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This work began its own circuitous life in mid-July 2008, when Bernard Stollman called me up one day, out of the blue, and asked if I would like to write a book with him about the ESP label. Although I eventually came to understand that I was the one writing the book, he made himself readily available from the start and provided whatever support he could. So, I must first of all thank him for his good humor and patience, as well as his generosity of spirit.

In my frequent visits to the ESP office, I inevitably found any number of small details, favors, and questions to ask of the incredibly devoted staff, who have each in turn since moved on to new challenges: general manager Tom Abbs, director of promotions Adam Downey and his predecessor Fumi Tomita, and chief financial officer Douglas McGregor (their duties stretched well beyond what the titles indicate). I extend my sincere appreciation to them for their constant cooperation.

Of course, there would be no book without the candor and willingness of everyone I interviewed, so I am indeed grateful to them all. Their names you will know by turning the pages. The photographers as well proved remarkably kind in allowing me to use their work, and I hope that even within the present limits I have done them some measure of justice.

I would also like to thank Alan Sondheim for his ongoing advice and reflections in the development of this book; Gérard Terronès, for the time and music he so freely offered me at his home in Paris, which reconfirmed for me his lifelong dedication to the music and musicians’ rights; Ken Wissoker, editorial director at another press, for his early enthusiasm, which helped propel the project further; and for assorted gestures of assistance and answering of questions: Pierre Crépon, Philippe Carles, Pete Gershon, Marshall Reese, Ali Alizadeh, David Stoelting, Franck Médioni, Matt Lavelle, Steven Joerg, Byron Coley, Filippo Salvadori, Christian Gauffre, Antoine Prum, Richard Meltzer, Kurt Gottschalk, Bruno Guermonprez, Guy Klucevsek, Fumiko Wellington, and Suzannah B. Troy.

Finally, but not least, I must thank my editor at Wesleyan, Parker Smathers, as well as the Music/Interview series editor, Daniel Cavicchi, and my fine-eyed copyeditor, Susan Silver, for their helpful guidance along the way.

Always in Trouble

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