with me early this morning.” He resettled his Stetson on dark hair threaded with a few strands of gray. “I looked for you, but…”

“I was probably meeting with John Stafford, the director, or maybe the woman in charge of costumes.” She ran a hand down the soft rawhide dress. “This is pretty much all I get to wear for filming. I tore off a couple pieces of fringe in that fall, but at least I didn’t rip a hole in the skirt.”

“I still can’t believe you agreed to be in the movie.” He snorted. “Those people are nothing but a bunch of prima donnas, and they don’t give a crap about the land.”

“Probably not. Kara Fox is definitely the needy sort, and the director has an ego that won’t quit, but most of the crew seem pretty nice.”

“I saw you talking to Blake Benedict. Are you going to do his stunts for him, too?” Zane’s tone dripped sarcasm.

She grinned. “He told me he can ride.”

“Doubtful. The dude looks like a sissy to me.”

Eden couldn’t help wondering what Zane had been looking at—Blake’s rock-hard shoulders and impressive biceps or his truly fine ass. Maybe he’d earned his abs in a gym instead of working out the old-fashioned way, but he was still eye candy with a capital C.

“I bet him he can’t stay up on Apollo for ten seconds, so we’ll find out if he has any skill.”

“Good God, I’m certain he won’t last five.” Zane cleared his throat, his gaze holding steady on hers. “Uh, a buddy of mine scored tickets to see Kent McCord up in Billings this weekend, and now he can’t go. He said I can have his seats if I want them. I don’t suppose you’d like to go with me?”

“Kent McCord?” Eden pressed a hand to her chest. “Seriously?”

“Yep. Are you interested?”

She’d kill to see Kent McCord, her all-time favorite country performer, but Billings was a good two-hour drive…

Zane stepped closer. “It’d be a long trip home after the concert. I was thinking we could stay over and come back Sunday morning.”

Her love of country music in general and Kent McCord in particular battled with the awkwardness of an overnight date with Zane. If they could go as friends, she’d say yes in a heartbeat, but common sense told her he’d expect more. Dating their foreman had been a colossal mistake, but he’d been so damn persistent…

She let out a sigh. Now, he refused to believe they didn’t have a future together. The whole situation was beyond uncomfortable, and she couldn’t afford to jeopardize what little balance she’d managed to establish with him—no matter how badly she wanted to go to the concert.

“As much as I’d love to, I can’t. The movie crew is filming over the weekend, and I told the director I’d be available. I appreciate the invite, though.”

“You’re kidding?” He planted his hands on his hips. “That sucks.”

She pushed open the barn door and took a step inside. “I signed a contract.”

“Damn.” He blew out a breath. “I guess I’d better get busy on that paperwork.”

Eden nodded. “See you later, Zane.”

She left him to head through the row of stalls. A smile formed as she pictured Blake shoveling manure. When she reached her work area in the back, she changed into the jeans and T-shirt she’d left in the bathroom off the small living quarters Sawyer had occupied before moving to Colorado with his fiancée. Glancing around the spartan room at the single bed and dresser, she spent about five seconds contemplating moving out of her room in the house before rejecting the idea.

It’s not like I need the privacy. She tried to remember the last time she’d shared any intimacy with a man…and failed. Well over a year ago, for sure. She let out a sigh as she shut the door. She was in an all-work-and-no-play rut. Not that she didn’t love her work, but still…

When a vision of Blake Benedict’s sky blue eyes as he bent over her flitted through her mind, she gave herself a mental shake. She’d join a nunnery before becoming some kind of pathetic groupie. No way. No how. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to admire his gorgeousness from a safe distance, but that was as far as she intended to take it.

Strolling over to her work table, she sorted through the pieces of leather stacked in a pile and chose one the right size to make a handbag. As fast as orders were coming in lately, between working with her horses and the damn movie taking up valuable time, she’d need help to keep everything on track. Or a few extra hours in each day. When her cell rang, she pulled it from her pocket and glanced at the display before a smile spread. She’d always make time for her best friend.

“Hannah, I haven’t heard from you in a week. How’s everything?”

“Really great. I finished my final out-of-town physical therapy case last week, and my next client arrives in Tahoe in a couple of days.” Her voice bubbled with excitement. “I really think this new plan of Tripp’s to make injured sports stars come to me instead of vice-versa is going to work.”

