Читать книгу Trusting the News in a Digital Age - Jeffrey Dvorkin - Страница 15

What Is “Reliable” Information?


At a time when public opinion polls say the public has less trust in media in general and in the news in particular, who are we to trust and what are we to believe?

The proliferation of social media has had the effect of giving a voice to the voiceless. But that's not how it began.

The proliferation of available information provided by traditional media, digital platforms, and their availability on “apps” has transformed our media landscape. Apps have changed the way we live, in many ways for the better. But there are, as with all new technologies, some serious downsides. Facebook especially has come under criticism for allowing certain political users to spread rumors, false information, and, in some cases, undermine normal political discourse. Twitter works by allowing anyone to spread information, whether real or imaginary. Too often the public, swamped by this flow of content, is unable to find the time verify a tweet or a Facebook posting. Whoever has put this bite of information online is rarely held accountable for the consequences.

Trusting the News in a Digital Age

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