Читать книгу The White House - JaQuavis Coleman - Страница 4


Author's Note

Hello All,

Writing this story was very important to me. I wanted to give a lesson on karma and life ills while holding your attention. I intentionally drop subtle gems for the people like me who came from where I came. There are always two layers to my books; not everyone will get the second layer but the ones who do . . . they feel me. You see, I talk to the readers but I whisper to the streets. The streets being people who grew up in the struggle and love to read books because it closely resembles their current or past lifestyles. My books are conversational or at least that’s what my intentions are.

If you ever prayed to God, asking Him to show you the way, but in the same breath asking for forgiveness for the things you may have to do until you see the light . . . this one is for you. I understand. I am you . . . you are me. I am the streets. Love you all. *Raises cigar*

—JaQuavis Coleman

The White House

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