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I Will Arise


“Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; when I fall, I will arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me (Micah 7:8, NKJV).”

Getting back up after a fall is never easy for it requires a great deal of stamina to pull yourself up from a horizontal position to a vertical position. I remember viewing a Track and Field meet on television and watching two seasoned female athletes compete against each other. It was obvious from looking at both of them that they were in superb physical condition and have prepared themselves for this hurdling competition. As they and all the other female competitors took their marks, you could see the determination and focus in both of these women’s eyes. Then the gun was shot in the air, they were off and began to run very fast and leap over the hurdles. One by one they jumped and these two ladies were very close in proximity to each other that it would be hard to determine who would win the race, until all of a sudden, out of nowhere, one of the ladies unexpectedly trips and falls over the hurdles. And, it was a hard fall indeed as the audience gasped in shock.

The cameras focused on her as it was evident from her facial expression, that she was very upset and disappointed but then, she composed herself, got up and left off the asphalt as people clapped to show that she gave a great performance and the other lady ended up winning the race. Note, this was not the first time these two ladies competed against each other and the other lady (Dominick) won the race earlier and this was Queen’s chance to get the victory this time and when this unforeseen occurrence happened, it was a hard pill for her to swallow! Even though that was the case, she never stopped running nor gave up on her dreams and she continues to run competitively and is preparing herself for the next track meet as she is very tenacious and has etched in her mind that she will win the next race!

Although I am very impressed with Queen’s drive and determination to win, I pose the question to you that are reading this article today, isn’t that how life is sometimes? We as people seem to do all the right things and give all that we have to move forward just to meet with a fall, unforeseen tragedy or other overwhelming situations just like this female runner. And, that can make us want to give up if we view and respond to our mishaps the wrong way. Life is a journey, it is very difficult at times and sometimes when we think that things are getting easier, they may get worse before they get better but, one thing we as people need to keep in mind is that we are not alone in our struggles “for God promised to never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5, NKJV).” He also told us to count it all joy when we fall into diver’s temptations (James 1:2, NKJV).”

As we extract the word “temptations” from the previous biblical quote, I ask you what is it you are being tempted by at this moment that would make you not want to get back up after a fall? Surely all of us have fallen in some area of our lives and it would appear that it would be so much easier to stay down but we must get back up! Yes, get back up despite the feeling of apathy, get back up despite the depression, get back up despite the “naysayers,” get back up despite the lies the devil is telling you, get back up despite your own negative talk and the things you say to yourself that have hindered you in the past. Whatever you do, just don’t stay motionless. Move!

Yes, move! Be like the four men with leprosy indicated in the Bible. They were in a dilemma, they were hungry and they had a skin condition that was contagious but despite all of their problems, they knew that they couldn’t remain in the state that they were in i.e. “Why should we sit here waiting to die?” We will starve if we stay here, but with the famine in the city, we will starve if we go back there. So we might as well go out and surrender to the Arameans army. If they let us live, so much the better. But if they kill us, we would have died anyway (II Kings 7:3, 4, NLT).” You have heard the expression “nothing from nothing leaves nothing!” You can’t expect anything if you don’t do something! I would much rather be found doing something than nothing at all and that was the mentality of the leprous men. So, we can’t allow our circumstances to paralyze us and make us fearful. Irrespective of it all, we must move in faith believing as the word of God indicated that “Faith without good deeds is useless (James 2:20, NLT).” We need both in operation in order to produce the desired results.

So tell yourself, I will arise. I will arise because “Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world (I John 4:4, NKJV).” I will arise because “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he it tried, he shall receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those that love him (James 1:12, NKJV),” I will arise because “Weeping may endureth for a night but joy comes in the morning (Psalms 30:5, NKJV),” I will arise because ”Those that sow in tears shall reap in joy (Psalms 126:5, NKJV)” and I will arise because Jesus expressively states “I come that they might have life and that more abundantly (John 10:10, NKJV).”

Nehemiah, although he worked and had people working around him, he needed help from the Lord. We as people need also to recognize our need for God. Yes, we may have money, connections and otherwise but, nothing will happen unless God moves in the mist of things for us. Nehemiah in the mist of all that he encountered asked the Lord to help him. When I think of this I believe what he was asking God to do was empower him to do what he couldn’t do within his own strength. When we have God as our guide and spearheading every direction of our lives, I don’t care what adversities that we may encounter, what limitations, and what hindrances or otherwise, God will help us to overcome and be victorious in the process.

I don’t know about you but I need God to strengthen my hands. I need God to lead me in all things, show me the way, and give me wisdom, understanding and direction in life. I know with his help I am assured victory in the end. I implore you again in all things talk to the Lord in prayer. For in conversation with the Lord, you will receive clear guidance and instruction for life. It is very risky thinking that we as human beings with our “finiteness,” knows what is best for ourselves other than the omniscient and infinite God. As you ask him to “strengthen your hands,” trust that he knows what is best and is leading you to where he would have for you to go which is far better than what you can fathom as a human being. And, always remember no matter what that “all things work together for good, to them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28, NKJV).”

For You to Ponder: When have you felt like throwing up the surrender flag because of the overwhelming trials and struggles that you have had to encounter? I would challenge you today not to allow your feelings to dictate your responses and press forward in faith believing that if you don’t give in, the next step might be your moment of breakthrough.

Simply Victorious for Life

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