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The Right Juicy Kit

There is nothing more important to living a juicy lifestyle than getting the right juicer. Let’s be real, juicing has been seen as a bit of a pain in the proverbial for years. The shopping and chopping of the fruit and veg were always seen as a juicing bugbear, but the biggest juice ‘put me off’ by a mile was always the cleaning.

The good news is that juice extractors have come a long way in the last few years, and technology has now made carrying heavy fruit and veg a breeze; one click of a mouse and a couple of bags of nature’s finest can be at your door within the hour.

When I first started juicing I could never understand why they didn’t make a wide chute so that fruits like apples could go in whole. It seemed like a no-brainer to me, yet all the juicers that were on the market when I started had very tiny chutes. This always meant spending an enormous amount of time cutting up the produce for it to fit into the feeder. Not only that, but all the juicers had small ‘pulp containers’, which meant that after making just one or two small glasses you would have to stop the machine, take it apart and put it back together before continuing. Worst of all, though, was the cleaning. There were so many parts to the average juicer, so many nooks and crannies where the pulp could get caught up in and the machines were so small and fiddly that it just took forever to clean them properly. The words ‘dishwasher safe’ were never found on a juicer as the plastic parts would warp and melt from the heat of the washer.

Despite all of that, the benefits of juicing far outweighed the hassle of making the juice and cleaning the machine – but I did long for the day where juicing would become easy.

21st–century Juicing

Luckily, that day has arrived. Twenty-first-century juicing is here and with it comes wide-chute juicers, more extraction, large pulp containers for continuous juicing and dishwasher safe machines! Even as I write there are even efforts underway to produce a self-cleaning juicer. Imagine that, a juicer that cleans itself automatically after you make a juice. OK, stop dreaming, that day isn’t here yet, but the day of super-fast juicing is. In fact, with some of the best models on the market today you can make juice for four people and quickly clean the machine in less than 10 minutes. Even though many machines are now dishwasher safe, there are so few parts to them that it’s almost as fast to clean them as it is to rinse them ready for the dishwasher.

Get the right juicer … for you!

Getting the right juicer is crucial to whether juicing makes a regular appear- ance in your life, or whether the machine stays in your cupboard for good! It is extremely important to get the right juicer for your needs. For our purposes, up until now, there have been just two basic types of juicer:

Masticating (slow juicers) Centrifugal (fast juicers)

They both have their pros and cons. The main difference is that ‘slow’ juicers tend to live by their name: they are slow to use, slow to clean and tend to cost more; however, the quality of the juice tends to be superior. Whereas ‘fast’ juicers are exactly that: fast to use, fast to clean and tend to be cheaper than masticating juicers. The problem with fast juicers is about the quality of the juice: Most have powerful motors that cause the cutting blades to move at incredibly high speeds in order to juice super-fast. This creates ‘heat friction’ and heat affects nutrients. It is well documented that the longer you cook something, the more nutrients you lose. This means the juice oxidises and separates much faster than with a slow juicer and tends to be of inferior quality in comparison. This doesn’t mean the juice from fast juicers is void of nutrients; you are just encouraged to drink the juice as soon as possible after making it. The best fast juicers on the market as I write this page are the Philips range of juicers.

The Game Changer In The Juicing World!

Up until now these have been the main choices of juicer to get. Both are really good and I have been recommending a whole fruit fast juicer for the past ten years and I have also talked about the virtues of slow juicing. The vast majority of people choose a fast juicer because of time restraints, but ideally want the quality of a slow juicer. The good news is that every now and then a game changer comes into the market. The iPod did it, and so did companies like Dyson; they completely changed the game in their field and I am pleased to say we have a game changer in the juicing world too. It’s a juicer that’s almost combines the best of both worlds in juicing: ‘slow’ and ‘fast’.

The Fusion of Technologies

From now on when people ask what juicer you have, it will be a case of ‘fast, slow or FUSION’. The Fusion Juicer is just that: a fusion of both juicing worlds. You can fit a whole apple in it like a fast juicer, but the low-induction motor means it extracts the juice without anywhere near as much heat fric- tion. This means the quality of the juice is comparable to an expensive slow juicer. It’s also easy to clean (everything goes in the dishwasher), it’s whisper quiet, it looks good and it’s VERY affordable. My mission since I started on my own health journey has been to JUICE THE WORLD and one of the most important aspects of making sure that mission is achieved is to a get a juicer into every household in the world. That can only happen if the juicer is incredible value and affordable by all. But usually the best value juicers aren’t the best juicers, and I have, until now, always recommended more expensive juicers. The Fusion Juicer is not quite as fast as a super-fast juicer and not quite the quality of a £400 slow juicer, but it’s a beautiful combination of the two. With the Fusion you get a juicer that doesn’t heat the juice like a fast juicer but is a million times faster to use than a slow juicer. You get a juicer that produces the highest-quality juice but for a quarter of the price and from a machine that’s easy to clean. You also get a juicer where you can see the juice being made in the juicer itself. This creates theatre in the kitchen and kids love to see the colours going round.

