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Chapter 4


Eden stood at the open window beside her mother and planted an elbow next to her grandpa’s kitchen sink to unabashedly check out the action going on behind his cabin. Cameras were trained on Blake and Kara as the two argued fiercely for at least the fifth or sixth time.

“Cut! Goddamn it, Kara, I told you I wanted your hands fisted on your hips.” The director’s voice broke in on the heated conversation between the two stars. “Why was your right one waving in the air?”

“Sorry, I got distracted.” Kara’s voice was high and whiny. “I don’t know what was wrong with the fourth take. Seemed like it was perfect to me.”

“I’ll let you know when it’s perfect.”

Eden leaned a little farther to catch a glimpse of Blake’s irritated expression and grinned. Good thing his fists weren’t supposed to be clenched, or he’d probably punch someone.

“I’m sure we could go outside to watch instead of hiding in here behind the curtains. I doubt anyone would mind.”

Eden glanced over at her mom and shook her head. “Then I’d feel like a rubbernecker at a car accident. This way we can be entertained with anonymity. Although if they don’t get the scene right soon, I’ll have to leave. There are a dozen things I should be doing, and gaping at movie stars isn’t on the list.”

“I’d planned to drive into town for groceries. I came out here to see if your grandpa needed anything, but I’m not sure where he disappeared to.”

“I’m surprised he isn’t watching the action.” When something soft brushed her leg, Eden let out a squeak then glanced down and pressed a hand to her chest. “Geez, Vic, you startled me.” Vic, short for Vicious, jumped up on the counter beside her. Eden didn’t waste her breath telling the oversized fur ball to get down. In her grandpa’s cabin, the cat was king.

Her mom nudged her with an elbow. “Shhh, looks like they’re ready to roll again.”

“And, action!”

“I had no part in that raid.” Blake’s voice rose. “Honestly, Kimani, I swear to you on my wife’s grave, I didn’t know what they were planning.”

Eden was so focused on the despair mirrored in his eyes, along with a hint of anger, she missed Kara’s response. The man was good. Blake Benedict didn’t exist anymore, only Jeremiah Tucker, the settler who’d saved a young woman fleeing for her life.

When he gripped Kara’s arms and pulled her roughly against him to silence her protests with a kiss, Eden let out a long breath and fanned herself with one hand. “Wow.”

“Those two have great chemistry,” her mother whispered as the kiss deepened.

Blake backed Kara toward the rear door of the cabin, his hands wrapped in her shiny dark hair. She gripped his shoulders, head flung back as he kissed his way down the length of her neck. Passion blazed in her eyes before her lids slowly closed.

Eden’s stomach did a funny dip and roll, kind of like the time her freshman year when she’d seen the cute new boy kissing one of the cheerleaders.

“Cut. That was great.” The director beamed. “We’ll break for lunch then pick up with the infantry scene this afternoon.”

Blake released Kara and stepped away. “About damn time we got it right.”

“I guess I’m better at kissing than I am at arguing.”

“I won’t dispute that.” He glanced over as Hayden Yarbrough approached. “See you later, Kara.”

Eden stepped back from the sink. When the cat laid a paw on her arm and dug in his claws, she winced. “Ouch. Damn it, Vic.” Detaching herself, she moved out of reach. “I guess I’d better go work on the belt order that came in last night. At this rate, I may need to hire someone to help me.”

“That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Her mom raised a brow. “You’re turning a hobby into a business.”

“I suppose so, though I don’t have much time for sleep anymore. Roman expressed an interest in learning to tool leather. Any chance I can take him away from his ranch work for a couple of hours each day?”

“You’d have to talk to Zane about his schedule.”

Eden nodded and headed toward the door. “I’ll do that.”

“If you see your grandfather, tell him to call my cell if he wants me to pick up anything for him in town.”

“Sure.” Leaving the cabin, she hurried toward the barn. Her steps slowed when Blake broke off a conversation with one of the cameramen to head in her direction.

He waved a hand. “Hey, Eden.”

She stopped and waited for him to catch up. “That was quite a scene.”

Humor registered in his blue eyes. “You saw us, did you?”

Her cheeks heated. “I happened to be over at my grandpa’s cabin. Hard to believe someone pays you to kiss beautiful women.”

“You’d think it’d be more fun than it actually is. Something about having a couple dozen people staring at you takes the enjoyment out of it.”

