Читать книгу Diary: Alone on Earth - JD Weldy - Страница 3

Diary: Alone on Earth - Prologue


November 16th, 2016, will be a day of confusion. There will be distorted signals on TV and radio, with news commentators saying that it is a sunspot, that global warming is increasing, and presenting a multitude of excuses that can neither be proven nor disproved. Animals will be acting strangely. In fact, it will be reported on MSNBC that President Obama has put the U.S. military on DEFCON 3 due to an intermittent humming throughout the USA and the world. President Elect Sarah Palin will argue that the military should be placed at DEFCON 4. No one apparently knows what is causing the humming noise, but government officials are positive it isn't emanating from any single country, nor is it coming from outer space. No one - including David, whose experiences are being written into this diary - knows what to make of it.

David is a complicated man. He lost the only love of his life in an accident at home, and has never forgiven himself for not responding sooner to save his beloved wife. His reaction has been to cut himself off from the world and society at large by living in the small town of Axis, Alabama, pop. 341. He lives a quiet, sedate life with Ralph, his beagle, concerned with no one but himself.

That all changes on November 16th, 2016, where David goes to bed hoping everything will be sorted out in the morning. For once, he allows his beloved dog to sleep at the foot of his bed. Both of them are feeling scared, a little sick for some reason, and tired. David believes everything will be cleared up in the morning.

He is wrong.

My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace.

I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.

Psalms 120: 6,7

Diary: Alone on Earth

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