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“Prepare to have the dust shaken off of your religion. The Courage to Be Queer opens the tent of God’s love to everybody by defying stereotypes and challenging biblical interpreters to be vital and alive. This book is an act of courage that calls upon people of faith to embrace their own personal difference and then act in freedom for the wellbeing of others. Jeff Hood says everyone is truly queer: unique, individual, and precious beyond all accounting to the Queer God who makes all people new in the Spirit. As Jeff Hood engages the world, Jesus Christ, and the most familiar stories from the Bible, he shows us how to discover anew the face of God in new forms of humanity and divinity. He is in the vanguard of a new spirituality for a new age. This is a must-read book!”

—Rev. Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle, professor of Practical Theology, Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University

“Reading Jeff Hood’s work deepened my commitment to liberation theology and has firmly shifted my ambivalence about the word ‘queer’ to a place of tremendous pride in being queer. The real power in these words flows from the fact that Hood lives out the queer life he writes about.”

—Rev. Elder Jim Mitulski, queer liberation activist and pastor in the Metropolitan Community Church, United Church of Christ, and Disciples of Christ denominations

”In imagining that great creative power we typically call God as ‘the Queer,’ Jeff Hood offers a radical vision where binaries of identity and reality no longer confine us. Hood’s construction of this new liberation theology stands boldly in the tradition of other theologies that have expanded our understandings of who we are as individuals, as communities, and as spiritual beings, granting us a freedom to construct our lives and relationships in profoundly new ways. The Courage to Be Queer is a gift to all of us in our struggle to be fully human and fully free—fully queer!”

—Rev. Kristin Stoneking, executive director, Fellowship of Reconciliation

“I live in a dark place. Rev. Dr. Jeff Hood shared the Queer God with me. I can say without hesitation that the queer revelation of the God within has changed my life and I encourage you to read everything this man writes.”

—Will Speer, Texas Death Row inmate, TDCJ-ID #999398

“In his book, Rev. Dr. Hood brilliantly strings together smooth pearls of wisdom, fascinating baubles of theology, inherited jewels of Scripture, and the peculiar trinkets of his own experience in a full circle, creating a dazzling and complete queer theology for our time.”

—Rev. Anna Humble, Interim Conference Minister, South Central Conference of the United Church of Christ

“There comes a point when our experiences of life outgrows the God we thought we knew. This is a work attempting to describe the God who is, and if we are brave enough to sit with the words beyond whatever initial emotions they evoke, we will find that Dr. Hood is bringing us closer to knowing the God to whom we are fully known.”

—Rev. Lucas Johnson, International Coordinator, International Fellowship of Reconciliation

“I embrace Reverend Hood’s eloquent and learned queering of the religious text: It is so needed, especially for someone like me who is antagonistic toward religion because of its misuses historically and today.”

—Terry Barrett, professor emeritus of Art Education, Ohio State University

“The Queer is that which is not normative, the utterly unique. You would think that a law professor would have little use for the non-normative, especially when considered in the (for me) foreign context of “theology.” I rummage through structures and norms for a living. It is precisely the point, however, that a theology that routinely and instinctively kills the ‘Queer within’ is no theology at all. Jeff Hood’s exposition of theology is for everyone. Even someone as lost as me. For God is the ultimate Queer. Every page Jeff Hood has written is a step into the anti-conception and a step towards the non-normative power that is the reality most perfect for us to know of God. When I walk away from the normative, as Queer-protagonist, I am paradoxically walking towards the Queer-me that God has created. I am embracing the rubric of love by loving the Queer that is God, who is simultaneously embracing the Queer-me and helping me to see and embrace the Queer in others. The genius and pure light of this book is undeniable, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

—Michael C. Duff, Centennial Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Wyoming College of Law

“Buddhist and Christian literalisms often prevent us from perceiving the fundamental non-duality of the core teachings of both faith traditions: wisdom and compassion. Rev. Jeff Hood’s The Courage to Be Queer is a timely and necessary exploration of the ultimate wisdom of interdependence and the radical compassion of acceptance of all differences as complementary aspects of ultimate reality. Christians will benefit from this incisive and faithful exploration of their Scriptures, and people of other faiths will be reminded of the need to appreciate and embrace difference in ourselves, our traditions, and our communities.”

—Ven. Tashi Nyima, Nying Je Ling, Abode of Great Compassion, New Jonang Buddhist Community

“How quickly we forget that we are ‘a curious and peculiar people!’ But Dr. Jeff Hood reminds us that in our unique individual stories of encounters with Holiness and discoveries of self, we find our splendid divine queerness and the wonder and liberation of the Queer Within. Bravo!”

—Rev. Glenna Shepherd, Pleasant Hill Community Church, United Church of Christ

“Queer theologies emerge from a variety of unexpected personal and social contexts. The Courage to Be Queer is the bold work of Baptist activist Jeff Hood.”