Personally, if I were getting into juicing for the first time or looking to change my juicer, the Fusion Juicer would be my only choice. I am not the only one who is excited about this juicer: Jon Gabriel, a remarkable man who lost over 200lbs (91kg) with the help of juicing and raw food said “I have been waiting for this juicer for years. Finally, a juicer that is fast to use but doesn’t create massive heat friction”. I said it was a game changer and it is.

Having said that, new juicers are coming out all the time and by the time you read this particular version of this book things might have changed, so before buying any juicer please always visit www.juicemaster.com and see what’s new in the juicing world!

Hey Big Blender!

The other piece of kit you will need for your juicy kitchen is a blender or a ‘smoothie maker’. Not all blenders can the job, so look for one that can also crush ice, blend soft and frozen fruits and demolish an avocado. There are some blenders which claim to be juicers, like the excellent Vitamix blender; but it’s still a blender. A juicer juices and a blender simply blends the fibres with the juice. You need both for a juicy lifestyle.

Do The 3-Day Super Juice Detox

I have included a 3-Day Super Juice Detox in the book and if you wish to see the positive effects of juicing in a short space of time, I strongly advocate doing it. Not only will you drop an average of 3-5lbs on the program (some people when adding exercise drop 7lbs in just 3 days), but it also gives the digestive system a much-needed rest from dealing with the processed rubbish we pour into it on a weekly, if not daily basis.

Since the first edition of this book I have made one tiny adjustment to the original 3-Day Super Juice Detox program, by adding more avocados. This slight addition has made no difference to the positive effects on both a mental and physical level and more importantly for many, the weight loss is exactly the same, despite adding in an extra 3 whole avocados over the 3 days. This surprises some as a medium avocado has around 250 calories. However, despite what you may have heard from mainstream dieticians, calories aren’t all the same. What the addition of avocado has done however is to increase the success rate of people who start and complete the program. Many who tried the old version of the 3-day juice plan said they found doing my 7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet easier than the 3-day detox.

When I looked at the plan again I could see why some might find it a little challenging. As it was a 3-day plan and not a 7-day plan, I wanted people to have maximum weight loss results, so I left out avocado for the most part, having just two in the 3 days. The absence of enough avocado meant some found themselves incredibly hungry on day one and so some threw in the towel. The good fat and amino acid content of avocados helps to regulate the appetite. The old version also had the addition of my Detox Booster powder, which, while adding some great nutrients to the plan, wasn’t to everyone’s taste. Just because you are on a Detox, it doesn’t mean it has to feel like you are. And so to some, with hunger hitting and taste marred by the Detox Powder, it felt like a detox! The ‘new and im- proved’ 3-Day Super Juice Detox removal of the DETOX BOOST powder (you can still add if you want to and don’t mind the taste), and the addition of more avocados. This may seem like an inconsequential change, but with the addition of a decent amount of avocado in the first two smoothies of the plan, it makes it a great deal easier as you wont be hungry. The shopping list for the program can be found on www.juicemaster.com and is free to download. We also have a 3-day wall planner to make it even easier and also an iphone App. By doing the 3-Day Super Juice Detox you will get used to using your juicer and blender, you’ll get the hang of cleaning it and you will reap the weight loss and health rewards, all of which will give you the incentive to make juicing part of your daily life.

Juice The World!

One mission has driven me more than any other for many years now and that is to ‘Juice The World’. My aim is to make a juice extractor as common as a kettle and toaster in every home in the developed world. I genuinely believe that a juice extractor is one of, if not the, most valuable purchase you will ever make. It is the ultimate health insurance aid and no home should be without one. Every week at Juicy HQ we receive emails, cards and calls from just about every corner of the globe saying how juicing has changed their lives in one way or another. Whether it’s healthy weight loss, an improved illness, increased energy or just that their eyes have began to sparkle again and their skin is as clear as a whistle. Just read Audrey’s email on the next page …

‘My husband and + are very much enjoying drinking delicious juices as a result of reading your books. Not only do we have more energy and better health but our hair is also going back to its original colour! We are 68 and 73 years old, so that is a wonderful surprise!,


Whatever it is I never tire of hearing how juicing has had a positive effect on someone’s health and it is one of the many things, find juicing has a positive effect on your life, or anyone you know, please drop us a quick note at info@juicemaster.com, I sincerely hope you make juicing part of your daily life and I may get to meet you personally at one of my juicing retreats in the future. At time of writing I have just bought a little retreat in Portugal, which I am turning, into Juicy Oasis – Health Retreat & Spa. It’s in the middle of nowhere and every room overlooks the magnificent lake. Maybe I’ll see you there for a juice and game of tennis one day, if not I hope juicing benefits your world as much as it has mine.

Enjoy the book!

Juice Master Keeping It Simple: Over 100 Delicious Juices and Smoothies

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