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Lord, Don’t Let Time Pass Me By


“For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks (Psalm 6:5, KJV)?”

I wake up daily with a renewed sense of purpose and every opportunity that I have, I try to utilize it wisely recognizing life has been given as a gift from the Lord. I am conscience of the fact that God didn’t give me this opportunity “unto myself” but to use it as a means to empower and bless others around me. I have heard the expression “life is what you make of it” and although I agree, I also believe that it could be so much more with God spearheading every direction of our lives. The Bible tells us straightforwardly that to “everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NKJV)”. When we go through life with this etched in our minds, it causes us to view and handle life differently.

I have heard Bishop T.D. Jakes make the statement that death doesn’t make him afraid but what does cause him great discomfort is living life in regret because he didn’t manifest the purpose and plan God orchestrated for his life and therefore, didn’t have the opportunity to change things for the better for people and the world around him. I agree wholeheartedly with him and that is why I try to live my life with the mentality of how I can make someone’s day and utilize gifts, talents, skills and abilities to the glory of God, so that, when I die, I can rest “at ease” knowing I’ve fulfilled God’s purpose for my life and “didn’t let time past me by!”

As I reflect and I am deeply contemplative, I am very thankful to the Lord and praise him for all things and, my continual prayer to the Lord as I start each day is, “Lord, please don’t let time past me by.” Meaning, don’t let time find me in a place whereas I am so focused and enmeshed with the “cares of life,” that focusing on those insignificant things keeps me from being effective for the kingdom of God. Don’t let time past me by that I don’t take time with my family and create memories that are priceless and can’t be given back. Please don’t let time find me whereas I am so focused on past hurts, failures and disappointments that I allow the “old mentality” to keep me from enjoying every day that have been given as a blessing from God.

Satan has many tactics that he uses to rob us as people from living the best life we can while we are on earth and we shouldn’t allow him the space to do so. Again, if we are distracted with “minor issues” that we make “major issues” it keeps us from loving as we should and improving our world as a whole. When people look at us specifically as Christians, they hope to see a difference in our character, behavior and lifestyle. They know what they see daily as “the norm” and if we are no different than the world, then what have the world to look forward to as encouragement or as an example in times of suffering and pain. That isn’t to say that we as Christians are “super human” and don’t have feelings and are exempt from pain because that is far from the truth but what would be a great sense of encouragement to others in general is to articulate the fact that we all go through and feel pain but to use that “pain” as a tool to bless others.

So, I implore you again, “don’t let time pass you by. You have a lot to give and a lot of people to bless in this life. Humbly submit yourselves to God and ask him to help you in the process to be all that he has predestined you to be from the foundations of the earth and “take wings and soar!”

For You to Ponder: Don’t give the devil a “foot hole” in your life anymore to rob you of the time that you have been given as a gift from God meditating on things and people that don’t add any significance to your life. Instead, invest you time wisely in helping create a better world by helping others and being an asset and not a liabilityandtake time to bless someone today!

Simply Victorious for Life

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