Читать книгу Startup Guide to Guerrilla Marketing - Jay Levinson Conrad - Страница 20

Trait 12: Taking Action


In seminars, presentations, and assorted trainings we have done around the world, we have learned by simple before-and-after observation that people have one-way brains or two-way brains. People with one-way brains read books, attend seminars, take copious notes during presentations, pay rapt attention during trainings, study the internet, learn from mentors, listen to CDs, watch DVDs, take courses, participate in tele-seminars, and learn as much as is humanly possible. The information they absorb is assimilated, memorized, and understood. But it remains within them, which is no place for important information to reside.

Guerrilla marketing is not a spectator sport.

People with two-way brains absorb the same information, but then they take action on it. They know darned well that guerrilla marketing is not a spectator sport. They realize that information not acted upon is wasted information. They act on the advice they are given. They breathe life into the concepts they have learned. They experiment. They know that action is the name of the game to guerrillas. Because they have two-way brains, they do something about what they have learned.

While others may learn by hearing, guerrillas learn by doing. They are a very hands-on group of people. That laying on of the hands is one of their many secrets of success. If your personality does not include the proclivity to take action, change that aspect of your personality.

We are not writing this book as an academic exercise, but as a method for you to learn exactly what you must do with guerrilla marketing. The key word in that sentence is “do.”


1. Patience

2. Imagination

3. Sensitivity

4. Ego strength

5. Aggressiveness

6. Embraces change

7. Generosity

8. Energetic

9. Constant learning

10. People person

11. Maintains focus

12. Takes action

Startup Guide to Guerrilla Marketing

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