Читать книгу Four Weeks, Five People - Jennifer Yu - Страница 11



 The main principle of Camp Ugunduzi is respect. Campers are expected to treat others, the property, and themselves with respect at all times.

 Horseplay, roughhousing, and physical altercations between campers are strictly prohibited.

 All forms of alcohol and drugs that have not been prescribed are strictly prohibited.

 All foul language is strictly prohibited.

 Campers must remain in the main camp area during individual time. They may not go on hikes unsupervised during this time.

 Campers must remain in their rooms after the day ends. There will be bed checks every two hours over the course of the night.

 Camper participation is required at all individual and group therapy sessions.

 Use of the TV is restricted to designated movie-viewing times on weekends.

 If at any point during a group session a camper feels triggered or emotionally threatened by the discussion, he or she may signal to leave and take a five-minute break.

 These materials are prohibited and should be turned in to the counselors at the beginning of camp: cell phones, other electronics, spiral-bound notebooks, hair straighteners and curlers, earrings, mechanical pencils, keys, blades, and knives.

 Razors, nail clippers, and hair scissors must remain in lockers at all times when not in the shower.

 Body checks will be performed every Friday.

 Campers will be weighed every Wednesday.

Four Weeks, Five People

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