Читать книгу The White House - JaQuavis Coleman - Страница 5



Draya arched her back in pure pleasure as she dug her nails deep into the man’s chocolate muscular back. He slowly ground his hips in circular motions as he dove deep inside of her leaking love box. His swollen testicles gently slapped against her other entry with each thrust. Splashing noises echoed throughout the room, accompanied by Draya’s light moans and cries. Their sweaty bodies bounced off each other as the man began to whisper in her ear. The hot summer night made the air moist and their bodies seemed to glow as the moon’s light crept through the blinds and reflected off of them.

“You’re always going to be mine. I missed you, baby girl,” he said as he dug even deeper, rubbing her hair while he sexed her.

Draya hadn’t felt him in over a year and she almost forgot how good of a stroke he had. She began to pant heavily and her legs started to shake. First it was small quivers, then it grew to vigorous and sporadic jerking spasms. She felt a gigantic orgasm approaching and her body began to tense up. The man, with precision, sped up his stroke and quickly put his hands under her cheeks and spread them wider. Draya was in complete heaven as she felt his warm hands gently squeezing her plump buttocks. She tried to tell him how good it was, but she couldn’t talk because she was on the brink of exploding all over him. She felt his thickness fill her up with each thrust and it seemed as if his pole was on fire . . . it was so hot. The feeling was driving Draya crazy; a good crazy though. He stroked the long way, pulling his whole shaft out of her, leaving only the very tip of it in before he plunged it all the way back in. He was putting on a masterful performance that night.

“Oooh,” she crooned as she squeezed him tighter, feeling her climax beginning. The man, with perfect timing, pulled out and dipped down, placing his mouth on her love box and catching everything she squirted out. Draya’s legs quivered as she released her juices onto his face and into his mouth. She shook uncontrollably when she gripped the back of his head, almost pile-driving his face into herself. Her body jerked violently as he continued to give her clitoris an oral massage. The man then rose up and slid back into her. It didn’t take long for him to release a load into her. Draya didn’t care if he came inside of her; he felt too good. She remembered at that moment that she once loved him, but she had let greed get in the way of that.

“I missed you. I missed you so much,” the man whispered in her ear, resting on top of her, breathing heavily as his sweat dripped onto her body. His deep baritone sent chills down Draya’s spine and she wondered why she had ever stopped messing with him in the first place.

“Oh . . . oh my God. That was so good,” Draya professed as he placed her hand on her love box and added pressure. It was so tender and sore . . . a pleasant sore. It hurt so badly, but then again, it felt so good. The man kissed her on the forehead softly and got up from the king-size bed. He headed to the hotel suite’s bathroom while Draya’s eyes admired his physique. His chiseled back and muscular frame instantly made her want him again. The man disappeared into the bathroom and Draya flipped over onto her stomach and ran her fingers through her sweated-out hair. She took a deep breath and smiled.

“You were amazing, Daddy. I am so glad I ran into you.” She looked around the luxury suite and noticed a slightly opened duffel bag sitting on the floor. She could just glimpse some plastic-wrapped cocaine bricks stacked neatly inside of it and she chuckled to herself.

“I see not a lot has changed since the last time I saw you. You still getting it in, huh?” she said as she sat up and began tying her hair into a ponytail.

“You know it, Ma. Don’t shit stop,” he called back as he turned on the faucet.

Draya smiled and thought back on how she had robbed him blind a year earlier and he never knew a thing. She had set him up so smoothly and disappeared from town like a ghost. He had no idea that his biggest loss came from a chick who he had love for. She kept chuckling to herself while shaking her head with regret.

That’s the way the game goes sometimes. I had to get mine, she thought, trying to make herself feel better about what she’d done. If a nigga get caught slipping, it’s his own fault.

She flipped onto her stomach and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. As she began to scroll through her contacts, she heard the water turn off and then the footsteps of the man approaching her. She wiggled her plump butt cheeks, knowing that he was watching, and smiled and giggled while still focusing on her phone.

She felt his warm hands begin to rub on her back and then heard his deep voice: “It’s been a long time, baby.” He took her phone from her and set it aside, then gently pulled her hands behind her back. His demand for her attention turned Draya on and made her smile even wider. She could feel his growing warm shaft resting on her leg. That sensation alone made her clitoris begin to jump in anticipation of round two. She started moving her body like a snake, in a circular motion, causing friction between the bed and her clitoris as she closed her eyes in total bliss. With her arms still behind her back, it made everything more exotic and she was loving every second of it.

“Please put it in again, Daddy,” she begged, and frowned up in pleasure.

The man remained silent and prepared to give her the business. The cold handcuffs startled Draya as they were slapped across her wrists. Almost instantly, a bandanna was slipped between her lips and he tied it behind her head so tightly that it hurt.

“I’ve been waiting to catch you for over a year, you grimy bitch,” he said as Draya began to squirm like a wet fish. It all happened so fast that she hadn’t seen it coming. Something crashed down on the back of her skull, causing her whole world to shake up. Her vision went blurry and the most excruciating headache overcame her. The lamp that he had just bashed against her head shattered into pieces. She tried to scream, but only muffled whispers entered the airwaves as the man stood over her with a blank face. He began to urinate over her body as she laid there in a daze and whimpered in agony.

“You thought I wouldn’t find you? Huh? It wasn’t an accident that I ran into you tonight at that bar. I have been looking for you for over a year. Now it’s time to repay that debt. You took $400,000 from me. I want that back in blood . . . plus interest.” The man walked to the corner and grabbed the iron that he had turned on when they entered the room an hour before.

So many thoughts raced through Draya’s mind as she struggled to release herself from the tight handcuffs. Why? Why did I do this to myself? She heard steam gushing from the iron.

He pushed the button repeatedly, antagonizing her with the sounds of terror. He approached her and prepared to torture her for what she had done. He was about to cash in on his long-awaited revenge.

The White House

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