Читать книгу Mountain Bike: Park City - Jared Hargrave - Страница 14
ОглавлениеThe mountains around Park City are teeming with wildlife, and you have a good chance of encountering animals along the trail. Moose are perhaps the most common. It’s important to give moose a very wide berth, especially if a mother and her calves are hanging out on the trail. I’ve had a few experiences with an angry moose where it was best to simply turn around and ride back the way I came. These large mammals weigh on average 1800 pounds when full grown and can sprint at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour. If they feel threatened, they can be dangerous to humans.
Along with moose you may see deer and elk, especially in the fall during the rut. Autumn is also hunting season, so wear bright colors out on trails this time of year. There aren’t many places around Park City where hunting is legal, but it’s best to be safe. Also, you may encounter cows on private land where cattle are free to graze.