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Shifting Gears: Why We Need to Tell Stories in New Ways


Newsrooms have traditionally fallen behind in terms of innovating. Journalists were slow to publish their articles online, and when they did, they simply sent in the print version of the story with no consideration for the different needs of online audiences. This process of taking content created for a nondigital medium and “shoveling” (copying and pasting) it online without making changes produced what is called shovelware. News organizations also worried about publishing content on social media sites in their early days, concerned about giving content away for free.

We now know that at least two-thirds of Americans of all ages get their news on social media, and that number is likely to increase. Looking at younger Americans, ages 18 to 49, we find that 78% get their news from social media.7 Journalists are changing their old ways of thinking and trying new strategies to thrive in the Digital Age.

Feature Writing and Reporting

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