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Alone on Earth – Entry #11


November 26, 2016

Dear Diary


I can’t sleep. I keep thinking I hear glass breaking again. I’ll doze off, think I hear it again, and then I’m wide awake. The wind is blowing quite a bit outside, I can tell that by all the debris being swept down the street in front of this building. I have a splitting headache and I know why: I have not been using my CPAP for my sleep apnea since The Event took place. There is nothing I can do about that. I am sure my blood pressure is high. I have been taking my BP medication, but am running low once again. I may have to cancel that trip to Nashville and go back to Mobile. I have searched several drugstores here for the specific medication I need: Univasc 15MG and Lopressor, which I take twice a day. Could not find either in the drugstores. I am running low on both. I hear thunder now. It appears I will have to go looking for rainwear in the morning. I am not driving this motorcycle in the rain, can’t take that chance. I’m going to try and sleep again.

Dear Diary


I finally slept a little after waking up about 3AM. It is a slow steady rain outside. I think this is the first rain since The Event of November 16-17. I have not eaten breakfast as yet. I can’t start a fire with the rain outside, and am scared to try and start a fire here in the Dome. Not that I care if the whole thing catches on fire. It is the fumes from the fire that scare me. There is a mini shopping mall in the Olympic Center, let me look for a raincoat there. I’ll also be on the lookout for a disposable grill.

Dear Diary


I found a raincoat at Kohl’s in the mini-mall and a disposable grill at the drugstore next to it. I looked for my specific BP medicine in the pharmacy, but could not find it. I’m not sure they mark it the way it is labeled. At my drugstore back home, it was labeled exactly as is shown on my medicine bottles. In Kohl’s, I found something a bit unusual; crucifixes with Jesus on the cross were spread out from the Jewelry Department to Women’s clothing. That would be a joke if circumstances were different. Something had these people scared. I first got this idea in Montgomery, AL. All those cars and trucks packed so tightly could mean only one thing: Something had threatened all these people. Something scared these people in Kohl’s. I’m at a loss for words as to what it could be. Something or someone affected people so badly they resorted to religious symbols as a last resort to shield them from…whatever it was. Again, no trace of anyone or anything.

Dear Diary


It has finally stopped raining. I ate a brunch of canned sweet potato casserole (damn that was good), sardines, corn, green peas and bread pudding. I washed it down with three cans of warm beer. I am going to go to the CDC after I have had my afternoon constitutional in the nearby restroom. I dread what I am going to find. So far, no sign of any human being in the entire city. I won’t stop looking.

Dear Diary


I am at the CDC on Clifton Rd. in Atlanta. The doors inside the Center were barricaded shut. This is all the proof I need to know that someone knew something was wrong…terribly wrong. The very government entity established to protect the public from disease, chemical warfare agents, was forced to prevent someone or something from either entering the building…or from leaving the building. Did the CDC R&D develop something that got away from them? Is that what this is all about??? But how would that explain the world-wide humming noise of November 16th??? The humming noise and the disappearance of so many people is a supposition of mine at this time. How does this explain no electricity, no batteries that will work or hold a charge??? It is a theory. I have no concrete proof that both correlate to the thousands or millions (billions???) of missing people. Inside the Center, it is dark beyond belief. I can’t go very far, there must be very little oxygen in here for some reason. My candles keep going out the further I walk down the hallways. There are no answers here that can justify my continued presence. I don’t have a scientific mind, but clues are present. The CDC would not barricade the doors shut unless they knew something was terribly wrong, only I have no idea what that could be. I’m leaning toward that what caused this calamity was a chemical agent that got away from scientists. But I have no proof. None. I’m going back to the Georgia Dome and drink some more beer…and think.

Dear Diary


I’m drunk. I mean, I am puissant, falling down drunk as hell. I have drunk a six-pack of Milwaukee’s best…and more. I’m drunked as a sckunked. And I din’t give a shit no more at what happens. I have free bear for the rest of my live. Hey, what a freaking ass world I live in huh? I can do whatever I want and no body will say anything to me. I’m like that Leanardo guy on the Titanic movie, I’M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!! ..hey, ring a doorbell on earth and I’m the only guy that will answer. ….what you think of that?????????? I’m laughing and I’m crying…and I don’t care anymore….SCREW THIS WORLD……... I make the rules here….I am the one and only human left…I know it my heart….Dear God, I know it in my heart….I know it….I keep denyiiing it but I know it is truth. I need to seelp….

Dear Diary


Short…but sweet….I’m leaving Atlanta in the morning. I have to get back home and then think what I will do next. I am so hung over…I can’t do this again. God forgive me…I don’t know if I can go on. Suicide…for the first time in my life….it is entering my mind. I have to leep. God forgive me…forgive me. Glass again…come on…come and get it. I hate this world….I hate what I am…I hate this shit of a world. So, yearh, Mr. glass breaker, come get my ass…I’m ready for you…and so is this .38 and Remington rifle. Bring it.

Diary: Alone on Earth

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