“Who’s the jock this time?”

“An outfielder for the Oakland A’s with a pulled hamstring. He’s determined to get back in the lineup before mid-season.”

“If anyone can help him do it, you can.”

“Let’s hope.” Her friend’s voice softened. “I’m just happy to be able to spend more time at home with Tripp.”

“I’m glad everything is working out.” Eden dropped into her chair and propped one boot-clad foot on her knee. “My brother isn’t driving you crazy yet?”

“Only now and then. But I’m not going to kick him out of…uh…the house for it.”

Eden winced. Getting used to the idea of her best friend and youngest brother dating had taken an effort. Now Hannah and Tripp were living together, and she could only wonder when they’d make the arrangement permanent. Jealousy pricked. Everyone in her family was in love…except her.

“I’m happy for you. Really, really happy.” She tilted back in the chair. “I guess if you have a new P.T. client, you won’t be able to get away from home for a while.”

“Not until Griff and Sawyer tie the knot with their respective brides in June. Speaking of which…Tripp talked to Sawyer yesterday, and he said something about filming a movie on the ranch staring Blake Benedict.” Curiosity filled her voice. “Why am I hearing about this secondhand? Have you met him yet? Is he as gorgeous in person as he is on the screen?”

“They’re filming a Western here. I was against it, but apparently my vote didn’t count.”

“Why would you be against hanging out with movie stars? Sounds fun. Definitely exciting.”

The memory of Blake’s rock-hard thigh beneath her hand as she’d pushed off the ground surfaced. Ignoring the tingle sliding through her, she forced her attention back to the conversation.

“It’s crazy around here with people everywhere.” She let out a sigh. “I’m hiding out in the barn as we speak. Not that I don’t have work to do…”

“Typical Eden.”

“How’s this for atypical? I agreed to double for Kara Fox in scenes where she needs to ride a horse. We shot the first one this morning.”

“You’re kidding?” Her friend’s voice rose. “That’s amazing. You’re going to be a movie star.”

“Hardly.” Eden shifted and winced when her bruised hip connected with the chair.

“You didn’t answer my question about Blake Benedict.”

“We’ve met, and he’s incredibly good looking. They had a group of extras out here yesterday evening to pick up costumes, and he signed autographs. It was downright embarrassing the way women fawn all over him.”

“I’d probably fawn, too.” Hannah was quiet for a moment. “When we were last at the ranch, you said you wanted to meet someone you haven’t known since childhood. Hello. Sounds like you have a barnyard full of new and interesting men. If you don’t like Blake’s stardom, chat up the crew instead. Put yourself out there, Eden.”

Exactly what she’d been thinking before her phone rang… “Yeah, yeah, I know.”

“Well, then, do something about it.”

“I’ll give your advice due consideration.”

Hannah’s low laugh echoed through the connection. “Good grief, we’re not discussing a business deal. A date, Eden. Go out and have fun for a change.”

“I turned down a date not fifteen minutes ago.”

“With whom?” Indignation filled her friend’s voice.

“Zane.” Eden pressed fingers to the back of her neck and rubbed. “Yes, I know he’s perfect for me and we have everything in common, but I can’t force feelings that aren’t there. He’s a nice guy. I like him just fine, but—”

“You don’t love him.”

“No, I don’t. We split up a year ago, and he still won’t accept that it’s over.”

“Maybe he would if you started seeing someone new. Just one more reason to make an effort. You can be charming when you aren’t ordering people around. Go smile and play nice.”

Eden grinned, not the least bit offended. “Fine. I’ll do my best.”

“You can report on your progress in a few days. Right now, I have to go. Tripp and I are going for a hike, and I need to pack lunch.”

“Have fun.”

“We will.” Hannah’s voice softened. “I just want you to be as happy as I am.”

“I’m not sure that’s possible, but I’ll try.”

“You do that. Bye, Eden.”

“Bye, Hannah.”

She clicked off her phone and laid it on the table then closed her eyes. It probably wouldn’t kill her to be a little friendlier to the Hollywood contingency. A couple of the cameramen were pretty cute… Sure, they’d be leaving in a month, but a quick fling might be just what she needed to add a little excitement since her life had been stagnating lately. Straightening in her chair, she opened her eyes and picked up the supple piece of leather. But first, she had work to do.

Wilde Horses

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