“There is that.” She drew one boot through the dirt before glancing up. “Uh, did you need something?”

“Just to tell you I spoke to Kent McCord. He’s playing in Boise on Tuesday night.”

Her shoulders slumped. “That’s a heck of a long drive to go to a concert.”

“True, but I was already planning to fly into Boise early that morning on the studio’s jet. I have to go home for a memorial service near there.” His voice deepened. “Having company on the flight would take my mind off of…everything.”

Pity filled her at the emptiness in his eyes. “I’m sorry for your loss. Was it a relative?”

“A good friend.” He let out a breath. “Anyway, Kent said he’ll leave front row tickets and backstage passes for us at the door. We’d spend the night in Boise then fly back to Cody in the morning. You’d only be gone a little over twenty-four hours.”

An overnight trip. She’d turned down Zane for the very same reason, but unlike their ranch foreman, Blake wouldn’t expect anything from her other than friendly companionship. Will he? She shook her head. They’d only just met, and despite her preconceived ideas about his character, he seemed like a decent guy.

He frowned. “Is that a no?”


“You shook your head.”

“Oh, no, I was just thinking.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “Backstage passes?”

“You bet. Kent’s a great guy, although maybe I should be insulted.” The lingering sadness in his eyes disappeared when he smiled. “You didn’t show any sign of being starstruck over me.”

“I was…a little, but I’m good at hiding my feelings. Don’t worry. I won’t throw myself on your buddy. I have more self-control than that.”

His smile broadened. “He probably wouldn’t mind too much if you did, but his girlfriend might. Uh, does that mean you want to go?”

“Your offer is pretty darn tempting.” She let out a gusty breath then nodded. “I’d love to go. Thank you for taking the trouble to get those tickets. Should I book myself a hotel room?”

“I’ll handle it.”

“Thanks.” She gave him a shy smile. “If I’m going to take a whole day off, I really have to get caught up on my work.” She backed up a step. “I guess I’ll talk to you later.”

“Definitely. See you around, Eden.”

She pinched herself as she hurried down the grassy slope toward the corral. She had a date—sort of—with Blake Benedict to see Kent McCord. A grin spread. She’d be the envy of women all over the world. With a little skip, she pushed open the barn door and stepped inside. So much for adding a little zip to her life. She couldn’t wait to tell Hannah. Her friend would be thrilled for her.

Eden hesitated in the dim light slanting across the hay-strewn floor then moved ahead with a firm stride. So, maybe she didn’t know where this risky new path would lead. More than likely nowhere but back to where she’d started, but she was determined to have a little fun along the way. For once in her steady, predictable life, she’d embrace excitement.

* * * *

Zane crossed his arms over his chest and gave Eden a look that would have frozen her where she stood if it wasn’t pushing eighty degrees outside. “Please tell me the rumor I heard is just that, a rumor. I can only assume Roman is completely full of shit.”

Eden tied the mare she was working with to the fence and resettled the hat on her head before walking over to meet Zane. A sigh slipped out. This was not a conversation she wanted to have…not that it was any of his business.

“What rumor?”

His brown eyes narrowed. “On the way home from the concert this morning, Roman mentioned you were going to see Kent McCord after all. In Boise.” His lips tightened. “With Blake Benedict.”

No point in denying the truth to avoid an argument. She shrugged. “Nope, not a rumor. The concert is Tuesday night.”

“Damn it, Eden. I can’t believe this.” Zane huffed out a breath and stared up at the cloudless sky. “What the hell are you thinking?”

“Not that I have to explain myself to you, but it’s supposed to rain on Tuesday. They cancelled filming for the day, so I have no conflicts.” She attempted to lighten the tense atmosphere with a smile. “Front row seats and backstage passes are pretty hard to turn down.”

“Even if you have to sleep with Benedict to get them?”

Her smile faded, and she clenched her fists at her sides. “Maybe that’s what you expected, but it doesn’t mean Blake has similar intentions.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Are you telling me you intended to get separate hotel rooms if I’d agreed to go with you?” She tapped her chest. “Do I look stupid?”

“Of course not, but we’re involved. We may have hit a rough patch, but some time alone together could have smoothed over the rough edges.”

She gritted her teeth. “We’re not involved. We used to be, and I ended it. A year ago.”