—Rev. Dr. Robert Shore-Goss, pastor and theologian, Metropolitan Community Church United Church of Christ in the Valley, North Hollywood

“To be queer is to be authentically oneself—the self that God, the Ultimate Queer, longs for us to be. Reverend Dr. Jeff Hood, in his book, The Courage to Be Queer, has brought his own queries and queering to Scripture in order to free us all from the bonds of normativity. Mixing exegetical reflection and an earthy practical theology, Hood offers the church a broader vision of the Divine . . . inviting us to reclaim what is queerest and best about our story and to see how our lives, in all their uniqueness, comprise God’s story in this world.”

—Rev. Ashlee Wiest-Laird, pastor of First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts

“Through bold interpretation of Scripture and gentle vulnerability, Jeff Hood masterfully reminds us that normativity is the great sin of our time.”

—Rev. Justin Hancock, author and disability theologian, Missional Wisdom Foundation

“Jeff Hood’s new book, The Courage to Be Queer, is both queer and courageous. Hood expands on our understanding of queer identity to see it as a category of liberation open to anyone who is willing to let go of their fears and connect with what is most sacred and most true in their being. When we do that, he suggests, we are in a position to change the world. Hood intriguingly turns the table on our typical reactions to what is marginalized in our culture as that which should be discounted, pitied, or shunned. For Hood it is in these places of difference where we can find an authentic spirituality that speak to our core being. From such places, a revitalized Christian theology is possible that can embrace what is best, most wild, and most queer in us.”

—Dr. Sharon Groves, faith organizer and social justice worker

“The Courage to Be Queer is a challenging read—not for the weak of mind or spirit. For Hood this is a theological, heartfelt exercise of courage genuinely rooted in his love of all humanity. This love envelopes his more normative conservative friends on one end all the way to his associates uninvited to sit in traditional pews. I invite you to get lost in Hood’s use of the word ‘Queer’ and explore this path of salvation.”

—Rev. Duncan E. Teague, Unitarian Universalist minister and faith outreach consultant, Georgia Equality

“Dr. Hood’s explorations of the Queer are relevant, raw, and liberating. His writing led me to question my own limited constructs in ways that stretched and then freed me. His book is an experience of self-discovery and a courageous revelation of love.”

—Dr. Celeste Holbrook, sexual health educator and consultant

“One of the great challenges of youth ministry is helping young people embrace the unique person God is calling them to be. Dr. Hood’s The Courage to Be Queer offers a clear path for radical dialogue that will lead to radical spaces of openness, inclusion, and empowerment. If you want to learn how to change the world, read this book!”

—Jason Redick, youth minister, Holy Covenant United Methodist Church

“Jeff Hood’s book is a thoughtful and personal theological manifesto in the best Baptist traditions of soul freedom and liberation. I’m excited to be a part of some of the conversations this book starts!”

—Rev. David Weasley, board chair, Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists

“Radical, readable, and intellectually rigorous, The Courage to be Queer by Jeff Hood reveals a theology of God the Queer that speaks to everyone through their individual context or queerness. The author does an extraordinary job of making advanced theological concepts accessible and inviting—all with sound biblical references. Hood shakes the demons out of the Bible and leaves only love.”

—Rev. Kittredge Cherry, author and founder of Jesusinlove.org

“Jeff Hood reminds us that theology is based in story. The Courage to Be Queer is filled with stories of life-giving liberation. Hood brings the resurrection close and knocks the cobwebs out of obsolete theologies traditionally used to demean and diminish to better remind us of our own uniqueness or queerness. This book has rebooted my allegiance to the inclusive, compassionate, radically creative, and loving God who truly is the queerest of the queer.”

—Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman, associate pastor, Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ

“Reverend Hood displays a strong courage to take on tough tasks. It doesn’t get any tougher than exploring the queerness of the church and people of faith. By taking a term of derision, ‘queer,’ and using it analyze our place in the universe, Hood pushes us to think theologically and have our lives transformed by the results. I dare you to read this book.”

—Rev. David W. Key Sr., director of Baptist Studies, Candler School of Theology at Emory University

“Jeff writes with a prophetic edge, refreshing vulnerability, and deep theological reflection. His exploration of queer theology is rooted in his commitment to all of God’s children. This book offers an engaging approach to anyone who wishes to learn and understand more about the queer within and around us.”

—Rev. Leah Grundset Davis, communications specialist, Alliance of Baptists

“The Courage to Be Queer is a theological exploration that is both universal and particular. Through personal story and cogent exegesis, Jeff Hood moves ‘queer’ from a derogatory slur to an identity that goes beyond sexuality to any expression of otherness separating us from the love of God.”