He waved a hand. “I’m a patient man. I can wait for you to come out of this funk and accept the fact that we’re perfect for each other.” A frown formed. “But I’m not tolerant enough to watch you take up with some lowlife actor.”

“First of all, I’m not sleeping with Blake Benedict.” Her temples throbbed. “But if I made that choice, it wouldn’t be any of your business. You and I are not getting back together. It’s time for you to accept my decision and move on.”

“You’re wrong. We aren’t finished. You’ll change your mind once you aren’t distracted by all this damn movie commotion.”

His eyes held steely determination. Nothing Eden could say would convince him, so she didn’t bother to try.

“Is there a problem?” Eden glanced over as her father approached from the direction of the house. “Your voices carried clear to the front porch.”

“No problem, Boyd. Just a difference of opinion.” Zane stepped back. “I have work to do. I’ll see you later, Eden.”

She nodded but didn’t speak until their ranch manager was out of earshot. “Damn, I meant to ask about Roman’s schedule before he started in on me. I need help with my leatherworks, and Roman expressed an interest.”

Her dad gave her a quick smile. “I know you’re stretched pretty thin. Between this new batch of horses and all the orders coming in from your website, you don’t have any time for yourself. I’ll talk to Zane about Roman if you want.”

“Would you?” She let out a sigh. “I feel like a child instead of a grown woman, expecting my daddy to solve my problems, but I don’t want to get into it with him again.”

Her father’s gaze sobered. “What’s the problem between you two?”

Her shoulders slumped. “I knew dating him would be a mistake, but he was so persistent.”

“Honestly, I was surprised when you ended things. You and Zane have known each other since you were a teenager, and you’ve always gotten along well. Heaven knows, you have plenty in common, and the man adores you. Not to mention you’ll own this ranch one day since your brothers aren’t interested, and Zane would be the perfect man to help you run it.” Her dad touched her arm. “We didn’t want to pry, but your mom and I were sort of expecting a proposal.”

Eden leaned against the fence. “Everything you said is true, but one important ingredient was missing. My feelings just weren’t engaged. Zane pushed to move things faster than I wanted, and I was terrified he’d get down on one knee…” She let out a breath as her gaze strayed toward the temporary encampment where Blake was deep in conversation with the director. She forced her attention back to her father. “I couldn’t let that happen, so I broke off our relationship.”

“So what’s the problem now?”

“Zane won’t believe I was serious. He thinks if he just hangs in there and nudges me often enough, I’ll cave in to pressure and reconsider my decision. He’s pissed I’m going to the concert with Blake. That’s what we were arguing about.”

Her father’s eye’s clouded. “If you’re truly uncomfortable around him—”

“I don’t want to create a problem for you. I know how valuable Zane is to the ranch, and this has been his home for a decade. I should have thought through the consequences before I agreed to date him in the first place. As it stands, I’ll simply deal.”

“Maybe Zane would stop pushing you if…” He shrugged. “No, I’m not going to stick my nose into your business.”

“What are you thinking, Dad? Spit it out.”

He drummed his fingers on the fence rail, and his eyes narrowed. “You said he was jealous of Blake Benedict. Maybe if he believes you really are interested in the man—”

“But I’m not.”

“So, brush up on your performance skills. Shouldn’t be all that hard to pretend. Put on a show. Blake would probably get a kick out of it since acting is his business. He seems like an easygoing guy. I bet he’d be happy to help you out, and maybe it would settle the matter with Zane once and for all.”

Eden stared at her dad. “I can’t believe you want me to…do what? Make out with Blake Benedict in public?”

He grinned. “Within reason, of course.”

She smiled back. “I don’t know…” A little quiver ran through her just imagining Blake kissing her. “I’ll give your idea some thought.”

“You do that.” Her dad patted her shoulder. “I’ll see you later. Jack called me about a steer that tangled with some brambles out in the ravine. I need to go out to see how badly he’s injured before I call the vet.”

She nodded. “Thanks for the pep talk.”

“You bet.”

Eden walked back to the Pinto mare she’d been attempting to gentle. “Easy, girl.” She reached slowly for the halter as the horse snorted and rolled her eyes.

“Son of a bitch! Wait up, Benedict.”

She jerked her hand back then glanced over her shoulder as a tall, blond man hurried toward the barn. Blake met her gaze briefly before he stopped and turned.

Was he on his way to see me? She hadn’t noticed him heading in her direction from the encampment. Her pulse sped up for no reason at all, and she deliberately looked away.