—Chett Pritchett, executive director, Methodist Federation for Social Action

“There are few voices in the Christian world like that of the Reverend Dr. Jeff Hood. He has the heart of a pastor, the voice of a prophet, the mind of a scholar, and the temperament of a servant leader. These qualities, along with his keen spiritual insight, are on full display within this text. His writing has the unique ability to see the Divine in new and fresh ways while challenging his reader with both love and boldness. I encourage every reader to approach this work with a hunger and thirst for transformation. For if you remain open to the moving of God’s spirit, the transformation of heart and mind will indeed be yours. So, be ready for a journey . . . the journey of the remarkable . . . the journey of the queer. For it’s within the queer that presence of God can be found!”

—Rev. Ray Jordan, Central Congregational Church, United Church of Christ

“The Courage to Be Queer is a call to move into the transformation and liberation of God. The queer narrative Jeff shares pushes us to stretch, heal, and cultivate our theology and our hearts.”

—Kathy McDougall, pastor and community curator at Zeteo Houston

“I couldn’t put Dr. Hood’s The Courage to Be Queer down! Declaring a vision for radical inclusivity, Dr. Hood beautifully pushes through normative closets and breathes sincerity, passion, and generosity anew into faith. His personal narrative, interwoven with biblical hermeneutic and liberation theology, invites the reader into God’s world, where no one is left out at the table of love. While there will be some who say this book is too radical, I left the book encouraged boldly encouraged to stand for truth, justice, and love.”

—Rev. Kyle Lee Tubbs, pastor and planter, Grace Baptist Church in Round Rock, Texas

“Life takes courage . . . courage to know your story, courage to share your story, and courage to hear the stories of others. But the deepest courage comes when we try to connect our story with the stories of others. As Jeff so poignantly shares in The Courage to Be Queer, we all exist and seek meaning from within our own person. When we learn to exist and seek meaning through our human uniqueness or queerness, we learn to push back against the normative forces that hold us back. This is a text that helps us learn to dance.”

—Rev. Dr. John Casimir O’Keefe, author and lead pastor, Cross Bridge Christian Church, Disciples of Christ

“How refreshing! God is not trapped in worn-out rhetoric, nor in crumbling edifices. The Holy Spirit is not tongue-tied to speak only old conclusions. Yes, yes, this book is Queer, and I love its Gospel Truth.”

—Dr. Louie Crew, professor emeritus at Rutgers University and founder of Integrity: A Ministry of LGBTQ Episcopalians

“The Courage to Be Queer is a powerful book that invites readers to consider theology, the world, and themselves beyond the confines of tradition. In doing so, our understanding of self is allowed to develop as a reflection of a diverse and loving God. We all can find courage through Jeff’s words.”

—Rev. Maurice “Bojangles” Blanchard, Baptist minister and plaintiff in Bourke v. Beshear, the 2015 United States Supreme Court same-sex marriage case

“In The Courage to Be Queer, Jeff takes the little mental closet that we have tried to contain God within and smashes it wide open. Armed with his own spiritual journey and a queer hermeneutic, Jeff boldly proclaims good news to the poor, binds up the brokenhearted, releases captives and prisoners, and announces the year of the Lord’s favor. Jeff believes in a God who is wilder, freer, and more loving than many of us have dared to imagine. This book made me blush, made me question why I was blushing, and freed me to accept myself a little bit more.”

—Dan Kiniry, founder and pastor, Neal Park Potluck

“Jeff Hood is an extraordinary theologian who uses precision mixed with creativity to elevate the theological discourse. Hood’s determination to intersect theology and praxis through activism demands our attention to his prophetic voice.”

—Rev. Mitchell Boone, White Rock United Methodist Church

“Like Jeff, I too believe that queerness is not just a legitimate identity to be defended but a vocation for all of us to learn. This a text that will help us on the journey.”

—Rev. Morgan Guyton, director of NOLA Wesley Foundation, United Methodist Church

“This text is an authentically queer spiritual and intellectual journey into the depths of what it means to be both fully human and fully created in the image of the Divine that leads to delight and hope for us all.”

—Sarah Griffith Lund, author of Blessed Are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness, Family, and Church

“The Courage to Be Queer is a theological masterpiece. Jeff Hood weaves a brilliant tapestry of God’s love. This text is the answer for anyone struggling to believe God loves all people.”

—Rev. Donald H. Fulton, Alliance of Baptists

“As a cis-hetero ally to LGBT neighbors, I carried on a ‘compassionate’ conversation about ‘them’ until I met Rev. Dr. Hood. In his preaching, his way of being, and his scholarship he showed me that there is no ‘them’ — or rather, that we are all ‘other,’ all queer, and all beloved by our God who is Other, who is Queer, who loves beyond our ridiculous differentiations. Jeff offered me the courage to be queer, a good gift for which I’m grateful.”

—Rev. Dr. Katie Hayes, Galileo Church (Disciples of Christ)

The Courage to Be Queer

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