“Is there a problem, Max?”

“Hell, yes, there’s a problem. Stafford just told me you intend to take the fall from horseback yourself in the scene they’re filming this evening.”

“I’m going to give it a try. That way they can shoot close-ups of my face after the arrow hits me just before I topple off the horse. If you do it, they’ll have to film from the back.”

The pissed-off man had to be Max Purcell, Blake’s stunt double. Eden snuck another peek over her shoulder. A vein throbbed at his temple, and he looked like he wanted to punch something. She grinned. Probably Blake.

“No one is going to actually shoot you. They’ll have to edit that footage together.”

“John and I discussed the pros and cons. He agrees the scene will play better this way, and I can manage just fine. Hell, after I got bucked off that wild Appaloosa the other day, taking a dive from one of the stock horses will be a piece of cake.”

Purcell fisted his hands on his hips. “Shit. I could have worked in the new James Bond flick, but I thought this film had a shot at an Oscar. Not that it’ll help my career any since you’re freaking doing all your own stunts.”

“Look, I’m not trying to cut you out. I just want to make the picture the best it can be. It’s all you in the stampede scene. John already told me he won’t risk me getting trampled.”

“Perfect.” Purcell let out a breath. “Shit, that ranch chick is getting more camera time than I am.”

“You mean Eden? Hey, she’s good, and Kara’s afraid of horses. We’re damn lucky she agreed to step in.”

“Whatever. I may as well head back into town since I won’t be needed here later.”

“I don’t know. You might want to stick around.” Blake’s voice took on a hint of humor. “If I manage to hurt myself, you’ll have to step in.”

“True that. I guess I can hope the damn horse kicks you.”

When the stuntman swiveled on his heel and stalked off, Eden returned her attention to the mare.

“Beautiful animal.”

She glanced back as Blake approached. “Yes, her markings are gorgeous, but after all the loud voices, she’s afraid of her own shadow.”

He stopped on the other side of the corral fence. “Did you hear that whole conversation?”

“I’m not deaf. Everyone seems to be angry today.” She gave him a hesitant smile. “Nice guy, wishing you’d get injured.”

“Max was just blowing off steam. We’ve worked together for a while now, and he’s a good dude.”

“If you say so.”

He leaned on the fence rail, his blue eyes as bright as the sky behind him. “Who was the guy yelling at you earlier? I’ve seen him around a few times.”

Eden tore her gaze away and laid a calming hand on the mare. The horse’s warmth soaked into her palm. “Our ranch foreman, Zane Hoffman. He was irritated because I’m going to the concert with you.”

His brows shot up. “Is he the one who had tickets for the show last night?”

“Yep.” She let out a sigh. “We dated for a while. Our relationship is…complicated.”

“I guess it could be awkward not being able to walk away after a breakup.”

She winced. “Extremely. My dad suggested I pretend to be interested in you since Zane already has it in his head we’ll be, uh…” Her cheeks heated, and she let out a breath. “…um, hooking up in Boise.” She stared down at her boots. “Anyway, Dad thinks maybe Zane will get over me and move on if I can convince him I’m involved with someone else.”

“Namely, me.”

She nodded then looked up to meet his gaze. “Probably a stupid idea—”

“I don’t know. It could work.” Blake grinned. “I’m happy to help. It won’t exactly stretch my acting skills to pretend like I think you’re gorgeous and smart and hot.” His eyes darkened to indigo. “Especially hot.”

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as he leaned closer then slid one big hand behind her neck. Before she could think—or even breathe—he kissed her, his lips firm and warm against hers. When her knees wobbled, she gripped the rail to steady herself before he released her.

“Why’d you do that?” Her voice came out in a gasp as she drew air into her lungs.

“Just practicing.” He nodded, his eyes sparkling. “Yep, I’m pretty sure we can pull this off.” Reaching out, he pushed her sagging jaw upward with one finger.

Her teeth snapped together as she gathered her scattered wits.

“See you, Eden.”

“Yeah, see you, Blake.” She slumped against the fence as he walked away. At her side, the mare snorted and jerked against the rope. “Sorry, girl.” She stepped away to give the horse some breathing room.

Eden could relate. Given her druthers, she’d run, too. Because if she wasn’t careful, pretending to have a thing for Blake might not require any acting at all.

Wilde Horses

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